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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { Schema, IMemoryDb, ISchema, TableEvent, GlobalEvent, QueryError, IBackup, MemoryDbOptions, ISubscription, LanguageCompiler } from './interfaces.ts';import { _IDb, _ISelection, _ITable, _Transaction, _ISchema, _FunctionDefinition, GLOBAL_VARS } from './interfaces-private.ts';import { DbSchema } from './schema.ts';import { initialize } from './transforms/transform-base.ts';import { buildSelection } from './transforms/selection.ts';import { buildAlias } from './transforms/alias.ts';import { buildFilter } from './transforms/build-filter.ts';import { Adapters } from './adapters.ts';import { Transaction } from './transaction.ts';import { buildGroupBy } from './transforms/aggregation.ts';import { buildLimit } from './transforms/limit.ts';import { buildUnion } from './transforms/union.ts';import { buildDistinct } from './transforms/distinct.ts';import { buildOrderBy } from './transforms/order-by.ts';import { setupPgCatalog } from './schema/pg-catalog/index.ts';import { setupInformationSchema } from './schema/information-schema/index.ts';import { QName } from '';import { asSingleQName } from './utils.ts';
export function newDb(opts?: MemoryDbOptions): IMemoryDb { initialize({ buildSelection, buildAlias, buildFilter, buildGroupBy, buildLimit, buildUnion, buildOrderBy, buildDistinct, }); // root transaction const root = Transaction.root(); const globals = root.getMap(GLOBAL_VARS) .set('server_version', '12.2 (pg-mem)'); root.set(GLOBAL_VARS, globals);
// create db return new MemoryDb(root, undefined, opts ?? {});}
class MemoryDb implements _IDb {
private handlers = new Map<TableEvent | GlobalEvent, Set<(...args: any[]) => any>>(); private schemas = new Map<string, _ISchema>();
schemaVersion = 1;
readonly adapters: Adapters = new Adapters(this); private extensions: { [name: string]: (schema: ISchema) => void } = {}; private languages: { [name: string]: LanguageCompiler } = {}; readonly searchPath = ['pg_catalog', 'public'];
get public() { return this.getSchema(null) }
onSchemaChange() { this.schemaVersion++; this.raiseGlobal('schema-change', this); }
constructor(public data: Transaction, schemas?: Map<string, _ISchema>, readonly options: MemoryDbOptions = {}) { if (!schemas) { this.createSchema('public'); } else { this.schemas = schemas; } setupPgCatalog(this); setupInformationSchema(this); }
backup(): IBackup { return new Backup(this); }
registerExtension(name: string, install: (schema: ISchema) => void): this { this.extensions[name] = install; return this; }
registerLanguage(languageName: string, compiler: LanguageCompiler): this { this.languages[languageName.toLowerCase()] = compiler; return this; }
getLanguage(name: string): LanguageCompiler { const ret = this.languages[name.toLowerCase()]; if (!ret) { throw new QueryError(`Unkonwn language "${name}". If you plan to use a script language, you must declare it to pg-mem via ".registerLanguage()"`); } return ret; }

getExtension(name: string): (schema: ISchema) => void { const ret = this.extensions[name]; if (!ret) { throw new Error('Extension does not exist: ' + name); } return ret; }

createSchema(name: string): DbSchema { if (this.schemas.has(name)) { throw new Error('Schema exists: ' + name); } this.onSchemaChange(); const ret = new DbSchema(name, this); this.schemas.set(name, ret); return ret; }
getTable(name: string): _ITable; getTable(name: string, nullIfNotExists?: boolean): _ITable | null { return this.public.getTable(name, nullIfNotExists); }
*getFunctions(name: string | QName, arrity: number): Iterable<_FunctionDefinition> { const asSingle = asSingleQName(name); debugger; if (asSingle) { for (const sp of this.searchPath) { yield* this.getSchema(sp).getFunctions(name, arrity, true); } } else { const q = name as QName; yield* this.getSchema(q.schema!).getFunctions(, arrity, true); } }

on(event: GlobalEvent | TableEvent, handler: (...args: any[]) => any): ISubscription { let lst = this.handlers.get(event); if (!lst) { this.handlers.set(event, lst = new Set()); } lst.add(handler); return { unsubscribe: () => lst?.delete(handler), }; }
raiseTable(table: string, event: TableEvent): void { const got = this.handlers.get(event); for (const h of got ?? []) { h(table); } }
raiseGlobal(event: GlobalEvent, any[]): void { const got = this.handlers.get(event); for (const h of got ?? []) { h(; } }

getSchema(db?: string | null, nullIfNotFound?: false): _ISchema; getSchema(db: string, nullIfNotFound: true): _ISchema | null; getSchema(db?: string | null, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _ISchema | null { db = db ?? 'public'; const got = this.schemas.get(db); if (!got) { if (nullIfNotFound) { return null; } throw new QueryError('schema not found: ' + db); } return got; }
listSchemas() { return [...this.schemas.values()]; }
class Backup implements IBackup { private readonly data: Transaction; private readonly schemaVersion: number; constructor(private db: MemoryDb) { =; this.schemaVersion = db.schemaVersion; }
restore() { if (this.schemaVersion !== this.db.schemaVersion) { throw new Error('You cannot restore this backup: schema has been changed since this backup has been created => prefer .clone() in this kind of cases.'); } =; }}