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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { LibAdapters, IMemoryDb, NotSupported, QueryResult } from './interfaces.ts';import { literal } from './pg-escape.ts';import moment from '';import lru from '';import { bufToString, isBuf } from './buffer-deno.ts';import { compareVersions, nullIsh } from './utils.ts';declare var __non_webpack_require__: any;
const delay = (time: number | undefined) => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, time ?? 0));
function replaceQueryArgs$(this: void, sql: string, values: any[]) { return sql.replace(/\$(\d+)/g, (str: any, istr: any) => { const i = Number.parseInt(istr); if (i > values.length) { throw new Error('Unmatched parameter in query ' + str); } const val = values[i - 1]; return toLiteral(val); });}
function toLiteral(val: any): string { switch (typeof val) { case 'string': return literal(val); case 'boolean': return val ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'number': return val.toString(10); default: if (nullIsh(val)) { return 'null'; } if (Array.isArray(val)) { return `ARRAY[${ => toLiteral(x)).join(', ')}]`; } if (val instanceof Date) { return `'${moment.utc(val).toISOString()}'`; } if (isBuf(val)) { return literal(bufToString(val)); } if (typeof val === 'object') { return literal(JSON.stringify(val)); } throw new Error('Invalid query parameter') }}
export class Adapters implements LibAdapters { private _mikroPatched?: boolean;
constructor(private db: IMemoryDb) { }
createPg(queryLatency?: number): { Pool: any; Client: any } { const that = this; // interface PgQuery { text: string; values?: any[]; rowMode?: 'array'; types?: any; } class MemPg {
connection = this;
on() { // nop }
release() { }
removeListener() { }
once(what: string, handler: () => void) { if (what === 'connect') { setTimeout(handler, queryLatency ?? 0); } }
end(callback: any) { if (callback) { callback(); return null; } else { return Promise.resolve(); } }
connect(callback: any) { if (callback) { callback(null, this, () => { }); return null; } else { return Promise.resolve(this); } } query(query: any, valuesOrCallback: any, callback: any) { let values: any = null; if (Array.isArray(valuesOrCallback)) { values = valuesOrCallback; } if (callback == null && typeof valuesOrCallback === 'function') { callback = valuesOrCallback; }
const pgquery = this.adaptQuery(query, values); try { const result = this.adaptResults(query, that.db.public.query(pgquery.text)); if (callback) { setTimeout(() => callback(null, result), queryLatency ?? 0); return null; } else { return new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res(result), queryLatency ?? 0)); } } catch (e) { if (callback) { setTimeout(() => callback(e), queryLatency ?? 0); return null; } else { return new Promise((_, rej) => setTimeout(() => rej(e), queryLatency ?? 0)); } } }
private adaptResults(query: PgQuery, rows: QueryResult) { if (query.rowMode) { throw new NotSupported('pg rowMode') } return { ...rows, get fields() { throw new NotSupported('get pg fields'); } } }
private adaptQuery(query: string | PgQuery, values: any): PgQuery { if (typeof query === 'string') { query = { text: query, values, }; } else { // clean copy to avoid mutating things outside our scope query = { ...query }; } if (!query.values?.length) { return query; }
if (query.types?.getTypeParser) { throw new NotSupported('getTypeParser is not supported'); }
// console.log(query); // console.log('\n');
query.text = replaceQueryArgs$(query.text, query.values); return query; } } return { Pool: MemPg, Client: MemPg, }; }
createTypeormConnection(postgresOptions: any, queryLatency?: number) { const that = this; (postgresOptions as any).postgres = that.createPg(queryLatency); if (postgresOptions?.type !== 'postgres') { throw new NotSupported('Only postgres supported, found ' + postgresOptions?.type ?? '<null>') }
const { getConnectionManager } = __non_webpack_require__('typeorm') const created = getConnectionManager().create(postgresOptions); created.driver.postgres = that.createPg(queryLatency); return created.connect(); }
createSlonik(queryLatency?: number) { const { createMockPool, createMockQueryResult } = __non_webpack_require__('slonik'); return createMockPool({ query: async (sql: string, args: any[]) => { await delay(queryLatency ?? 0); const formatted = replaceQueryArgs$(sql, args); const ret = this.db.public.many(formatted); return createMockQueryResult(ret); }, }); }

createPgPromise(queryLatency?: number) { // // const pgp = __non_webpack_require__('pg-promise')(); = this.createPg(queryLatency); const db = pgp('pg-mem'); if (compareVersions('10.8.7', db.$config.version) < 0) { throw new Error(`💀 pg-mem cannot be used with pg-promise@${db.$config.version},
👉 you must install version pg-promise@10.8.7 or newer:
npm i pg-promise@latest -S
See for details`); } return db; }
createPgNative(queryLatency?: number) { queryLatency = queryLatency ?? 0; const prepared = new lru<string, string>({ max: 1000, maxAge: 5000, }); function handlerFor(a: any, b: any) { return typeof a === 'function' ? a : b; } const that = this; return class Client { async connect(a: any, b: any) { const handler = handlerFor(a, b); await delay(queryLatency); handler?.(); }
connectSync() { // nop }
async prepare(name: string, sql: string, npar: number, callback: any) { await delay(queryLatency); this.prepareSync(name, sql, npar); callback(); }
prepareSync(name: string, sql: string, npar: number) { prepared.set(name, sql); }
async execute(name: string, a: any, b: any) { const handler = handlerFor(a, b); const pars = Array.isArray(a) ? a : []; await delay(queryLatency); try { const rows = this.executeSync(name, pars); handler(null, rows); } catch (e) { handler(e); } } executeSync(name: string, pars?: any) { pars = Array.isArray(pars) ? pars : []; const prep = prepared.get(name); if (!prep) { throw new Error('Unkown prepared statement ' + name); } return this.querySync(prep, pars); }

async query(sql: string, b: any, c: any) { const handler = handlerFor(b, c); const params = Array.isArray(b) ? b : []; try { await delay(queryLatency); const result = this.querySync(sql, params); handler(null, result); } catch (e) { handler?.(e); } }
querySync(sql: string, params: any[]) { sql = replaceQueryArgs$(sql, params); const ret = that.db.public.many(sql); return ret; } } }
createKnex(queryLatency?: number): any { const knex = __non_webpack_require__('knex')({ client: 'pg', connection: {}, }); knex.client.driver = this.createPg(queryLatency); knex.client.version = 'pg-mem'; return knex; }

async createMikroOrm(mikroOrmOptions: any, queryLatency?: number) {
const { MikroORM } = __non_webpack_require__('@mikro-orm/core'); const { AbstractSqlDriver, PostgreSqlConnection, PostgreSqlPlatform } = __non_webpack_require__('@mikro-orm/postgresql'); const that = this;
// see class PgMemConnection extends PostgreSqlConnection { protected createKnexClient(type: string) { return that.createKnex(); }
} // see class PgMemDriver extends AbstractSqlDriver<PgMemConnection> { constructor(config: any) { super(config, new PostgreSqlPlatform(), PgMemConnection, ['knex', 'pg']); } }
// hack: this query is not supported by pgsql-ast-parser if (!this._mikroPatched) { this.db.public.interceptQueries(q => { if (q === `set names 'utf8';`) { return []; } return null; }); this._mikroPatched = true; }

const orm = await MikroORM.init({ ...mikroOrmOptions, dbName: 'public', driver: PgMemDriver, }); return orm; }