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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { IMemoryDb, IMemoryTable, DataType, IType, TableEvent, GlobalEvent, ISchema, SchemaField, MemoryDbOptions, nil, FunctionDefinition, Schema, QueryError, ISubscription, LanguageCompiler, ArgDefDetails } from './interfaces.ts';import { Expr, SelectedColumn, SelectStatement, CreateColumnDef, AlterColumn, LimitStatement, OrderByStatement, TableConstraint, AlterSequenceChange, CreateSequenceOptions, QName, DataTypeDef, ExprRef, Name } from '';import { Map as ImMap, Record, List, Set as ImSet } from '';
export * from './interfaces.ts';

export const GLOBAL_VARS = Symbol('_global_vars');
// export type PrimaryKey = string | number;const ID = Symbol('_id');export function getId(item: any): string { if (!item) { return ''; } const got = item[ID]; if (!got) { throw new Error('Unexpected: cannot get an ID of something which is not a record'); } return got;}
export function setId<T = any>(item: T, id: string): T { const got = (item as any)[ID]; if (got === id) { return item; } if (got) { throw new Error('Unexpected: Cannot update an ID'); } (item as any)[ID] = id; return item;}
export type RegClass = string | number;export type RegType = string | number;export type TypeQuery = DataTypeDef | DataType | number | _IType;export interface _ISchema extends ISchema { readonly name: string; readonly db: _IDb; readonly dualTable: _ITable; buildSelect(p: SelectStatement): _ISelection; explainSelect(sql: string): _SelectExplanation; explainLastSelect(): _SelectExplanation | undefined; getTable(table: string): _ITable; getTable(table: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _ITable; tablesCount(t: _Transaction): number; listTables(t: _Transaction): Iterable<_ITable>; declareTable(table: Schema, noSchemaChange?: boolean): _ITable; createSequence(t: _Transaction, opts: CreateSequenceOptions | nil, name: QName | nil): _ISequence; /** Get functions matching this arrity */ getFunctions(name: string | QName, arrity: number, forceOwn?: boolean): Iterable<_FunctionDefinition>;
getObject(p: QName): _IRelation; getObject(p: QName, opts: BeingCreated): _IRelation; getObject(p: QName, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null;
getOwnObject(name: string): _IRelation | null;
parseType(t: string): _IType;

getType(t: TypeQuery): _IType; getType(_t: TypeQuery, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IType | null;
getOwnType(name: DataTypeDef): _IType | null
getObjectByRegClassId(reg: number): _IRelation; getObjectByRegClassId(reg: number, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null;
getOwnObjectByRegClassId(reg: number): _IRelation | null;
getObjectByRegOrName(reg: RegClass): _IRelation; getObjectByRegOrName(reg: RegClass, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null;
setReadonly(): void;
_registerTypeSizeable(name: string, type: (sz?: number) => _IType): this; _registerType(type: _IType): this;
_reg_register(rel: _IRelation): Reg; _reg_unregister(rel: _IRelation): void; _reg_rename(rel: _IRelation, oldName: string, newName: string): void;}
export interface QueryObjOpts extends Partial<BeingCreated> { /** Returns null instead of throwing error if not found */ nullIfNotFound?: boolean; /** Will only search in the current schema, or in the targeted schema (not in search path) */ skipSearch?: boolean;}
export interface BeingCreated { beingCreated: _IRelation;}
export interface _FunctionDefinition { args: _ArgDefDetails[]; argsVariadic?: _IType | nil; returns?: _IType | nil; impure?: boolean; allowNullArguments?: boolean; implementation: (...args: any[]) => any;}

export type _ArgDefDetails = ArgDefDetails & { type: _IType; default?: IValue;};
export interface _Transaction { readonly isChild: boolean; /** Create a new transaction within this transaction */ fork(): _Transaction; /** Commit this transaction (returns the parent transaction) */ commit(): _Transaction; /** Commits this transaction and all underlying transactions */ fullCommit(): _Transaction; rollback(): _Transaction; delete(identity: symbol): void; set<T>(identity: symbol, data: T): T; get<T>(identity: symbol): T; getMap<T extends ImMap<any, any>>(identity: symbol): T; getSet<T>(identity: symbol): ImSet<T>;}
export interface Stats { /** Returns this selection size, or null if it cannot be computed without iteration */ count: number;}
export interface _ISelection<T = any> extends _IAlias { readonly debugId?: string;
readonly ownerSchema: _ISchema; readonly db: _IDb; /** Column list (those visible when select *) */ readonly columns: ReadonlyArray<IValue>; /** Statistical measure of how many items will be returned by this selection */ entropy(t: _Transaction): number; enumerate(t: _Transaction): Iterable<T>;
/** Returns true if the given value is present in this */ hasItem(value: T, t: _Transaction): boolean;
stats(t: _Transaction): Stats | null;
/** Gets the index associated with this value (or returns null) */ getIndex(...forValue: IValue[]): _IIndex<T> | nil; /** All columns. A bit like .columns`, but including records selections */ listSelectableIdentities(): Iterable<IValue>; filter(where: Expr | nil): _ISelection; limit(limit: LimitStatement): _ISelection; orderBy(orderBy: OrderByStatement[] | nil): _ISelection; groupBy(grouping: Expr[] | nil, select: SelectedColumn[]): _ISelection; distinct(select?: Expr[]): _ISelection; union(right: _ISelection): _ISelection; getColumn(column: string | ExprRef): IValue; getColumn(column: string | ExprRef, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue | nil; setAlias(alias?: string): _ISelection; subquery(data: _ISelection, op: SelectStatement): _ISelection; isOriginOf(a: IValue): boolean; explain(e: _Explainer): _SelectExplanation;
/** Select a specific subset */ select(select: (string | SelectedColumn)[]): _ISelection;
/** Limit selection to a specific alias (in joins) */ selectAlias(alias: string): _IAlias | nil;}
export interface _IAlias { listColumns(): Iterable<IValue>;}

export interface _Explainer { readonly transaction: _Transaction; idFor(sel: _ISelection): string | number;}
export type _SelectExplanation = { /** A jointure */ id: string | number; _: 'join'; /** The restrictive table (the one which MUST have a matched elemnt) */ restrictive: _SelectExplanation; /** The joined table */ joined: _SelectExplanation; inner: boolean; on: { /** 'with' will have to be scanned with this expression */ seqScan: _ExprExplanation; } | { /** Which seq id will be iterated (could be either 'join' or 'with' when there is an inner join) */ iterate: string | number; /** Which iteration side has been chosen (always 'restrictive' for non inner joins) */ iterateSide: 'joined' | 'restrictive'; /** the index table on the other table that can be used to lookup corresponding item(s) */ joinIndex: _IndexExplanation; /** It will be matched with this expression (computable from the other table) */ matches: _ExprExplanation; /** True if there is a predicate filter that is also applied (happens when there are 'ANDs' in join condition) */ filtered?: boolean; }} | { /** A selection transformation */ id: string | number; _: 'map'; select?: { what: _ExprExplanation; as: string; }[]; of: _SelectExplanation;} | { id: string | number; _: 'orderBy'; of: _SelectExplanation;} | { /** A selection transformation */ id: string | number; _: 'limit'; take?: _ExprExplanation; skip?: _ExprExplanation; on: _SelectExplanation;} | { /** A selection transformation */ id: string | number; _: 'distinct'; of: _SelectExplanation;} | { /** A table */ _: 'table'; table: string;} | { /** An AND filter */ id: string | number; _: 'and', enumerate: _SelectExplanation; andCheck: _SelectExplanation[];} | { /** A raw array definition */ id: string | number; _: 'constantSet'; rawArrayLen: number;} | { /** One of the following operators on an index: * - (NOT) IN * - (NOT) LIKE * - (NOT) BETWEEN * - < > <= >= = != * * (against constants) */ id: string | number; _: 'eq' | 'ineq' | 'neq' | 'inside' | 'outside'; entropy: number; /** The index that will be used to check equality */ on: _IndexExplanation;} | { /** An empty set */ id: string | number; _: 'empty';} | { /** An union set */ id: string | number; _: 'union', union: _SelectExplanation[];} | { /** A seq-scan filter of another set */ id: string | number; _: 'seqFilter'; filtered: _SelectExplanation;} | { id: string | number; _: 'aggregate'; aggregator: { /** aggregation will iterate the whole lot */ seqScan: _ExprExplanation; } | { /** aggregation uses an index items which already contains required aggregations */ index: _IndexExplanation } | { /** aggregation is trivial (select count(*) from table) */ trivial: _ISelection; };}
export type _IndexExplanation = { /** BTree index on expression */ _: 'btree'; onTable: string; btree: string[];} | { _: 'indexMap'; of: _IndexExplanation;} | { _: 'indexRestriction'; /** This index will receive a lookup for each item of "for" collection */ lookup: _IndexExplanation; /** Enumerated collection */ for: _SelectExplanation;} | { /** Uses an index of a column propagated by a join */ _: 'indexOnJoin'; /** The in propagated column that is used */ index: _IndexExplanation; /** How elements from the other table will be joined */ strategy: _IndexExplanation | 'catastrophic';};
export type _ExprExplanation = { constant: true;} | { /** ID of the origin of this selection */ on: string | number; col: string;}
export interface _IDb extends IMemoryDb { readonly options: MemoryDbOptions; readonly public: _ISchema; readonly data: _Transaction; readonly searchPath: ReadonlyArray<string>;
createSchema(db: string): _ISchema; getSchema(db?: string | null, nullIfNotFound?: false): _ISchema; getSchema(db: string, nullIfNotFound: true): _ISchema | null; raiseTable(table: string, event: TableEvent): void; raiseGlobal(event: GlobalEvent, ...args: any[]): void; listSchemas(): _ISchema[]; onSchemaChange(): void; getTable(name: string, nullIfNotExists?: boolean): _ITable; getExtension(name: string): (schema: ISchema) => void; /** Get functions matching this arrity */ getFunctions(name: string | QName, arrity: number): Iterable<_FunctionDefinition>; getLanguage(name: string): LanguageCompiler;}export type OnConflictHandler = { ignore: 'all' | _IIndex } | { onIndex: _IIndex; update: (item: any, excluded: any) => void;}
export type DropHandler = (t: _Transaction) => void;export type IndexHandler = (act: 'create' | 'drop', idx: _INamedIndex) => void;
export interface _RelationBase { readonly name: string; readonly reg: Reg; readonly ownerSchema?: _ISchema;}
export interface Reg { readonly typeId: number; readonly classId: number;}
export interface ChangeOpts { onConflict?: OnConflictHandler | nil; overriding?: 'user' | 'system' | nil;}
export interface _ITable<T = any> extends IMemoryTable<T>, _RelationBase { readonly type: 'table'; readonly hidden: boolean; readonly db: _IDb; readonly selection: _ISelection<T>; readonly ownerSchema: _ISchema; doInsert(t: _Transaction, toInsert: T, opts?: ChangeOpts): T; setHidden(): this; setReadonly(): this; delete(t: _Transaction, toDelete: T): void; update(t: _Transaction, toUpdate: T): T; createIndex(t: _Transaction, expressions: CreateIndexDef): this; createIndex(t: _Transaction, expressions: Name[], type: 'primary' | 'unique', indexName?: string): this; setReadonly(): this; /** Create a column */ addColumn(column: SchemaField | CreateColumnDef, t: _Transaction): _Column; /** Get a column to modify it */ getColumnRef(column: string): _Column; getColumnRef(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _Column | nil; rename(to: string): this; addConstraint(constraint: TableConstraint, t: _Transaction): void; getIndex(...forValues: IValue[]): _IIndex | nil; dropIndex(t: _Transaction, name: string): void; drop(t: _Transaction): void; /** Will be executed when one of the given columns is affected (update/delete) */ onBeforeChange(columns: (string | _Column)[], check: ChangeHandler<T>): ISubscription; /** Will be executed once all 'onBeforeChange' handlers have ran (coherency checks) */ onCheckChange(columns: (string | _Column)[], check: ChangeHandler<T>): ISubscription; onDrop(sub: DropHandler): ISubscription; onIndex(sub: IndexHandler): ISubscription; onTruncate(sub: DropHandler): ISubscription; truncate(t: _Transaction): void;}
export interface _IView extends _RelationBase { readonly type: 'view'; readonly db: _IDb; readonly selection: _ISelection; drop(t: _Transaction): void;}

export interface _IConstraint { readonly name: string | nil; uninstall(t: _Transaction): void;}
export type ChangeHandler<T = any> = (old: T | null, neu: T | null, t: _Transaction, opts: ChangeOpts) => void;
export interface _Column { readonly notNull: boolean; readonly default: IValue | nil; readonly expression: IValue; readonly usedInIndexes: ReadonlySet<_IIndex>; readonly table: _ITable; readonly name: string; alter(alter: AlterColumn, t: _Transaction): this; rename(to: string, t: _Transaction): this; drop(t: _Transaction): void; onDrop(sub: DropHandler): ISubscription;}
export interface CreateIndexDef { ifNotExists?: boolean; columns: CreateIndexColDef[]; indexName?: string; unique?: boolean; notNull?: boolean; primary?: boolean; predicate?: IValue;}export interface CreateIndexColDef { value: IValue; nullsLast?: boolean; desc?: boolean}

export interface _IType<TRaw = any> extends IType, _RelationBase { readonly type: 'type'; /** Data type */ readonly primary: DataType; /** Reg type name */ readonly name: string; // | null; readonly reg: Reg;
toString(): string; equals(a: TRaw, b: TRaw): boolean | null; gt(a: TRaw, b: TRaw): boolean | null; ge(a: TRaw, b: TRaw): boolean | null; lt(a: TRaw, b: TRaw): boolean | null; le(a: TRaw, b: TRaw): boolean | null; canConvertImplicit(to: _IType<TRaw>): boolean | nil; canConvert(to: _IType<TRaw>): boolean | nil; convert<T = any>(value: IValue<TRaw>, to: _IType<T>): IValue<T>; prefer(type: _IType<any>): _IType | nil;
/** Build an array type for this type */ asArray(): _IType<TRaw[]>; asList(): _IType<TRaw[]>;
/** Get an unicity hash */ hash(value: TRaw): string | number | null;
drop(t: _Transaction): void;}
export interface IValue<TRaw = any> { /** Columns used in this expression (if any) */ readonly usedColumns: ReadonlySet<IValue>;
readonly type: _IType<TRaw>;
/** is 'any()' call ? */ readonly isAny: boolean;
/** Is a constant... i.e. not dependent on columns. ex: (2+2) or NOW() */ readonly isConstant: boolean;
/** Is REAL constant (i.e. 2+2, not varying expressions like NOW()) */ readonly isConstantReal: boolean;
/** Is a literal constant ? (constant not defined as an operation) */ readonly isConstantLiteral: boolean;
/** Will be set if there is an index on this value */ readonly index: _IIndex | nil;
/** Originates from this selection */ readonly origin: _ISelection | nil;

/** Column ID, or null */ readonly id: string | nil;
/** Hash of this value (used to identify indexed expressions) */ readonly hash: string;
/** Get value if is a constant */ get(): any; /** Get value if is NOT a constant */ get(raw: TRaw, t?: _Transaction | nil): any;
setId(newId: string): IValue; canConvert(to: _IType): boolean; convert<T = any>(to: _IType<T>): IValue<T>;
/** * Creates a copy of this column that can **/ setWrapper<TNewRaw>(newOrigin: _ISelection, unwrap: (val: TNewRaw) => TRaw): IValue<TRaw>; setOrigin(origin: _ISelection): IValue<TRaw>; clone(): IValue<any>;
explain(e: _Explainer): _ExprExplanation;}
export type IndexKey = unknown[];export interface IndexExpression { readonly hash: string; readonly type: _IType;}
export interface _INamedIndex<T = any> extends _IIndex<T>, _RelationBase { readonly type: 'index'; readonly onTable: _ITable<T>; drop(t: _Transaction): void;}

export interface _IIndex<T = any> { readonly unique?: boolean; readonly expressions: IndexExpression[];
/** Returns a measure of how many items will be returned by this op */ entropy(t: IndexOp): number;
/** Returns this selection stats, or null if it cannot be computed without iteration */ stats(t: _Transaction, key?: IndexKey): Stats | null;
/** Get values equating the given key */ eqFirst(rawKey: IndexKey, t: _Transaction): T | null;
enumerate(op: IndexOp): Iterable<T>;
explain(e: _Explainer): _IndexExplanation;
iterateKeys(t: _Transaction): Iterable<IndexKey> | null;}
export type IndexOp = { type: 'eq' | 'neq' | 'gt' | 'lt' | 'ge' | 'le'; key: IndexKey; t: _Transaction; matchNull?: boolean;} | { type: 'inside' | 'outside' lo: IndexKey; hi: IndexKey; t: _Transaction;} | { type: 'nin'; keys: IndexKey[]; t: _Transaction;}
export interface TableRecordDef<T> { hasPrimary?: boolean; readonly?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; name?: string; dataId?: symbol;
serials: ImMap<string, number>; it: number; indexByHash: ImMap<string, _IIndex<T>>; indexByName: ImMap<string, _IIndex<T>>; columnsByName: ImMap<string, CR<T>>;}
export interface TableColumnRecordDef<T> { default: IValue; notNull: boolean; usedInIndexes: ImSet<_IIndex>; type: _IType; name: string;}
export type TR<T> = Record<TableRecordDef<T>>;export type CR<T> = Record<TableColumnRecordDef<T>>;export const EmtpyTable = Record<TableRecordDef<any>>({ serials: ImMap(), it: 0, indexByHash: ImMap(), indexByName: ImMap(), columnsByName: ImMap(),});
export const NewColumn = Record<TableColumnRecordDef<any>>({ default: null as any, notNull: false, usedInIndexes: ImSet(), type: null as any, name: null as any,});
export type _IRelation = _ITable | _ISequence | _INamedIndex | _IType | _IView;
export function asIndex(o: _IRelation): _INamedIndex;export function asIndex(o: _IRelation | null): _INamedIndex | null;export function asIndex(o: _IRelation | null) { if (!o) { return null; } if (o.type === 'index') { return o; } throw new QueryError(`"${}" is not an index`);}
export function asType(o: _IRelation): _IType;export function asType(o: _IRelation | null): _IType | null;export function asType(o: _IRelation | null) { if (!o) { return null; } if (o.type === 'type') { return o; } throw new QueryError(`"${}" is not a type`);}
export function asSeq(o: _IRelation): _ISequence;export function asSeq(o: _IRelation | null): _ISequence | null;export function asSeq(o: _IRelation | null) { if (!o) { return null; } if (o.type === 'sequence') { return o; } throw new QueryError(`"${}" is not a sequence`);}
export function asTable(o: _IRelation): _ITable;export function asTable(o: _IRelation | null): _ITable | null;export function asTable(o: _IRelation | null, nullIfNotType?: boolean): _ITable | null;export function asTable(o: _IRelation | null, nullIfNotType?: boolean) { if (!o) { return null; } if (o.type === 'table') { return o; } if (nullIfNotType) { return null; } throw new QueryError(`"${}" is not a table`);}

export type _ISelectable = _ITable | _IView;export function asSelectable(o: _IRelation): _ISelectable;export function asSelectable(o: _IRelation | null): _ISelectable | null;export function asSelectable(o: _IRelation | null, nullIfNotType?: boolean): _ISelectable | null;export function asSelectable(o: _IRelation | null, nullIfNotType?: boolean) { if (!o) { return null; } if (o.type === 'table' || o.type === 'view') { return o; } if (nullIfNotType) { return null; } throw new QueryError(`"${}" is not selectable`);}

export function asView(o: _IRelation): _IView;export function asView(o: _IRelation | null): _IView | null;export function asView(o: _IRelation | null, nullIfNotType?: boolean): _IView | null;export function asView(o: _IRelation | null, nullIfNotType?: boolean) { if (!o) { return null; } if (o.type === 'view') { return o; } if (nullIfNotType) { return null; } throw new QueryError({ code: '42809', error: `"${}" is not a view`, });}
export interface _ISequence extends _RelationBase {
readonly type: 'sequence'; alter(t: _Transaction, opts: CreateSequenceOptions | AlterSequenceChange): this; nextValue(t: _Transaction): number; setValue(t: _Transaction, value: number): void; currentValue(t: _Transaction): number; drop(t: _Transaction): void;}

export interface AggregationComputer<TRet = any> { readonly type: _IType; /** Compute from index (ex: count(*) with a group-by) */ computeFromIndex?(key: IndexKey, index: _IIndex, t: _Transaction): TRet | undefined; /** Compute out of nowhere when there is no group * (ex: when there is no grouping, count(*) on a table or count(xxx) when there is an index on xxx) */ computeNoGroup?(t: _Transaction): TRet | undefined;
/** When iterating, each new group will have its computer */ createGroup(t: _Transaction): AggregationGroupComputer<TRet>;}
export interface AggregationGroupComputer<TRet = any> { /** When iterating, this will be called for each item in this group */ feedItem(item: any): void; /** Finish computation (sets aggregation on result) */ finish(): TRet | nil;}