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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { ISchema, DataType, IType, RelationNotFound, Schema, QueryResult, SchemaField, nil, FunctionDefinition, PermissionDeniedError, TypeNotFound, ArgDefDetails, IEquivalentType, QueryInterceptor, ISubscription, QueryError, typeDefToStr, OperatorDefinition, QueryOrAst } from '../interfaces.ts';import { _IDb, _ISelection, _ISchema, _Transaction, _ITable, _SelectExplanation, _Explainer, IValue, _IIndex, _IType, _IRelation, QueryObjOpts, _ISequence, _INamedIndex, RegClass, Reg, TypeQuery, asType, _ArgDefDetails, BeingCreated, _FunctionDefinition, _OperatorDefinition } from '../interfaces-private.ts';import { asSingleQName, isType, parseRegClass, randomString, schemaOf } from '../utils.ts';import { typeSynonyms } from '../datatypes/index.ts';import { DropFunctionStatement, BinaryOperator, QName, DataTypeDef, CreateSequenceOptions, CreateExtensionStatement, Statement } from '';import { MemoryTable } from '../table.ts';import { parseSql } from '../parser/parse-cache.ts';import { IMigrate } from '../migrate/migrate-interfaces.ts';import { migrate } from '../migrate/migrate.ts';import { CustomEnumType } from '../datatypes/t-custom-enum.ts';import { regGen } from '../datatypes/datatype-base.ts';import { EquivalentType } from '../datatypes/t-equivalent.ts';import { OverloadResolver } from './overload-resolver.ts';import { ExecuteCreateSequence } from '../execution/schema-amends/create-sequence.ts';import { StatementExec } from '../execution/statement-exec.ts';import { SelectExec } from '../execution/select.ts';
export class DbSchema implements _ISchema, ISchema {
readonly dualTable: _ITable; private relsByNameCas = new Map<string, _IRelation>(); private relsByCls = new Map<number, _IRelation>(); private relsByTyp = new Map<number, _IRelation>(); private _tables = new Set<_ITable>();
private fns = new OverloadResolver<_FunctionDefinition>(false); private ops = new OverloadResolver<_OperatorDefinition>(false); private installedExtensions = new Set<string>(); private readonly: any; private interceptors = new Set<{ readonly intercept: QueryInterceptor }>(); private lastSelect?: _ISelection;
constructor(readonly name: string, readonly db: _IDb) { this.dualTable = new MemoryTable(this,, { fields: [], name: 'dual' }).register(); this.dualTable.insert({}); this.dualTable.setReadonly(); this._reg_unregister(this.dualTable); }
setReadonly() { this.readonly = true; return this; }

none(query: QueryOrAst): void { this.query(query); }
one(query: QueryOrAst): any { const [result] = this.many(query); return result; }
many(query: QueryOrAst): any[] { return this.query(query).rows; }

query(text: QueryOrAst): QueryResult { // intercept ? if (typeof text === 'string') { for (const { intercept } of this.interceptors) { const ret = intercept(text); if (ret) { return { command: text, fields: [], location: { start: 0, end: text.length }, rowCount: 0, rows: ret, }; } } }
// execute. let last: QueryResult | undefined; for (const r of this.queries(text)) { last = r; } return last ?? { command: typeof text === 'string' ? text : '<custom ast>', fields: [], location: { start: 0, end: typeof text === 'string' ? text.length : 0 }, rowCount: 0, rows: [], }; }
private parse(query: QueryOrAst): Statement[] { if (typeof query === 'string') { return parseSql(query); } return Array.isArray(query) ? query : [query]; }
*queries(query: QueryOrAst): Iterable<QueryResult> { query = typeof query === 'string' ? query + ';' : query; try {
// Parse statements let parsed = this.parse(query); if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) { parsed = [parsed]; } const singleSql = typeof query === 'string' && parsed.length === 1 ? query : undefined;
// Prepare statements const prepared = parsed .filter(s => !!s) .map(x => new StatementExec(this, x, singleSql));
// Start an implicit transaction // (to avoid messing global data if an operation fails mid-write) let t =;
// Execute statements for (const p of prepared) {
// Prepare statement const executor = p.compile();
// store last select for debug purposes if (executor instanceof SelectExec) { this.lastSelect = executor.selection; }
// Execute statement const { state, result } = p.executeStatement(t); yield result; t = state; }
// implicit final commit t.fullCommit(); this.db.raiseGlobal('query', query); } catch (e) { this.db.raiseGlobal('query-failed', query); throw e; } }

registerEnum(name: string, values: string[]) { new CustomEnumType(this, name, values).install(); }
getThisOrSiblingFor(name: QName): _ISchema { if (!name?.schema || name.schema === { return this; } return this.db.getSchema(name.schema); }

private simpleTypes: { [key: string]: _IType } = {}; private sizeableTypes: { [key: string]: { ctor: ( number[]) => _IType; regs: Map<number | string | undefined, _IType>; }; } = {};

parseType(native: string): _IType { if (/\[\]$/.test(native)) { const inner = this.parseType(native.substr(0, native.length - 2)); return inner.asArray(); } return this.getType({ name: native }); }

getOwnType(t: DataTypeDef): _IType | null { if (t.kind === 'array') { const $of = this.getOwnType(t.arrayOf); if (!$of) { return null; } return $of.asArray(); } const name = (t.doubleQuoted ? null : typeSynonyms[]) ??; const sizeable = this.sizeableTypes[name]; if (sizeable) { const key = t.config?.length === 1 ? t.config[0] : t.config?.join(',') ?? undefined; let ret = sizeable.regs.get(key); if (!ret) { sizeable.regs.set(key, ret = sizeable.ctor(...t.config ?? [])); } return ret; }
return this.simpleTypes[name] ?? null; }

getTypePub(t: DataType | IType): _IType { return this.getType(t as TypeQuery); }
getType(t: TypeQuery): _IType; getType(_t: TypeQuery, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IType | null { if (typeof _t === 'number') { const byOid = this.relsByTyp.get(_t); if (byOid) { return asType(byOid); } throw new TypeNotFound(_t); } if (typeof _t === 'string') { return this.getType({ name: _t }); } if (isType(_t)) { return _t; } const t = _t; function chk<T>(ret: T): T { if (!ret && !opts?.nullIfNotFound) { throw new TypeNotFound(t); } return ret; } const schema = schemaOf(t); if (schema) { if (schema === { return chk(this.getOwnType(t)); } else { return chk(this.db.getSchema(schema) .getType(t, opts)); } } if (opts?.skipSearch) { return chk(this.getOwnType(t)); } for (const sp of this.db.searchPath) { const rel = this.db.getSchema(sp).getOwnType(t); if (rel) { return rel; } } return chk(this.getOwnType(t)); }

getObject(p: QName): _IRelation; getObject(p: QName, opts: BeingCreated): _IRelation; getObject(p: QName, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null; getObject(p: QName, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null { function chk(ret: _IRelation | null): _IRelation | null { const bc = opts?.beingCreated; if (!ret && bc && ( !p.schema || p.schema === bc.ownerSchema?.name ) && === { ret = bc; } if (!ret && !opts?.nullIfNotFound) { throw new RelationNotFound(; } return ret; } if (p.schema) { if (p.schema === { return chk(this.getOwnObject(; } else { return chk(this.db.getSchema(p.schema) .getObject(p, opts)); } }
if (opts?.skipSearch) { return chk(this.getOwnObject(; } for (const sp of this.db.searchPath) { const rel = this.db.getSchema(sp).getOwnObject(; if (rel) { return rel; } } return chk(this.getOwnObject(; }
getOwnObject(name: string): _IRelation | null { return this.relsByNameCas.get(name) ?? null; }
getObjectByRegOrName(reg: RegClass): _IRelation; getObjectByRegOrName(reg: RegClass, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null; getObjectByRegOrName(_reg: RegClass, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null { const reg = parseRegClass(_reg);
if (typeof reg === 'number') { return this.getObjectByRegClassId(reg, opts); }
return this.getObject(reg, opts); }
getObjectByRegClassId(reg: number): _IRelation; getObjectByRegClassId(reg: number, opts?: QueryObjOpts): _IRelation | null; getObjectByRegClassId(reg: number, opts?: QueryObjOpts) { function chk<T>(ret: T): T { if (!ret && !opts?.nullIfNotFound) { throw new RelationNotFound(reg.toString()); } return ret; } if (opts?.skipSearch) { return chk(this.getOwnObjectByRegClassId(reg)); } for (const sp of this.db.searchPath) { const rel = this.db.getSchema(sp).getOwnObjectByRegClassId(reg); if (rel) { return rel; } } return chk(this.getOwnObjectByRegClassId(reg)); }
getOwnObjectByRegClassId(reg: number): _IRelation | null { return this.relsByCls.get(reg) ?? null; }
createSequence(t: _Transaction, opts: CreateSequenceOptions | nil, _name: QName | nil): _ISequence { _name = _name ?? { name: randomString(), }; return new ExecuteCreateSequence(this, { type: 'create sequence', name: _name, options: opts ?? {}, }, true).createSeq(t)!; }
explainLastSelect(): _SelectExplanation | undefined { return this.lastSelect?.explain(new Explainer(; }
explainSelect(sql: string): _SelectExplanation { let parsed = this.parse(sql); if (parsed.length !== 1) { throw new Error('Expecting a single statement'); } if (parsed[0].type !== 'select') { throw new Error('Expecting a select statement'); } const prepared = new StatementExec(this, parsed[0], sql) .compile(); if (!(prepared instanceof SelectExec)) { throw new Error('Can only explain selection executors'); } return prepared .selection .explain(new Explainer( }
executeCreateExtension(p: CreateExtensionStatement) { const ext = this.db.getExtension(; const schema = p.schema ? this.db.getSchema( : this; this.db.raiseGlobal('create-extension', p.extension, schema, p.version, p.from); const ne = p.ifNotExists; // evaluate outside if (this.installedExtensions.has( { if (ne) { return; } throw new QueryError('Extension already created !'); }
ext(schema); this.installedExtensions.add(; }
getTable(name: string): _ITable; getTable(name: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _ITable | null; getTable(name: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _ITable | null { const ret = this.getOwnObject(name); if ((!ret || ret.type !== 'table')) { if (nullIfNotFound) { return null; } throw new RelationNotFound(name); } return ret; }

declareTable(table: Schema, noSchemaChange?: boolean): MemoryTable { const trans =; const ret = new MemoryTable(this, trans, table).register(); trans.commit(); if (!noSchemaChange) { this.db.onSchemaChange(); } return ret; }
registerEquivalentType(type: IEquivalentType): IType { const ret = new EquivalentType(type); this._registerType(ret); return ret; }
_registerTypeSizeable(name: string, ctor: (sz?: number) => _IType): this { if (this.simpleTypes[name] || this.sizeableTypes[name]) { throw new QueryError(`type "${name}" already exists`); } this.sizeableTypes[name] = { ctor, regs: new Map(), }; return this; }
_registerType(type: _IType): this { if (this.simpleTypes[type.primary] || this.sizeableTypes[type.primary] || this.getOwnObject(type.primary)) { throw new QueryError(`type "${type.primary}" already exists`); } this.simpleTypes[type.primary] = type; this._reg_register(type); return this; }
_unregisterType(type: _IType): this { delete this.simpleTypes[type.primary]; this._reg_unregister(type); return this; }

_reg_register(rel: _IRelation): Reg { if (this.readonly) { throw new PermissionDeniedError() } if (this.relsByNameCas.has( { throw new Error(`relation "${}" already exists`); } const ret: Reg = regGen(); this.relsByNameCas.set(, rel); this.relsByCls.set(ret.classId, rel); this.relsByTyp.set(ret.typeId, rel); if (rel.type === 'table') { this._tables.add(rel); } return ret; }
_reg_unregister(rel: _IRelation): void { if (this.readonly) { throw new PermissionDeniedError() } this.relsByNameCas.delete(; this.relsByCls.delete(rel.reg.classId); this.relsByTyp.delete(rel.reg.typeId); if (rel.type === 'table') { this._tables.delete(rel); } }
_reg_rename(rel: _IRelation, oldName: string, newName: string): void { if (this.readonly) { throw new PermissionDeniedError() } if (this.relsByNameCas.has(newName)) { throw new Error('relation exists: ' + newName); } if (this.relsByNameCas.get(oldName) !== rel) { throw new Error('consistency error while renaming relation'); } this.relsByNameCas.delete(oldName); this.relsByNameCas.set(newName, rel); }

tablesCount(t: _Transaction): number { return this._tables.size; }

*listTables(): Iterable<_ITable> { for (const t of this._tables.values()) { if (!t.hidden) { yield t; } } }
registerFunction(fn: FunctionDefinition, replace?: boolean): this { const def: _FunctionDefinition = { name:, args: (fn.args?.map<ArgDefDetails>(x => { if (typeof x === 'string' || isType(x)) { return { type: this.getTypePub(x), }; } return x; }) ?? []) as _ArgDefDetails[], argsVariadic: fn.argsVariadic && this.getTypePub(fn.argsVariadic), returns: fn.returns && this.getTypePub(fn.returns), impure: !!fn.impure, implementation: fn.implementation, allowNullArguments: fn.allowNullArguments, };
this.fns.add(def, replace ?? true); return this; }
registerOperator(op: OperatorDefinition, replace?: boolean): this { this._registerOperator(op, replace ?? true); if (op.commutative && op.left !== op.right) { this._registerOperator({ ...op, left: op.right, right: op.left, implementation: (a, b) => op.implementation(b, a), }, replace ?? true); } return this; }
private _registerOperator(fn: OperatorDefinition, replace: boolean): this { const args = [fn.left, fn.right].map<ArgDefDetails>(x => { if (typeof x === 'string' || isType(x)) { return { type: this.getTypePub(x), }; } return x; }) as _ArgDefDetails[]; const def: _OperatorDefinition = { name: fn.operator, args, left: args[0].type, right: args[1].type, returns: fn.returns && this.getTypePub(fn.returns), impure: !!fn.impure, implementation: fn.implementation, allowNullArguments: fn.allowNullArguments, commutative: fn.commutative ?? false, };
this.ops.add(def, replace); return this; }

resolveFunction(name: string | QName, args: IValue[], forceOwn?: boolean): _FunctionDefinition | nil { const asSingle = asSingleQName(name,; if (!asSingle || !forceOwn) { return this.db.resolveFunction(name, args); } return this.fns.resolve(asSingle, args); }
getFunction(name: string, args: _IType[]): _FunctionDefinition | nil { return this.fns.getExact(name, args); }

dropFunction(fn: DropFunctionStatement): void { if ( && !== { return (this.db.getSchema( as DbSchema).dropFunction(fn); } const fns = this.fns.getOverloads(;
// === determine which function to delete let toRemove: _FunctionDefinition; if (fn.arguments) { const targetArgs = fn.arguments; const match = fns?.filter(x => x.args.length === targetArgs.length && !x.args.some((a, i) => a.type !== this.getType(targetArgs[i].type))); if (!match?.length) { if (fn.ifExists) { return; } throw new QueryError(`function ${}(${ => typeDefToStr(t.type)).join(',')}) does not exist`, '42883'); } if (match.length > 1) { throw new QueryError(`function name "${}" is ambiguous`, '42725'); } toRemove = match[0]; } else { if (!fns?.length) { if (fn.ifExists) { return; } throw new QueryError(`could not find a function named "${}"`, '42883'); } if (fns?.length !== 1) { throw new QueryError(`function name "${}" is not unique`, '42725'); } toRemove = fns[0]; }

this.fns.remove(toRemove); }
resolveOperator(name: BinaryOperator, left: IValue, right: IValue, forceOwn?: boolean): _OperatorDefinition | nil { if (!forceOwn) { return this.db.resolveOperator(name, left, right); } return this.ops.resolve(name, [left, right]); }

async migrate(config?: IMigrate.MigrationParams) { await migrate(this, config); }

interceptQueries(intercept: QueryInterceptor): ISubscription { const qi = { intercept } as const; this.interceptors.add(qi); return { unsubscribe: () => { this.interceptors.delete(qi); } }; }}
class Explainer implements _Explainer { private sels = new Map<_ISelection, number>(); constructor(readonly transaction: _Transaction) { }
idFor(sel: _ISelection): string | number { if (sel.debugId) { return sel.debugId; } if (this.sels.has(sel)) { return this.sels.get(sel)!; } const id = this.sels.size + 1; this.sels.set(sel, id); return id; }