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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { IValue, _ISelection, _Transaction, _Explainer, _SelectExplanation, Stats } from '../interfaces-private.ts';import { FilterBase } from './transform-base.ts';import { Types } from '../datatypes/index.ts';
export class SeqScanFilter<T = any> extends FilterBase<T> {
get index() { return null; }
entropy(t: _Transaction) { // boost source entropy (in case an index has the same items count) return this.selection.entropy(t) * 1.5; }
hasItem(raw: T, t: _Transaction): boolean { return !!this.getter.get(raw, t); }
constructor(private selection: _ISelection<T>, private getter: IValue<T>) { super(selection); this.getter = getter.cast(Types.bool); }

stats(t: _Transaction): Stats | null { return null; }
*enumerate(t: _Transaction): Iterable<T> { for (const raw of this.selection.enumerate(t)) { const cond = this.getter.get(raw, t); if (cond) { yield raw; } } }
explain(e: _Explainer): _SelectExplanation { return { id: e.idFor(this), _: 'seqFilter', filtered: this.selection.explain(e), }; }}