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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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// <== THERE MUST BE NO ACTUAL IMPORTS OTHER THAN IMPORT TYPES (dependency loop)// ... use 'kind-of' dependency injection belowimport type { _ISelection, IValue, _IIndex, _ISchema, _IDb, _Transaction, _SelectExplanation, _Explainer, Stats, nil, _IAlias } from '../interfaces-private.ts';import type { buildSelection } from './selection.ts';import type { buildAlias } from './alias.ts';import type { buildFilter } from './build-filter.ts';import type { buildGroupBy } from './aggregation.ts';import type { buildLimit } from './limit.ts';import type { buildUnion } from './union.ts';import type { buildOrderBy } from './order-by.ts';import type { buildDistinct } from './distinct.ts';
import { Expr, SelectedColumn, SelectStatement, LimitStatement, OrderByStatement, ExprRef } from '';import { RestrictiveIndex } from './restrictive-index.ts';
interface Fns { buildSelection: typeof buildSelection; buildAlias: typeof buildAlias; buildLimit: typeof buildLimit; buildUnion: typeof buildUnion; buildFilter: typeof buildFilter; buildGroupBy: typeof buildGroupBy; buildOrderBy: typeof buildOrderBy; buildDistinct: typeof buildDistinct;}let fns: Fns;export function initialize(init: Fns) { fns = init;}
export abstract class DataSourceBase<T> implements _ISelection<T> { abstract enumerate(t: _Transaction): Iterable<T>; abstract entropy(t: _Transaction): number; abstract readonly columns: ReadonlyArray<IValue<any>>; abstract getColumn(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue<any>; abstract hasItem(value: T, t: _Transaction): boolean; abstract getIndex(forValue: IValue): _IIndex<any> | null | undefined; abstract explain(e: _Explainer): _SelectExplanation; abstract isOriginOf(a: IValue<any>): boolean; abstract stats(t: _Transaction): Stats | null; abstract get isExecutionWithNoResult(): boolean isAggregation(): boolean { return false; } // abstract get name(): string;

get db() { return this.ownerSchema.db; }
constructor(readonly ownerSchema: _ISchema) { }
listColumns(): Iterable<IValue> { return this.columns; }
listSelectableIdentities(): Iterable<IValue> { return this.columns; }
select(select: (string | SelectedColumn)[] | nil): _ISelection<any> { let sel: SelectedColumn[] | nil; if (select?.some(v => typeof v === 'string')) { sel =<SelectedColumn>(v => typeof v !== 'string' ? v : { expr: { type: 'ref', name: v }, }) } else { sel = select as SelectedColumn[] | nil; } return fns.buildSelection(this, sel); }

selectAlias(alias: string): _IAlias | nil { return null; }

filter(filter: Expr | undefined | null): _ISelection { if (!filter) { return this; } const plan = fns.buildFilter(this, filter, 'WHERE'); return plan; }
groupBy(grouping: Expr[] | nil): _ISelection { if (!grouping?.length) { return this; } const plan = fns.buildGroupBy(this, grouping); return plan; }

setAlias(alias?: string): _ISelection<any> { return fns.buildAlias(this, alias); }
limit(limit: LimitStatement): _ISelection { if (!limit?.limit && !limit?.offset) { return this; } return fns.buildLimit(this, limit) }
orderBy(orderBy: OrderByStatement[] | nil): _ISelection<any> { if (!orderBy?.length) { return this; } return fns.buildOrderBy(this, orderBy); }
distinct(exprs?: Expr[]): _ISelection<any> { return fns.buildDistinct(this, exprs); }
union(right: _ISelection<any>): _ISelection<any> { return fns.buildUnion(this, right); }

export abstract class TransformBase<T> extends DataSourceBase<T> {

constructor(readonly base: _ISelection) { super(base.ownerSchema); }
get isExecutionWithNoResult(): boolean { return false; }
entropy(t: _Transaction): number { return this.base.entropy(t); }
isOriginOf(a: IValue<any>): boolean { return a.origin === this || this.base?.isOriginOf(a); }}
export abstract class FilterBase<T> extends TransformBase<T> {
isAggregation(): boolean { return false; }
constructor(_base: _ISelection<T>) { super(_base); }
get columns(): ReadonlyArray<IValue<any>> { return this.base.columns; }
selectAlias(alias: string): nil | _IAlias { // this is a filter... that the alias returned by the unfiltered datasource will // be valid for the filtered datasource (aliases are only listing columns) return this.base.selectAlias(alias); }
/** private _columns: IValue[]; private _columnMappings: Map<IValue, IValue>; get columns(): ReadonlyArray<IValue<any>> { this.initCols(); return this._columns; // return this.base.columns; }
private initCols() { if (this._columns) { return; } this._columns = []; this._columnMappings = new Map(); for (const c of this.base.columns) { const nc = c.setOrigin(this); this._columns.push(nc); this._columnMappings.set(c, nc); } }
getColumn(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue<any> { if (!this.base) { // istanbul ignore next throw new Error('Should not call .getColumn() on join'); } if (!('columns' in this.base)) { // istanbul ignore next throw new Error('Should not call getColumn() on table'); } this.initCols(); const col = this.base.getColumn(column, nullIfNotFound); return col && this._columnMappings.get(col); } */
getColumn(column: string | ExprRef): IValue; getColumn(column: string | ExprRef, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue | nil; getColumn(column: string | ExprRef, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue<any> | nil { if (!this.base) { // istanbul ignore next throw new Error('Should not call .getColumn() on join'); } if (!('columns' in this.base)) { // istanbul ignore next throw new Error('Should not call getColumn() on table'); } return this.base.getColumn(column, nullIfNotFound); }
getIndex(...forValue: IValue<any>[]): _IIndex<any> | null | undefined { const index = this.base.getIndex(...forValue); if (!index) { return null; } return new RestrictiveIndex(index, this); }}