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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { _ISelection, _IIndex, IValue, setId, getId, _IType, _Transaction, _Column, _ITable, _Explainer, _SelectExplanation, IndexKey, _IndexExplanation, IndexExpression, IndexOp, Stats, _IAlias } from '../interfaces-private.ts';import { QueryError, ColumnNotFound, AmbiguousColumn, nil } from '../interfaces.ts';import { buildValue } from '../parser/expression-builder.ts';import { Evaluator } from '../evaluator.ts';import { TransformBase } from './transform-base.ts';import { SelectedColumn, Expr, astVisitor, ExprRef } from '';import { aggregationFunctions, buildGroupBy } from './aggregation.ts';
import { asSingleQName, colByName, colToStr, isSelectAllArgList, suggestColumnName } from '../utils.ts';import { withSelection } from '../parser/context.ts';

export function buildSelection(on: _ISelection, select: SelectedColumn[] | nil) { select = select ?? [];
// if this is a "SELECT *" => just ignore if (isSelectAllArgList( => x.expr))) { if (!on.columns.length) { throw new QueryError('SELECT * with no tables specified is not valid'); } return on; }
// if there is any aggregation function // check if there is any aggregation for (const col of select ?? []) { if (!on.isAggregation() && 'expr' in col && hasAggreg(col.expr)) { // yea, there is an aggregation somewhere in selection return buildGroupBy(on, []).select(select); } }
return new Selection(on, select);}

function hasAggreg(e: Expr) { let has = false; astVisitor(visitor => ({ call: expr => { const nm = asSingleQName(expr.function, 'pg_catalog'); if (nm && aggregationFunctions.has(nm)) { // yea, this is an aggregation has = true; return; } visitor.super().call(expr); } })).expr(e); return has}

export function columnEvaluator(this: void, on: _ISelection, id: string, type: _IType) { if (!id) { throw new Error('Invalid column id'); } const ret = new Evaluator( type , id , id , null , raw => raw[id] , { isColumnOf: on, }); return ret;}
function* buildCols(this: void, base: _ISelection, columns: (SelectedColumn | CustomAlias)[]): Iterable<CustomAlias> { for (const s of columns) { if ('val' in s) { if (s.val.origin !== base) { throw new Error('Corrupted selection'); } yield s; continue; } if (s.expr.type === 'ref' && === '*') { // handle select "*" if (s.alias) { throw new QueryError('Cannot alias *'); } let of: _IAlias = base; const alias = s.expr.table; if (alias) { // handle select "x.*" const sub = base.selectAlias(; if (!sub) { throw new QueryError(`Unknown alias "${}"`); } of = sub; }
for (const val of of.listColumns()) { yield { val }; }
} else { const val = buildValue(s.expr); yield { val, as: s.alias?.name, expr: s.expr }; } }}
export interface CustomAlias { val: IValue; as?: string; expr?: Expr}
export class Selection<T = any> extends TransformBase<T> implements _ISelection<T> {
private columnIds: string[] = []; private columnsOrigin: IValue[] = []; private columnMapping = new Map<IValue, IValue>(); private indexCache = new Map<IValue, _IIndex>(); private columnsById = new Map<string, IValue[]>(); private symbol = Symbol();
readonly columns: IValue[] = [];
isAggregation() { return false; }

constructor(base: _ISelection, _columns: (SelectedColumn | CustomAlias)[]) { super(base);
// build non-conflicting column ids based on existing ones const columns = withSelection(base, () => [...buildCols(base, _columns)]); this.columnIds = => ??!);
// build column ids let anonymousBases = new Map<string, number>(); for (let i = 0; i < this.columnIds.length; i++) { if (!this.columnIds[i]) { let id = suggestColumnName(columns[i].expr) ?? 'column';
// check no collision with an existing column let cnt = anonymousBases.get(id); this.columnIds[i] = id + (cnt ? cnt : ''); anonymousBases.set(id, (cnt ?? 0) + 1); } }

// build columns to select for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { this.refColumn(columns[i].val, this.columnIds[i]); }

// ONLY ONCE COLUMNS HAVE BEEN REFERENCED BY ID, // rename ids for columns which have the same id // this allows yielding ambiguous columns data const has = new Map<string, number>(); for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { const orig = this.columnIds[i]; const oi = has.get(orig); if (typeof oi !== 'number') { has.set(orig, i); continue; } let ret: string = orig; let k = 0; do { ret = orig + (++k); } while (this.columnIds.includes(ret)); this.columnIds[i] = ret; has.set(ret, i); } }
private refColumn(fromCol: IValue, alias: string) { const col = columnEvaluator(this, alias, fromCol.type); this.columns.push(col); this.columnMapping.set(col, fromCol); this.columnsOrigin.push(fromCol); if (! { return; } let ci = this.columnsById.get(; if (!ci) { this.columnsById.set(, ci = []); } ci.push(col); }

stats(t: _Transaction): Stats | null { return this.base.stats(t); }

*enumerate(t: _Transaction): Iterable<T> { for (const item of this.base.enumerate(t)) { yield, t); } }
build(item: any, t: _Transaction): T { const ret: any = {}; setId(ret, getId(item)); ret[this.symbol] = this.symbol; for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { const col = this.columnsOrigin[i]; ret[this.columnIds[i]] = col.get(item, t) ?? null; } return ret as any; }
hasItem(value: T, t: _Transaction): boolean { return (value as any)[this.symbol] === this.symbol; }
getColumn(column: string | ExprRef): IValue; getColumn(column: string | ExprRef, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue | nil; getColumn(column: string | ExprRef, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue | nil { const ret = colByName(this.columnsById, column, true); if (!ret?.length) { if (nullIfNotFound) { return null; } throw new ColumnNotFound(colToStr(column)); } if (ret.length !== 1) { throw new AmbiguousColumn(colToStr(column)); } return ret[0]; }
getIndex(val: IValue): _IIndex | nil { if (this.indexCache.has(val)) { return this.indexCache.get(val); } const mapped = this.columnMapping.get(val); const originIndex = this.base.getIndex(mapped!); const ret = originIndex && new SelectionIndex(this, originIndex); this.indexCache.set(val, ret!); return ret; }
explain(e: _Explainer): _SelectExplanation { return { id: e.idFor(this), _: 'map', of: this.base.explain(e), select:, i) => ({ what: this.columnsOrigin[i].explain(e), as: x })), }; }}

export class SelectionIndex<T> implements _IIndex<T> { constructor(readonly owner: Selection<T>, private base: _IIndex) { }
stats(t: _Transaction, key?: IndexKey) { return this.base.stats(t, key); }
iterateKeys(t: _Transaction) { return this.base.iterateKeys(t); }
get expressions(): IndexExpression[] { return this.base.expressions; }
entropy(op: IndexOp): number { // same as source return this.base.entropy(op); }
eqFirst(rawKey: IndexKey, t: _Transaction) { return this.base.eqFirst(rawKey, t); }
*enumerate(op: IndexOp): Iterable<T> { for (const i of this.base.enumerate(op)) { yield, op.t); } }

explain(e: _Explainer): _IndexExplanation { return { _: 'indexMap', of: this.base.explain(e), } }}