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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { _ISchema, _ISelection, _IDb, OnStatementExecuted, nil, QueryError, _IStatement, IValue, Parameter } from '../interfaces-private.ts';

class StackOf<T> { readonly stack: T[] = []; constructor(private name: string) { } usingValue = <ret>(value: T, act: () => ret): ret => { this.stack.push(value); try { return act(); } finally { this.stack.pop(); } } get current(): T { if (!this.stack.length) { throw new Error(`No ${} available`); } return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; }
get currentOrNil(): T | nil { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; }}

const _selectionStack = new StackOf<_ISelection>('build context');const _statementStack = new StackOf<_IStatement>('execution statement');const _tempBindings = new StackOf<Map<string, _ISelection | 'no returning'>>('binding context');const _parametersStack = new StackOf<Parameter[]>('parameter context');const _nameResolver = new StackOf<INameResolver>('name resolver');
export interface INameResolver { /** Try to resolve a name */ resolve(name: string): IValue | nil; /** True if is isolated... meaning that one cannot fetch values from its parent */ readonly isolated: boolean;}

interface IBuildContext { readonly selection: _ISelection; readonly db: _IDb; readonly schema: _ISchema; readonly onFinishExecution: (callback: OnStatementExecuted) => void readonly getTempBinding: (name: string) => _ISelection | nil; readonly setTempBinding: (name: string, boundTo: _ISelection) => void; readonly getParameter: (nameOrPosition: string | number) => IValue | nil;}
class Context implements IBuildContext { get selection(): _ISelection { return _selectionStack.current; } get db(): _IDb { return _selectionStack.current.db; } get schema(): _ISchema { // remove the concept of selection schema ? // (does not make much sens, if you think about it) return _selectionStack.current.ownerSchema; } onFinishExecution = (callback: OnStatementExecuted) => { _statementStack.current.onExecuted(callback); }; getTempBinding = (name: string) => { const ret = _tempBindings.currentOrNil?.get(name); if (ret === 'no returning') { throw new QueryError(`WITH query "${name}" does not have a RETURNING clause`); } return ret; }; setTempBinding = (name: string, boundTo: _ISelection) => { if (_tempBindings.current.has(name)) { throw new QueryError(`WITH query name "${name}" specified more than once`); } _tempBindings.current.set(name, boundTo.isExecutionWithNoResult ? 'no returning' : boundTo); }; getParameter = (nameOrPosition: string | number) => { const params = _parametersStack.currentOrNil; if (!params) { return null; } if (typeof nameOrPosition === 'number') { const ret = params[nameOrPosition]?.value; if (!ret) { // not ideal... (duplicated error message) throw new QueryError(`bind message supplies ${params.length} parameters, but prepared statement "" requires ${nameOrPosition}`, '08P01'); } return ret; } return params.find(p => === nameOrPosition)?.value; }}

const _buildCtx = new Context();export function buildCtx(): IBuildContext { return _buildCtx;}

export const withSelection = _selectionStack.usingValue;export const withStatement = _statementStack.usingValue;export function withBindingScope<T>(act: () => T): T { return _tempBindings.usingValue(new Map(), act);}export const withParameters = _parametersStack.usingValue;export const withNameResolver = _nameResolver.usingValue;
export function resolveName(name: string): IValue | null { for (let i = _nameResolver.stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const resolver = _nameResolver.stack[i]; const found = resolver.resolve(name); if (found) { return found; } if (resolver.isolated) { return null; } } return null;}