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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
import { ISubscription, NotSupported, QueryError } from '../interfaces.ts';import { AlterColumnAddGenerated, nil } from '';import { _Column, _IConstraint, _ITable, _Transaction } from '../interfaces-private.ts';import { nullIsh } from '../utils.ts';
export class GeneratedIdentityConstraint implements _IConstraint { private subs: ISubscription[] = [];
private get table() { return this.column.table; } private get schema() { return this.table.ownerSchema; } constructor(readonly name: string | nil, private column: _Column) { }
uninstall(t: _Transaction): void { for (const s of this.subs) { s.unsubscribe(); }; this.subs = []; }

install(ct: _Transaction, _c: AlterColumnAddGenerated) { if (!this.column.notNull) { // if it's a table creation, then force 'not null' const tableCreation = !this.schema.getTable(, true); if (tableCreation) { this.column.alter({ type: 'set not null', }, ct); } else { // else, throw an error throw new QueryError(`column "${}" of relation "${}" must be declared NOT NULL before identity can be added`); } }
const seq = this.schema.createSequence(ct, _c.sequence, _c.sequence?.name);
// todo : Review this... it's a complete bluff (dont have time to check spec) const mode = _c.always ?? 'always'; this.subs.push(this.table.onBeforeChange([this.column], (old, neu, dt, opts) => { // only act on new things if (old) { return; } const gen = () => neu[] = seq.nextValue(dt);
if (nullIsh(neu[])) { // no value has been provided => generate one. gen(); return; }
// a value has been provided => check if must be overriden. switch (mode) { case 'by default': switch (opts.overriding ?? 'system') { case 'system': break; default: gen(); break;
} break; case 'always': // column is 'GENREATED ALWAYS' // => must specify 'overriding system value' if (opts.overriding !== 'system') { throw new QueryError({ error: `cannot insert into column "${}"`, details: ` Column "${}" is an identity column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS.`, hint: 'Use OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE to override.', }) } break; default: throw NotSupported.never(mode); }
this.subs.push(this.table.onTruncate((t, { restartIdentity }) => { if (!restartIdentity) { return; } seq.restart(t); })) }