interface _ISelection
implements _IAlias
import { type _ISelection } from "";
isAggregation(): this is _IAggregation
True when this is an aggregation being built
entropy(t: _Transaction): number
Statistical measure of how many items will be returned by this selection
enumerate(t: _Transaction): Iterable<Row>
hasItem(value: Row, t: _Transaction): boolean
Returns true if the given value is present in this
stats(t: _Transaction): Stats | null
Gets the index associated with this value (or returns null)
listSelectableIdentities(): Iterable<IValue>
All columns. A bit like .columns`, but including records selections
filter(where: Expr | nil): _ISelection
limit(limit: LimitStatement): _ISelection
orderBy(orderBy: OrderByStatement[] | nil): _ISelection
groupBy(grouping: Expr[] | nil): _ISelection
distinct(select?: Expr[]): _ISelection
union(right: _ISelection): _ISelection
setAlias(alias?: string): _ISelection
isOriginOf(a: IValue): boolean
explain(e: _Explainer): _SelectExplanation
select(select: (string | SelectedColumn)[]): _ISelection
Select a specific subset