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πŸ”Œ Deno plugin management library
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import { Cache, extname, green } from "./deps.ts";
export interface CrossOptions { name: string; urls: { [os in typeof]?: string }; policy?: CachePolicy; cache?: string; log?: boolean;}
export interface SingleOptions { name: string; url: string; policy?: CachePolicy; cache?: string; log?: boolean;}
export type Options = CrossOptions | SingleOptions;
export enum CachePolicy { NONE, STORE,}
interface UnstableCore { ops: () => { [key: string]: number }; setAsyncHandler(rid: number, handler: (response: Uint8Array) => void): void; dispatch( rid: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any msg: any, buf?: ArrayBufferView, ): Uint8Array | undefined;}
export class PlugError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "PlugError"; this.stack = undefined; }}
export class PlugImportError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "PlugImportError"; this.stack = undefined; }}
export async function prepare(options: Options): Promise<number> { const directory = options.cache ??; const policy = options.policy === CachePolicy.NONE ? Cache.RELOAD_POLICY : undefined; Cache.configure({ directory });
let url; if ("urls" in options) { url = options.urls[os]; if (!url) { throw new PlugImportError(`URL for "${os}" platform was not provided.`); } } else { url = options.url; }
const pref = prefixes[os]; const ext = extensions[os];
url = Object.values(extensions).includes(extname(url)) ? url : `${url}${(url.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/")}${pref}${}${ext}`;
const plug = Cache.namespace("plug"); if ((options.log ?? true) && !(await plug.exists(url))) { console.log(`${green("Download")} ${url}`); } const file = await plug.cache(url, policy);
// deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore return Deno.openPlugin(file.path);}
export function getOpId(op: string): number { const id = core.ops()[op];
if (!(id > 0)) { throw new PlugError(`Bad op id for "${op}"`); }
return id;}
// deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment// @ts-ignoreexport const core = Deno.core as UnstableCore;export const os =;export const extensions: { [os in typeof]: string } = { darwin: ".dylib", linux: ".so", windows: ".dll",};export const prefixes: { [os in typeof]: string } = { darwin: "lib", linux: "lib", windows: "",};