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πŸ”Œ Deno FFI helper module
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import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows, basename, dirname, fromFileUrl, join, normalize,} from "./test_deps.ts";import { cacheDir, denoCacheDir, hash, homeDir, isFile, stringToURL, urlToFilename,} from "./util.ts";
Deno.test("hash", async () => { assertEquals( await hash("hello_world"), "35072c1ae546350e0bfa7ab11d49dc6f129e72ccd57ec7eb671225bbd197c8f1", );});
Deno.test("stringToURL", async ({ step }) => { await step("relative", () => { const path = "./test/example"; const result = stringToURL(path); assertEquals( result.toString(), new URL("./test/example", import.meta.url).toString(), ); });
await step("file", () => { const path = "file:///test/example"; const result = stringToURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), "file:///test/example"); });
await step("http", () => { const path = ""; const result = stringToURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), ""); });
await step("https", () => { const path = ""; const result = stringToURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), ""); });});
Deno.test("urlToFilename", async ({ step }) => { await step("http", async () => { assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("")), normalize( "http/", ), ); assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("")), normalize( "http/", ), ); assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("")), normalize( "http/example.com_PORT8000/59338ff59a9d830098ca938e773c9181f03cecb659c2e4ebb0f03e452ba7658a", ), ); });
await step("https", async () => { assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("")), normalize( "https/", ), ); assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("")), normalize( "https/", ), ); assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("")), normalize( "https/example.com_PORT8000/59338ff59a9d830098ca938e773c9181f03cecb659c2e4ebb0f03e452ba7658a", ), ); });
await step("file", async () => { assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("file:///example.dll")), normalize( "file/59338ff59a9d830098ca938e773c9181f03cecb659c2e4ebb0f03e452ba7658a", ), );
assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("file:///example/example.dll")), normalize( "file/5b29f3c30f4f5542089bad8a1cada0fd9c87cc365d9634633657716cf1803102", ), );
assertEquals( await urlToFilename(new URL("file:///example/abc/example.dll")), normalize( "file/bfb7be7a0a041e8ffbdfee2db02c4e5ef5fa7e0c5b283f92de2f071ecfcad421", ), ); });
await step("invalid protocol", async () => { await assertRejects( () => urlToFilename(new URL("error:///example/abc/example.dll")), TypeError, "Don't know how to create cache name for protocol: error", ); });});
Deno.test("isFile", async ({ step }) => { await step("true", async () => { assert(await isFile("./util_test.ts")); assert(await isFile(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url))); assert(await isFile(fromFileUrl(new URL("mod.ts", import.meta.url)))); });
await step("false", async () => { assert(!await isFile("./this_file_does_not_exist")); assert( !await isFile( fromFileUrl(new URL("this_file_does_not_exist", import.meta.url)), ), ); });});
Deno.test("homeDir", async ({ step }) => { // Save a snapshot of `` const build = structuredClone(; const home = join(Deno.cwd(), "plug", "home");
await step("windows", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "windows" }; Deno.env.set("USERPROFILE", home);
assertEquals(homeDir(), home);
Deno.env.delete("USERPROFILE"); });
for (const os of ["linux", "darwin"]) { await step(os, () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os }; Deno.env.set("HOME", home);
assertEquals(homeDir(), home);
Deno.env.delete("HOME"); }); }
await step("unreachable", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "freebsd" }; assertThrows(() => homeDir(), Error, "unreachable"); });
// @ts-ignore TS2540 // Restore the snapshot of `` = build;});
Deno.test("cacheDir", async ({ step }) => { // Save a snapshot of `` const build = structuredClone(; const cache = join(Deno.cwd(), "plug", "cache");
await step("windows", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "windows" }; Deno.env.set("LOCALAPPDATA", cache);
const dir = cacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(dir, cache);
Deno.env.delete("LOCALAPPDATA"); });
await step("darwin", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "darwin" }; Deno.env.set("HOME", cache);
const dir = cacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(basename(dir), "Caches"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dir)), "Library"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dirname(dir))), "cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dirname(dirname(dir)))), "plug");
Deno.env.delete("HOME"); });
await step("linux", async ({ step }) => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "linux" };
await step("XDG_CACHE_HOME", () => { Deno.env.set("XDG_CACHE_HOME", cache);
const dir = cacheDir(); assertEquals(dir, cache);
Deno.env.delete("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); });
await step("HOME", () => { Deno.env.set("HOME", cache);
const dir = cacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(basename(dir), ".cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dir)), "cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dirname(dir))), "plug");
Deno.env.delete("HOME"); }); });
await step("unreachable", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "freebsd" }; assertThrows(() => homeDir(), Error, "unreachable"); });
// @ts-ignore TS2540 // Restore the snapshot of `` = build;});
Deno.test("denoCacheDir", async ({ step }) => { // Save a snapshot of `` const build = structuredClone(; // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "linux" };
await step("DENO_DIR", async ({ step }) => { await step("relative", () => { Deno.env.set("DENO_DIR", "./plug/cache/deno");
const dir = denoCacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(dir, normalize(join(Deno.cwd(), "./plug/cache/deno")));
Deno.env.delete("DENO_DIR"); });
await step("absolute", () => { Deno.env.set("DENO_DIR", "/plug/cache/deno");
const dir = denoCacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(dir, normalize("/plug/cache/deno"));
Deno.env.delete("DENO_DIR"); }); });
await step("cacheDir", () => { const cache = join(Deno.cwd(), "plug"); Deno.env.set("HOME", cache);
const dir = denoCacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(basename(dir), "deno"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dir)), ".cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dirname(dir))), "plug");
Deno.env.delete("HOME"); });
await step("homeDir", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "windows" };
const cache = join(Deno.cwd(), "plug"); Deno.env.set("USERPROFILE", cache);
const dir = denoCacheDir(); assert(dir); assertEquals(basename(dir), ".deno"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dir)), "plug");
Deno.env.delete("USERPROFILE"); });
await step("undefined", () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "linux" };
const dir = denoCacheDir(); assert(dir === undefined); });
// @ts-ignore TS2540 // Restore the snapshot of `` = build;});