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πŸ”Œ Deno FFI helper module
import { assert, assertEquals, assertMatch, assertRejects,} from "jsr:@std/assert";import { basename, dirname, normalize } from "@std/path";
import { createDownloadURL, ensureCacheLocation } from "./download.ts";
const ALL_ARCHS = ["x86_64", "aarch64"];
const ALL_OSS = [ "darwin", "linux", "windows", "freebsd", "netbsd", "aix", "solaris", "illumos",];
async function isDirectory(filePath: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stats = await Deno.lstat(filePath); return stats.isDirectory; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
Deno.test("createDownloadURL", async ({ step }) => { await step("string", async ({ step }) => { await step("relative", () => { const path = "./test/example"; const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals( result.toString(), new URL("./test/example", import.meta.url).toString(), ); });
await step("file", () => { const path = "file:///test/example"; const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), "file:///test/example"); });
await step("http", () => { const path = ""; const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), ""); });
await step("https", () => { const path = ""; const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), ""); }); });
await step("URL", async ({ step }) => { await step("file", () => { const path = new URL("file:///test/example"); const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), "file:///test/example"); });
await step("http", () => { const path = new URL(""); const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), ""); });
await step("https", () => { const path = new URL(""); const result = createDownloadURL(path); assertEquals(result.toString(), ""); }); });
await step("URLOptions", async ({ step }) => { await step("string", () => { const path = "./test/example"; const result = createDownloadURL({ url: path }); assertEquals( result.toString(), new URL("./test/example", import.meta.url).toString(), ); });
await step("URL", () => { const path = new URL("file://./test/example"); const result = createDownloadURL({ url: path }); assertEquals(result, path); }); });
await step("NamedOptions", async ({ step }) => { await step("URLOptions", async ({ step }) => { await step("string", () => { const path = "./test/example/"; const result = createDownloadURL({ url: path, name: "test" }); assertMatch(result.pathname, /.*(lib)?test.(dll|so|dylib)$/); });
await step("URL", () => { const path = new URL("file://./test/example/"); const result = createDownloadURL({ url: path, name: "test" }); assertMatch(result.pathname, /.*(lib)?test.(dll|so|dylib)$/); }); }); });
await step("CrossOptions", async ({ step }) => { // Save a snapshot of `` const build = structuredClone(;
await step("arch", async ({ step }) => { for (const arch of ALL_ARCHS) { await step(arch, async ({ step }) => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { arch }; const result = createDownloadURL({ url: { [arch]: `test_${arch}`, }, }); assert(result.pathname.endsWith(`test_${arch}`));
for (const os of ALL_OSS) { await step(os, () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { arch, os, }; const result = createDownloadURL({ url: { [arch]: { [os]: `test_${arch}_${os}`, }, }, }); assert(result.pathname.endsWith(`test_${arch}_${os}`)); }); } }); } });
await step("os", async ({ step }) => {; for (const os of ALL_OSS) { await step(os, async ({ step }) => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os }; const result = createDownloadURL({ url: { [os]: `test_${os}`, }, }); assert(result.pathname.endsWith(`test_${os}`));
for (const arch of ALL_ARCHS) { await step(arch, () => { // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { arch, os, }; const result = createDownloadURL({ url: { [os]: { [arch]: `test_${os}_${arch}`, }, }, }); assert(result.pathname.endsWith(`test_${os}_${arch}`)); }); } }); } });
// @ts-ignore TS2540 // Restore the snapshot of `` = build; });});
Deno.test("ensureCacheLocation", async ({ step }) => { await step("deno", async ({ step }) => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation("deno"); assertEquals(basename(location), "plug"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(location)), "deno"); assert(await isDirectory(location));
await step("missing", async () => { // Save a snapshot of `` const build = structuredClone(; const HOME = Deno.env.get("HOME"); const DENO_DIR = Deno.env.get("DENO_DIR"); // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "linux" }; Deno.env.delete("HOME"); Deno.env.delete("DENO_DIR");
await assertRejects( () => ensureCacheLocation("deno"), Error, "Could not get the deno cache directory, try using another CacheLocation in the plug options.", );
// @ts-ignore TS2540 // Restore the snapshot of `` = build; if (HOME) Deno.env.set("HOME", HOME); if (DENO_DIR) Deno.env.set("DENO_DIR", DENO_DIR); }); });
await step("cwd", async () => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation("cwd"); assertEquals(basename(location), "plug"); assertEquals(normalize(dirname(location)), Deno.cwd()); assert(await isDirectory(location)); });
await step("cache", async ({ step }) => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation("cache"); assertEquals(basename(location), "plug"); assert(await isDirectory(location));
await step("missing", async () => { // Save a snapshot of `` const build = structuredClone(; const HOME = Deno.env.get("HOME"); const XDG_CACHE_HOME = Deno.env.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); // @ts-ignore TS2540 = { os: "linux" }; Deno.env.delete("HOME"); Deno.env.delete("XDG_CACHE_HOME");
await assertRejects( () => ensureCacheLocation("cache"), Error, "Could not get the cache directory, try using another CacheLocation in the plug options.", );
// @ts-ignore TS2540 // Restore the snapshot of `` = build; if (HOME) Deno.env.set("HOME", HOME); if (XDG_CACHE_HOME) Deno.env.set("XDG_CACHE_HOME", XDG_CACHE_HOME); }); });
await step("tmp", async () => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation("tmp"); assert(basename(location).startsWith("plug")); assert(await isDirectory(location)); });
await step("path string", async () => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation("./plug/cache/"); assertEquals(basename(location), "cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(location)), "plug"); assertEquals(normalize(dirname(dirname(location))), Deno.cwd()); assert(await isDirectory(location)); });
await step("file string", async () => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation( new URL("./plug/cache/", import.meta.url).href, ); assertEquals(basename(location), "cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(location)), "plug"); assertEquals(normalize(dirname(dirname(location))), Deno.cwd()); assert(await isDirectory(location)); });
await step("URL", async () => { const location = await ensureCacheLocation( new URL("./plug/cache/url", import.meta.url), ); assertEquals(basename(location), "url"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(location)), "cache"); assertEquals(basename(dirname(dirname(location))), "plug"); assertEquals(normalize(dirname(dirname(dirname(location)))), Deno.cwd()); assert(await isDirectory(location)); });
await step("invalid protocol", async () => { await assertRejects( () => ensureCacheLocation(new URL("")), TypeError, "Cannot use any other protocol than file:// for an URL cache location.", ); });});