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Plug-N-Meet SDK for NodeJS and Deno
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import { hmac } from "";
let _endPoint: string, _apiKey = "", _apiSecret = "";
export type APIResponse = { status: boolean; response: any;};
export const prepareAPI = ( apiEndPointURL: string, apiKey: string, apiSecret: string,) => { _apiKey = apiKey; _apiSecret = apiSecret; _endPoint = apiEndPointURL;};
export const sendRequest = async (path: string, body: any) => { const output: APIResponse = { status: false, response: undefined, };
const b = JSON.stringify(body) const signature = hmac('sha256', _apiSecret, b, 'utf8', 'hex');
const headers: HeadersInit = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'API-KEY': _apiKey, 'HASH-SIGNATURE': signature, };
const resp = await fetch(`${_endPoint}${path}`, { method: 'POST', headers, body: b, });
if (resp.ok) { output.status = true; output.response = await resp.json(); } else { output.response = resp.json(); }
return output;};