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Server framework for Deno
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import { cookie, status } from '../dependencies.ts';import { Bang } from './bang.ts';import { ResponseBody } from './types.ts';
interface ResponseOptions { body?: ResponseBody, headers?: HeadersInit, status?: number}
interface CookieOptions extends Omit<cookie.Cookie, 'name'> { name?: cookie.Cookie['name']}
/** * A response represents an outgoing message that will be returned by your server for a corresponding request. * Use `h.response()` to create a response instance. */export default class Response { body: ResponseBody; headers: Headers; status: number; permanent?: () => this; temporary?: () => this; rewritable?: (isRewritable: boolean) => this; constructor(options?: ResponseOptions) { this.body = options?.body ?? null; this.headers = new Headers(options?.headers); this.status = options?.status ?? status.OK; } static wrap(input: Response | ResponseBody | Error) { if (input instanceof Response) { return input; } if (input instanceof Error) { return Bang.wrap(input).response; } return new Response({ body : input }); } code(statusCode: number) { this.status = statusCode; return this; } created(url?: string) { this.code(status.Created); if (url) { this.location(url); } return this; } header(name: string, value: string) { this.headers.set(name, value); return this; } location(url: string) { return this.header('Location', url); } redirect(url: string) { const _isRewritable = () => { return [status.MovedPermanently, status.Found].includes(this.status); }; const _isTemporary = () => { return [status.TemporaryRedirect, status.Found].includes(this.status); }; this.code(status.Found); this.location(url); this.permanent = () => { this.code(_isRewritable() ? status.MovedPermanently : status.PermanentRedirect); return this; }; this.temporary = () => { this.code(_isRewritable() ? status.Found : status.TemporaryRedirect); return this; }; this.rewritable = (isRewritable?: boolean) => { if (isRewritable === false) { this.code(_isTemporary() ? status.TemporaryRedirect : status.PermanentRedirect); } else { this.code(_isTemporary() ? status.Found : status.MovedPermanently); } return this; }; return this; } state(name: cookie.Cookie): this; state(name: string, value: string | CookieOptions): this; state(name: string | cookie.Cookie, value?: string | CookieOptions) { cookie.setCookie(this, { httpOnly : true, sameSite : 'Strict', secure : true, ...(typeof name === 'object' ? name : { name }), ...(typeof value === 'object' ? value : { value: value ?? '' }) }); return this; } type(mediaType: string) { return this.header('Content-Type', mediaType); } unstate(name: string) { cookie.deleteCookie(this, name); return this; }}