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Server framework for Deno
import * as pogo from "";


Utilities for working with OS-specific file paths.


Used to construct an HTTP server.


Standard HTTP status codes.


Set the cookie header with empty value in the headers to delete it

Parse cookies of a header

Parse set-cookies of a header

Set the cookie header properly in the headers

Serves HTTP requests with the given handler.

Constructs a server, accepts incoming connections on the given listener, and handles requests on these connections with the given handler.

Serves HTTPS requests with the given handler.

Determines the common path from a set of paths, using an optional separator, which defaults to the OS default separator.

Convert a glob string to a regular expression.

Test whether the given string is a glob

Like join(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Like normalize(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Copies from src to dst until either EOF (null) is read from src or an error occurs. It resolves to the number of bytes copied or rejects with the first error encountered while copying.

Turns a Reader, r, into an async iterator.

Turns a ReaderSync, r, into an iterator.

Create a ReadableStream from any kind of iterable.

Create a ReadableStream<Uint8Array> from from a Deno.Reader.

Read Reader r until EOF (null) and resolve to the content as Uint8Array`.

Synchronously reads Reader r until EOF (null) and returns the content as Uint8Array.

Create a Deno.Reader from an iterable of Uint8Arrays.

Create a Reader from a ReadableStreamDefaultReader.

Convert the generator function into a TransformStream.

Create a WritableStream from a Writer.

Write all the content of the array buffer (arr) to the writer (w).

Synchronously write all the content of the array buffer (arr) to the writer (w).

Create a Writer from a WritableStreamDefaultWriter.


Information about the connection a request arrived on.

Additional serve options.

Options for running an HTTP server.

A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format().

Type Aliases

A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and connection information and returns a response.