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Server framework for Deno
import { NormalizedRoute, RequestParams, Route, RouteHandler, RouteOptions, MatchedRoute} from './types.ts';
export type RouteOptionsHasHandler = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'handler'>>;export type RouteOptionsHasMethod = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'method'>>;export type RouteOptionsHasPath = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'path'>>;export type RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndMethod = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'handler' | 'method'>>;export type RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'handler' | 'path'>>;export type RouteOptionsHasMethodAndPath = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'method' | 'path'>>;export type RequiredRouteOptions = RouteOptions & Required<Pick<RouteOptions, 'method' | 'path' | 'handler'>>;
export type RoutesList = RequiredRouteOptions | Router | Iterable<RoutesList>;export type RoutesListHasHandler = RouteOptionsHasHandler | Router | Iterable<RoutesListHasHandler>;export type RoutesListHasMethod = RouteOptionsHasMethod | Router | Iterable<RoutesListHasMethod>;export type RoutesListHasPath = RouteOptionsHasPath | Router | string | Iterable<RoutesListHasPath>;export type RoutesListHasHandlerAndMethod = RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndMethod | Router | Iterable<RoutesListHasHandlerAndMethod>;export type RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath = RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath | Router | Iterable<RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath>;export type RoutesListHasMethodAndPath = RouteOptionsHasMethodAndPath | Router | Iterable<RoutesListHasMethodAndPath>;
const paramPattern = /\{(\w+)(?:\?|\*(?:[1-9]\d*)?)?\}/u;const paramsPattern = new RegExp(paramPattern, paramPattern.flags + 'g');
const expandPath = (path: string): Array<string> => { return Array.from(path.matchAll(paramsPattern) as Iterable<RegExpExecArray>).flatMap((match) => { const [param, name] = match; const before = match.input.slice(0, match.index); const after = match.input.slice(match.index + param.length);
// Optional param, expand to paths WITH and WITHOUT the param if (param.endsWith('?}')) { const isWholeSegment = before.endsWith('/') && after.startsWith('/'); const withParam = before + `{${name}}` + after; const withoutParam = before + (isWholeSegment ? after.slice(1) : after) return [withParam, withoutParam]; }
return []; });};
const isDynamicSegment = (segment: string): boolean => { return segment.startsWith('{') && segment.endsWith('}') && paramPattern.test(segment);};
const getParamName = (segment: string): string => { const param = segment.match(paramPattern); return param ? param[1] : '';};
const toPathfinder = (segments: Array<string>): string => { const replacePart = (str: string) => { return str && '.'; }; return'/');};
/** * Returns a human friendly text representation of the given route, such as GET /foo */const toSignature = (route: NormalizedRoute): string => { return route.method + ' ' + (route.vhost || '') + route.path;};
const fingerprintPath = (path: string): string => { return path.replace(paramsPattern, (param) => { return param.endsWith('*}') ? '#' : '?'; });};
const toConflictId = (route: NormalizedRoute): string => { return toSignature({ ...route, path : fingerprintPath(route.path) });}
const sortRoutes = (left: NormalizedRoute, right: NormalizedRoute): number => { const leftFirst = -1; const rightFirst = 1; const unchanged = 0;
if (left.segments.filter(isDynamicSegment).length < right.segments.filter(isDynamicSegment).length) { return leftFirst; } if (left.segments.filter(isDynamicSegment).length > right.segments.filter(isDynamicSegment).length) { return rightFirst; }
if (left.segments.length < right.segments.length) { return leftFirst; } if (left.segments.length > right.segments.length) { return rightFirst; }
if (left.path < right.path) { return leftFirst; } if (left.path > right.path) { return rightFirst; }
return unchanged;};
interface RoutingTable { conflictIds: Map<string, NormalizedRoute>, list: Array<NormalizedRoute>, pathfinders: Map<string, Array<NormalizedRoute>>, wildcards: Array<NormalizedRoute>}
/** * A router represents a collection of routes and determines which route will handle a given HTTP request. * Use `pogo.router()` to create a router instance. */export default class Router { routes: RoutingTable; constructor(route?: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler) { this.routes = { conflictIds : new Map(), list : [], pathfinders : new Map(), wildcards : [] }; if (route) { this.add(route, options, handler); } } add(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasMethodAndPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options: RouteOptionsHasMethod, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasMethodAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndMethod, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasMethod, handler: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; add(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { if (route && typeof route === 'object' && Symbol.iterator in route) { for (const settings of route as Iterable<RoutesList>) { this.add(settings, options, handler); } return this; } if (route instanceof Router) { this.add(route.routes.list); return this; }
const normalizedRoute = { ...(typeof route === 'string' ? { path : route } : route), ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), ...(handler ? { handler } : null) } as Route;
if (typeof normalizedRoute.method === 'object' && Symbol.iterator in normalizedRoute.method) { for (const method of normalizedRoute.method as Iterable<string>) { this.add({ ...normalizedRoute, method }); } return this; }
if (typeof normalizedRoute.path === 'object' && Symbol.iterator in normalizedRoute.path) { for (const path of normalizedRoute.path as Iterable<string>) { this.add({ ...normalizedRoute, path }); } return this; }
const expandedPaths = expandPath(normalizedRoute.path); if (expandedPaths.length > 0) { this.add({ ...normalizedRoute, path : expandedPaths }); return this; }
const record: NormalizedRoute = { ...normalizedRoute, method : normalizedRoute.method.toUpperCase(), paramNames : Array.from(normalizedRoute.path.matchAll(paramsPattern), (match) => { return match[1]; }), segments : normalizedRoute.path.split('/'), };
const conflictId = toConflictId(record); const existingRoute = this.routes.conflictIds.get(conflictId); if (existingRoute) { const newRoute = toSignature(record); const oldRoute = toSignature(existingRoute); throw new Error(`Route conflict: new route "${newRoute}" conflicts with existing route "${oldRoute}"`); }
this.routes.conflictIds.set(conflictId, record);
const hasWildcardParam = /\{\w+\*\}/u.test(record.path); if (hasWildcardParam) { this.routes.wildcards.push(record); this.routes.wildcards.sort(sortRoutes); } else { const pathfinder = toPathfinder(record.segments); const pathfinderRoutes = this.routes.pathfinders.get(pathfinder) ?? []; pathfinderRoutes.push(record); pathfinderRoutes.sort(sortRoutes); this.routes.pathfinders.set(pathfinder, pathfinderRoutes); }
this.routes.list.push(record); this.routes.list.sort(sortRoutes);
return this; } all(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; all(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; all(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; all(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptions, handler: RouteHandler): this; all(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; all(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; all(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { const config = { ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), method : '*' }; this.add(route, config, handler); return this; } delete(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; delete(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; delete(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; delete(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptions, handler: RouteHandler): this; delete(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; delete(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; delete(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { const config = { ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), method : 'DELETE' }; this.add(route, config, handler); return this; } get(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; get(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; get(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; get(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptions, handler: RouteHandler): this; get(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; get(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; get(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { const config = { ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), method : 'GET' }; this.add(route, config, handler); return this; } patch(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; patch(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; patch(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; patch(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptions, handler: RouteHandler): this; patch(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; patch(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; patch(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { const config = { ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), method : 'PATCH' }; this.add(route, config, handler); return this; } post(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; post(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; post(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; post(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptions, handler: RouteHandler): this; post(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; post(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; post(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { const config = { ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), method : 'POST' }; this.add(route, config, handler); return this; } put(route: RoutesListHasHandlerAndPath, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; put(route: RoutesListHasHandler, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; put(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptionsHasHandler | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this; put(route: RoutesListHasPath, options: RouteOptions, handler: RouteHandler): this; put(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasHandlerAndPath, handler?: RouteHandler): this; put(route: RoutesListHasMethod, options: RouteOptionsHasPath, handler: RouteHandler): this; put(route: RoutesList, options?: RouteOptions | RouteHandler, handler?: RouteHandler): this { const config = { ...(typeof options === 'function' ? { handler : options } : options), method : 'PUT' }; this.add(route, config, handler); return this; } lookup(method: string, path: string, host?: string): MatchedRoute | undefined { const pathSegments = path.split('/'); const pathfinder = toPathfinder(pathSegments);
const matchRoute = (list: Array<NormalizedRoute> = []): NormalizedRoute | undefined => { return list.find((route: NormalizedRoute) => { const isMethodMatch = route.method === method || route.method === '*'; if (!isMethodMatch) { return false; } const isHostMatch = !host || !route.vhost || route.vhost === host; if (!isHostMatch) { return false; } const isStaticPath = route.paramNames.length === 0; if (isStaticPath) { return route.path === path; }
const matchesAllSegments = route.segments.every((routeSegment: string, index: number): boolean => { return isDynamicSegment(routeSegment) || (routeSegment === pathSegments[index]); });
const isPathMatch = matchesAllSegments && ((route.segments.length === pathSegments.length) || route.segments[route.segments.length - 1].endsWith('*}'));
return isPathMatch; }); }
const candidates = this.routes.pathfinders.get(pathfinder); const wildcardRoutes = this.routes.wildcards; const route = matchRoute(candidates) || matchRoute(wildcardRoutes);
return route && { ...route, params : route.segments.reduce((params: RequestParams, routeSegment: string, index: number) => { if (isDynamicSegment(routeSegment)) { const name = getParamName(routeSegment); params[name] = routeSegment.endsWith('*}') ? pathSegments.slice(index).join('/') : pathSegments[index]; } return params; }, {}) }; }}
export { toSignature};