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Collect Pokemon data using Deno
import { DOMParser, HTMLDocument } from "";
import {URL_SEREBII, MoveCategory, TYPE_IMG_SRC_REGEX} from './const.ts';
export interface Move { name: string; type: string; damage: number; duration: number; energy: number; damagePVP: number; energyPVP: number; durationPVP: number; category: MoveCategory;}
export async function * getMoves(): AsyncGenerator<any> { const url = new URL('pokemongo/moves.shtml', URL_SEREBII); const resp = await fetch(url.href); const html = await resp.text();
const dom = new DOMParser(); const doc = dom.parseFromString(html, 'text/html')!;
yield * getFastMoves(doc); yield * getChargeMoves(doc);}
async function * getFastMoves(doc: HTMLDocument): AsyncGenerator<Move> { for (const row of doc.querySelectorAll('#moves li[title="VCurrent"] table:nth-of-type(1) > tbody > tr:not(:nth-child(1))')) { const name = row.children[0].textContent.trim(); const type = TYPE_IMG_SRC_REGEX.exec(row.children[1].children[0].children[0].getAttribute('src')!)?.[1]!; const damage = Number(row.children[2].textContent); const energy = Number(row.children[3].textContent); const duration = parseFloat(row.children[4].textContent.trim()); const damagePVP = Number(row.children[5].textContent); const energyPVP = Number(row.children[6].textContent); const durationPVP = parseFloat(row.children[7].textContent.trim());
yield { name, type, damage, duration, energy, damagePVP, energyPVP, durationPVP, category: 'fast' }; }}
async function * getChargeMoves(doc: HTMLDocument): AsyncGenerator<Move> { for (const row of doc.querySelectorAll('#moves li[title="VCurrent"] table:nth-of-type(2) > tbody > tr:not(:nth-child(1))')) { const name = row.children[0].textContent.trim(); const type = TYPE_IMG_SRC_REGEX.exec(row.children[1].children[0].children[0].getAttribute('src')!)?.[1]!; const damage = Number(row.children[2].textContent); const duration = parseFloat(row.children[4].textContent.trim()); const energy = parseInt(row.children[5].children[0]?.getAttribute('alt') ?? '0'); const damagePVP = Number(row.children[6].textContent); const energyPVP = Number(row.children[7].textContent); const durationPVP = duration;
yield { name, type, damage, duration, energy, damagePVP, energyPVP, durationPVP, category: 'charge' }; }}