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Collect Pokemon data using Deno
import { DOMParser } from "";
import {URL_SEREBII, MoveCategory, TYPE_IMG_SRC_REGEX} from './const.ts';
export interface PokedexEntry { id: number; name: string; image: string; types: string[]; stats: Stats; moves: Moveset[];}
export interface Stats { hp: number; attack: number; defence: number;}
export interface Moveset { category: MoveCategory; name: string;}
export async function * getPokedex(): AsyncGenerator<PokedexEntry> { const url = new URL('pokemongo/pokemon.shtml', URL_SEREBII); const resp = await fetch(url.href); const html = await resp.text();
const dom = new DOMParser(); const doc = dom.parseFromString(html, 'text/html')!;
for (const dex of doc.querySelectorAll('table td.pkmn')) { const path = dex.children[0].attributes.getNamedItem('href').value;
yield * getPokedexPath(path); }}
async function * getPokedexPath(path: string): AsyncGenerator<PokedexEntry> { const url = new URL(`pokemongo/${path}`, URL_SEREBII); const resp = await fetch(url.href); const html = await resp.text();
const dom = new DOMParser(); const doc = dom.parseFromString(html, 'text/html')!;
for (const row of doc.querySelectorAll('table:nth-child(5) > tbody > tr:not(:first-child)')) { const id = Number(row.children[0].textContent.trim().slice(1)); const image = new URL(row.children[1].querySelector('img')?.getAttribute('src')!, URL_SEREBII).href; const name = row.children[2].querySelector('a')?.textContent.trim()!; const types = [...row.children[3].querySelectorAll('a')].map((a) => TYPE_IMG_SRC_REGEX.exec(a.children[0].getAttribute('src')!)![1]);
const statDoc = row.children[4].querySelectorAll('table tr'); const stats: Stats = { hp: Number(statDoc[0].children[1].textContent.trim()), attack: Number(statDoc[0].children[1].textContent.trim()), defence: Number(statDoc[0].children[1].textContent.trim()) };
const fastMoves = [...row.children[5].querySelectorAll('a')].map((a) => a.children[0].textContent); const chargeMoves = [...row.children[6].querySelectorAll('a')].map((a) => a.children[0].textContent);
const mapMoves = (category: MoveCategory) => (name: string) => ({category, name}); const moves = ['fast')),'charge'))) ];
yield { id, image, name, types, stats, moves }; }}