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import '';
import type { HeaderExtended } from '';import type { StorageKey } from '';import type { AccountId, Balance, DispatchErrorModule, Event, Header, Index } from '';import type { FrameSystemAccountInfo } from '';import type { AnyTuple, IExtrinsic, IMethod } from '';
import { ApiPromise } from '';import { createTestPairs, TestKeyringMap } from '';import { createTypeUnsafe, TypeRegistry } from '';
import { SubmittableResult } from './index.ts';
const registry = new TypeRegistry();
async function calls (api: ApiPromise): Promise<void> { // it allows defaults const testSetId = await;
// it allows type overrides (generally shouldn't be used, but available) const testSetIdO = await<AccountId>();
// it allows actual params const nonce = await'5Test');
console.log(testSetId.toNumber(), testSetIdO.isAscii, nonce.toNumber());}
function consts (api: ApiPromise): void { // constants has actual value & metadata console.log(, api.consts.balances.existentialDeposit.toNumber(), => s.toString()).join(''), api.consts.system.blockWeights.maxBlock.refTime.toNumber() );}
async function derive (api: ApiPromise): Promise<void> { await api.derive.chain.subscribeNewHeads((header: HeaderExtended): void => { console.log('current author:',; });
const info = await api.derive.balances.account('0x1234');
console.log('info', info);}
function errors (api: ApiPromise): void { const someError = {} as DispatchErrorModule;
// existing console.log(;
// non-existing error, existing module console.log(;
// something random console.log(;}
function events (api: ApiPromise): void { const event = {} as Event;
// existing if ( { // the types are correctly expanded const [afrom, ato, aamount] =;
console.log( afrom.toHuman(), ato.toHuman(), aamount.toBn() );
// the types have getters const { amount, from, to } =;
console.log( from.toHuman(), to.toHuman(), amount.toBn() ); }
// something with only tuple data if ( { const [account, amount] =;
console.log(account.toHuman(), amount.toBn()); }
// something random, just codec[] if ( { const [a, b] =;
console.log(a.toHuman(), b.toHuman()); }}
async function query (api: ApiPromise, pairs: TestKeyringMap): Promise<void> { const intentions = await api.query.staking.bonded();
console.log('intentions:', intentions);
// api.query.*.* is well-typed const bar = await; // bar is Codec (unknown module) const bal = await api.query.balances.totalIssuance(); // bal is Balance const bal2 = await api.query.balances.totalIssuance('WRONG_ARG'); // bal2 is Codec (wrong args) const override = await api.query.balances.totalIssuance<Header>(); // override is still available
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const oldBal = await'abcd');
// For older queries we can cast with `<Balance>` (newer chain have multi typed) const multia = await api.query.balances.freeBalance.multi<Balance>([pairs.alice.address, pairs.bob.address]); const multib = await api.query.system.account.multi([pairs.alice.address, pairs.bob.address]);
await api.query.system.account(pairs.alice.address); await api.query.system.account<FrameSystemAccountInfo>(pairs.alice.address);
console.log('query types:', bar, bal, bal2, override, oldBal, multia, multib);}
async function queryExtra (api: ApiPromise): Promise<void> { // events destructing await void => { records.forEach(({ event, phase }): void => { if (phase.isApplyExtrinsic) { // Dunno... this should work // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore const [accountId, value]: [AccountId, Balance] =;
console.log(`${accountId.toString()} has ${value.toHuman()}`); } }); });
// at queries // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const events = await'0x12345');
console.log(`Received ${events.length} events:`);
// check entries() await api.query.system.account.entries(); // should not take a param await api.query.staking.nominatorSlashInEra.entries(123); // should take a param
// nmap with keys await api.query.assets.approvals.keys(123, 'blah'); await api.query.assets.account.keys(123); await api.query.assets.account.entries(123); await api.query.assets.blah.keys();
// is const key = {} as StorageKey;
if ( { const [accountId] = key.args;
// should be AccountId type console.log(accountId.toHuman()); }}
async function queryMulti (api: ApiPromise, pairs: TestKeyringMap): Promise<void> { // check multi for unsub const multiUnsub = await api.queryMulti([ [api.query.staking.validators], [] ], (values): void => { console.log('values', values);
multiUnsub(); });
// check multi , Promise result const multiRes = await api.queryMulti([ [api.query.system.account, pairs.eve.address], // older chains only [api.query.system.accountNonce, pairs.eve.address] ]);
// check multi, via at const apiAt = await'0x12345678'); const multiResAt = await apiAt.queryMulti([, [apiAt.query.staking.validators], [apiAt.query.system.account, pairs.eve.address] ]);
async function rpc (api: ApiPromise): Promise<void> { // defaults await api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads((header): void => { console.log('current header #', header.number.toNumber()); });
// with generic params await api.rpc.state.subscribeStorage<[Balance]>(['my_balance_key'], ([balance]): void => { console.log('current balance:', balance.toString()); });
// using json & raw await api.rpc.chain.getBlock.raw('0x123456');
// using raw subs await api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads.raw((result: Uint8Array): void => { console.log(result); });
// deprecated methods // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation await api.rpc.state.getPairs('123');}
function types (api: ApiPromise): void { // check correct types with `createType` const balance = registry.createType('Balance', 2); const gas = registry.createType('Gas', 2); const compact = registry.createType('Compact<u32>', 2); const f32 = registry.createType('f32'); const u32 = registry.createType('u32'); const raw = registry.createType('Raw'); // const random = registry.createType('RandomType', 2); // This one should deliberately show a TS error
const gasUnsafe = createTypeUnsafe(registry, 'Gas', [2]); const overriddenUnsafe = createTypeUnsafe<Header>(registry, 'Gas', [2]);
console.log(balance, gas, compact, gasUnsafe, overriddenUnsafe, u32.toNumber(), f32.toNumber(), api.createType('AccountData'), raw.subarray(0, 10));}
async function tx (api: ApiPromise, pairs: TestKeyringMap): Promise<void> { // transfer, also allows for bigint inputs here const transfer = api.tx.balances.transfer(pairs.bob.address, BigInt(123456789));
console.log('transfer casted', transfer as IMethod<AnyTuple>, transfer as IExtrinsic<AnyTuple>);
// simple "return the hash" variant console.log('hash:', (await transfer.signAndSend(pairs.alice)).toHex());
// passing options, but waiting for hash const nonce = await api.query.system.accountNonce<Index>(pairs.alice.address);
(await api.tx.balances .transfer(pairs.bob.address, 12345) .signAndSend(pairs.alice, { nonce }) ).toHex();
// just with the callback await api.tx.balances .transfer(pairs.bob.address, 12345) .signAndSend(pairs.alice, ({ status }: SubmittableResult) => console.log(status.type));
// with options and the callback const nonce2 = await api.query.system.accountNonce(pairs.alice.address); const unsub2 = await api.tx.balances .transfer(pairs.bob.address, 12345) .signAndSend(pairs.alice, { nonce: nonce2 }, ({ status }: SubmittableResult): void => { console.log('transfer status:', status.type);
unsub2(); });
// it allows for query & then using the submittable const second = api.tx.democracy.second(123);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises await second.signAndSend('123', (result) => console.log(result));
// it handles enum inputs correctly await api.tx.democracy.proxyVote(123, { Split: { nay: 456, yay: 123 } }).signAndSend(pairs.alice);
// is if ( { const [recipientId, balance] = second.args;
// should be LookupSource & Balance types console.log(recipientId.toHuman(), balance.toNumber()); }}
async function at (api: ApiPromise): Promise<void> { const apiAt = await'0x1234');
// get old balances console.log(await apiAt.query.balances.freeBalance('0x1234'));
// get some constants console.log(apiAt.consts.balances.existentialDeposit);}
async function main (): Promise<void> { const api = await ApiPromise.create(); const pairs = createTestPairs();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises Promise.all([ calls(api), consts(api), derive(api), errors(api), events(api), query(api, pairs), queryExtra(api), queryMulti(api, pairs), rpc(api), types(api), tx(api, pairs), at(api) ]);}