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import type { HexString } from '';import type { EncryptedJson, Keypair, KeypairType, Prefix } from '';
export interface KeyringOptions { /** * @description The ss58Format to use for address encoding (defaults to 42) */ ss58Format?: Prefix; /** * @description The type of keyring to create (defaults to ed25519) */ type?: KeypairType;}
export type KeyringPair$Meta = Record<string, unknown>;
export interface KeyringPair$Json extends EncryptedJson { /** The ss58 encoded address or the hex-encoded version (the latter is for ETH-compat chains) */ address: string | HexString; /** The underlying metadata associated with the keypair */ meta: KeyringPair$Meta;}
export interface SignOptions { /** * @description Create a MultiSignature-compatible output with an indicator type **/ withType?: boolean;}
export interface KeyringPair { readonly address: string; readonly addressRaw: Uint8Array; readonly meta: KeyringPair$Meta; readonly isLocked: boolean; readonly publicKey: Uint8Array; readonly type: KeypairType;
decodePkcs8 (passphrase?: string, encoded?: Uint8Array): void; derive (suri: string, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta): KeyringPair; encodePkcs8 (passphrase?: string): Uint8Array; lock (): void; setMeta (meta: KeyringPair$Meta): void; sign (message: HexString | string | Uint8Array, options?: SignOptions): Uint8Array; toJson (passphrase?: string): KeyringPair$Json; unlock (passphrase?: string): void; verify (message: HexString | string | Uint8Array, signature: Uint8Array, signerPublic: HexString | string | Uint8Array): boolean; vrfSign (message: HexString | string | Uint8Array, context?: HexString | string | Uint8Array, extra?: HexString | string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array; vrfVerify (message: HexString | string | Uint8Array, vrfResult: Uint8Array, signerPublic: HexString | Uint8Array | string, context?: HexString | string | Uint8Array, extra?: HexString | string | Uint8Array): boolean;}
export interface KeyringPairs { add: (pair: KeyringPair) => KeyringPair; all: () => KeyringPair[]; get: (address: string | Uint8Array) => KeyringPair; remove: (address: string | Uint8Array) => void;}
export interface KeyringInstance { readonly pairs: KeyringPair[]; readonly publicKeys: Uint8Array[]; readonly type: KeypairType;
decodeAddress (encoded: string | Uint8Array, ignoreChecksum?: boolean, ss58Format?: Prefix): Uint8Array; encodeAddress (key: Uint8Array | string, ss58Format?: Prefix): string; setSS58Format (ss58Format: Prefix): void;
addPair (pair: KeyringPair): KeyringPair; addFromAddress (address: string | Uint8Array, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, encoded?: Uint8Array | null, type?: KeypairType, ignoreChecksum?: boolean): KeyringPair; addFromJson (pair: KeyringPair$Json, ignoreChecksum?: boolean): KeyringPair; addFromMnemonic (mnemonic: string, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, type?: KeypairType): KeyringPair; addFromPair (pair: Keypair, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, type?: KeypairType): KeyringPair addFromSeed (seed: Uint8Array, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, type?: KeypairType): KeyringPair; addFromUri (suri: string, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, type?: KeypairType): KeyringPair; createFromJson (json: KeyringPair$Json, ignoreChecksum?: boolean): KeyringPair; createFromPair (pair: Keypair, meta: KeyringPair$Meta, type: KeypairType): KeyringPair createFromUri (suri: string, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, type?: KeypairType): KeyringPair; getPair (address: string | Uint8Array): KeyringPair; getPairs (): KeyringPair[]; getPublicKeys (): Uint8Array[]; removePair (address: string | Uint8Array): void; toJson (address: string | Uint8Array, passphrase?: string): KeyringPair$Json;}