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Package publishing for
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import { xglobal } from '';
import { isFunction } from './is/function.ts';
type This = typeof globalThis;
interface PackageJson { name: string; path?: string; type?: string; version: string;}
interface VersionPath { path?: string; type?: string; version: string;}
interface PjsChecks extends This { __polkadotjs: Record<string, VersionPath[]>;}
type PjsGlobal = This & PjsChecks & Record<string, unknown>;type FnString = () => string | undefined;
const DEDUPE = 'Either remove and explicitly install matching versions or dedupe using your package manager.\nThe following conflicting packages were found:';
/** @internal */function getEntry (name: string): VersionPath[] { const _global = xglobal as PjsGlobal;
if (!_global.__polkadotjs) { _global.__polkadotjs = {}; }
if (!_global.__polkadotjs[name]) { _global.__polkadotjs[name] = []; }
return _global.__polkadotjs[name];}
/** @internal */function formatDisplay <T extends { version: string }> (all: T[], fmt: (version: string, data: T) => string[]): string { let max = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { max = Math.max(max, all[i].version.length); }
return all .map((d) => `\t${fmt(d.version.padEnd(max), d).join('\t')}`) .join('\n');}
/** @internal */function formatInfo (version: string, { name }: PackageJson): string[] { return [ version, name ];}
/** @internal */function formatVersion (version: string, { path, type }: VersionPath): string[] { let extracted: string;
if (path && path.length >= 5) { const nmIndex = path.indexOf('node_modules');
extracted = nmIndex === -1 ? path : path.substring(nmIndex); } else { extracted = '<unknown>'; }
return [ `${`${type || ''}`.padStart(3)} ${version}`, extracted ];}
/** @internal */function getPath (infoPath?: string, pathOrFn?: FnString | string | false | null): string { if (infoPath) { return infoPath; } else if (isFunction(pathOrFn)) { try { return pathOrFn() || ''; } catch { return ''; } }
return pathOrFn || '';}
/** @internal */function warn <T extends { version: string }> (pre: string, all: T[], fmt: (version: string, data: T) => string[]): void { console.warn(`${pre}\n${DEDUPE}\n${formatDisplay(all, fmt)}`);}
/** * @name detectPackage * @summary Checks that a specific package is only imported once * @description A `@polkadot/*` version detection utility, checking for one occurence of a package in addition to checking for ddependency versions. */export function detectPackage ({ name, path, type, version }: PackageJson, pathOrFn?: FnString | string | false | null, deps: PackageJson[] = []): void { if (!name.startsWith('@polkadot')) { throw new Error(`Invalid package descriptor ${name}`); }
const entry = getEntry(name);
entry.push({ path: getPath(path, pathOrFn), type, version });
if (entry.length !== 1) { warn(`${name} has multiple versions, ensure that there is only one installed.`, entry, formatVersion); } else { const mismatches = deps.filter((d) => d && d.version !== version);
if (mismatches.length) { warn(`${name} requires direct dependencies exactly matching version ${version}.`, mismatches, formatInfo); } }}