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import type { SubstrateApp } from '';import type { TransportDef, TransportType } from '';import type { AccountOptions, LedgerAddress, LedgerSignature, LedgerVersion } from './types.ts';
import { newSubstrateApp } from '';
import { transports } from '';import { hexAddPrefix, u8aToBuffer } from '';
import { LEDGER_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, LEDGER_DEFAULT_CHANGE, LEDGER_DEFAULT_INDEX, LEDGER_SUCCESS_CODE } from './constants.ts';import { ledgerApps } from './defaults.ts';
export { packageInfo } from './packageInfo.ts';
type Chain = keyof typeof ledgerApps;
type WrappedResult = Awaited<ReturnType<SubstrateApp['getAddress' | 'getVersion' | 'sign']>>;
/** @internal Wraps a SubstrateApp call, checking the result for any errors which result in a rejection */async function wrapError <T extends WrappedResult> (promise: Promise<T>): Promise<T> { const result = await promise;
if (result.return_code !== LEDGER_SUCCESS_CODE) { throw new Error(result.error_message); }
return result;}
/** * @name Ledger * * @description * A very basic wrapper for a ledger app - * - it connects automatically on use, creating an underlying interface as required * - Promises reject with errors (unwrapped errors from @zondax/ledger-substrate) */export class Ledger { readonly #ledgerName: string; readonly #transportDef: TransportDef;
#app: SubstrateApp | null = null;
constructor (transport: TransportType, chain: Chain) { const ledgerName = ledgerApps[chain]; const transportDef = transports.find(({ type }) => type === transport);
if (!ledgerName) { throw new Error(`Unsupported Ledger chain ${chain}`); } else if (!transportDef) { throw new Error(`Unsupported Ledger transport ${transport}`); }
this.#ledgerName = ledgerName; this.#transportDef = transportDef; }
/** * Returns the address associated with a specific account & address offset. Optionally * asks for on-device confirmation */ public async getAddress (confirm = false, accountOffset = 0, addressOffset = 0, { account = LEDGER_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, addressIndex = LEDGER_DEFAULT_INDEX, change = LEDGER_DEFAULT_CHANGE }: Partial<AccountOptions> = {}): Promise<LedgerAddress> { return this.withApp(async (app: SubstrateApp): Promise<LedgerAddress> => { const { address, pubKey } = await wrapError(app.getAddress(account + accountOffset, change, addressIndex + addressOffset, confirm));
return { address, publicKey: hexAddPrefix(pubKey) }; }); }
/** * Returns the version of the Ledger application on the device */ public async getVersion (): Promise<LedgerVersion> { return this.withApp(async (app: SubstrateApp): Promise<LedgerVersion> => { const { device_locked: isLocked, major, minor, patch, test_mode: isTestMode } = await wrapError(app.getVersion());
return { isLocked, isTestMode, version: [major, minor, patch] }; }); }
/** * Signs a transaction on the Ledger device */ public async sign (message: Uint8Array, accountOffset = 0, addressOffset = 0, { account = LEDGER_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, addressIndex = LEDGER_DEFAULT_INDEX, change = LEDGER_DEFAULT_CHANGE }: Partial<AccountOptions> = {}): Promise<LedgerSignature> { return this.withApp(async (app: SubstrateApp): Promise<LedgerSignature> => { const buffer = u8aToBuffer(message); const { signature } = await wrapError(app.sign(account + accountOffset, change, addressIndex + addressOffset, buffer));
return { signature: hexAddPrefix(signature.toString('hex')) }; }); }
/** * @internal * * Returns a created SubstrateApp to perform operations against. Generally * this is only used internally, to ensure consistent bahavior. */ async withApp <T> (fn: (app: SubstrateApp) => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { try { if (!this.#app) { const transport = await this.#transportDef.create();
this.#app = newSubstrateApp(transport, this.#ledgerName); }
return await fn(this.#app); } catch (error) { this.#app = null;
throw error; } }}