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import type { HexString } from '';import type { KeyringPair, KeyringPairs } from './types.ts';
import { isHex, isU8a, u8aToHex, u8aToU8a } from '';import { decodeAddress } from '';
type KeyringPairMap = Record<string, KeyringPair>;
export class Pairs implements KeyringPairs { readonly #map: KeyringPairMap = {};
public add (pair: KeyringPair): KeyringPair { this.#map[decodeAddress(pair.address).toString()] = pair;
return pair; }
public all (): KeyringPair[] { return Object.values(this.#map); }
public get (address: HexString | string | Uint8Array): KeyringPair { const pair = this.#map[decodeAddress(address).toString()];
if (!pair) { throw new Error(`Unable to retrieve keypair '${ isU8a(address) || isHex(address) ? u8aToHex(u8aToU8a(address)) : address }'`); }
return pair; }
public remove (address: HexString | string | Uint8Array): void { delete this.#map[decodeAddress(address).toString()]; }}