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import type * as ScType from '';import type { JsonRpcResponse, ProviderInterface, ProviderInterfaceCallback, ProviderInterfaceEmitCb, ProviderInterfaceEmitted } from '../types.ts';
import { EventEmitter } from '';
import { isError, isFunction, isObject, logger, objectSpread } from '';
import { RpcCoder } from '../coder/index.ts';import { healthChecker } from './Health.ts';
type ResponseCallback = (response: string | Error) => void;
interface SubstrateConnect { WellKnownChain: typeof ScType['WellKnownChain']; createScClient: typeof ScType['createScClient'];}
const l = logger('api-substrate-connect');
const subscriptionUnsubscriptionMethods = new Map<string, string>([ ['author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic', 'author_unwatchExtrinsic'], ['chain_subscribeAllHeads', 'chain_unsubscribeAllHeads'], ['chain_subscribeFinalizedHeads', 'chain_unsubscribeFinalizedHeads'], ['chain_subscribeFinalisedHeads', 'chain_subscribeFinalisedHeads'], ['chain_subscribeNewHeads', 'chain_unsubscribeNewHeads'], ['chain_subscribeNewHead', 'chain_unsubscribeNewHead'], ['chain_subscribeRuntimeVersion', 'chain_unsubscribeRuntimeVersion'], ['subscribe_newHead', 'unsubscribe_newHead'], ['state_subscribeRuntimeVersion', 'state_unsubscribeRuntimeVersion'], ['state_subscribeStorage', 'state_unsubscribeStorage']]);
const scClients = new WeakMap<ScProvider, ScType.ScClient>();
interface ActiveSubs { type: string, method: string, params: any[], callback: ProviderInterfaceCallback}
export class ScProvider implements ProviderInterface { readonly #Sc: SubstrateConnect; readonly #coder: RpcCoder = new RpcCoder(); readonly #spec: string | ScType.WellKnownChain; readonly #sharedSandbox?: ScProvider | undefined; readonly #subscriptions: Map<string, [ResponseCallback, { unsubscribeMethod: string; id: string | number }]> = new Map(); readonly #resubscribeMethods: Map<string, ActiveSubs> = new Map(); readonly #requests: Map<number, ResponseCallback> = new Map(); readonly #wellKnownChains: Set<ScType.WellKnownChain>; readonly #eventemitter: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
#chain: Promise<ScType.Chain> | null = null; #isChainReady = false;
public constructor (Sc: SubstrateConnect, spec: string | ScType.WellKnownChain, sharedSandbox?: ScProvider) { if (!isObject(Sc) || !isObject(Sc.WellKnownChain) || !isFunction(Sc.createScClient)) { throw new Error('Expected an @substrate/connect interface as first parameter to ScProvider'); }
this.#Sc = Sc; this.#spec = spec; this.#sharedSandbox = sharedSandbox; this.#wellKnownChains = new Set(Object.values(Sc.WellKnownChain)); }
public get hasSubscriptions (): boolean { // Indicates that subscriptions are supported return true; }
public get isClonable (): boolean { return false; }
public get isConnected (): boolean { return !!this.#chain && this.#isChainReady; }
public clone (): ProviderInterface { throw new Error('clone() is not supported.'); }
// Config details can be found in @substrate/connect repo following the link: // async connect (config?: ScType.Config, checkerFactory = healthChecker): Promise<void> { if (this.isConnected) { throw new Error('Already connected!'); }
// it could happen that after emitting `disconnected` due to the fact taht // smoldot is syncing, the consumer tries to reconnect after a certain amount // of time... In which case we want to make sure that we don't create a new // chain. if (this.#chain) { await this.#chain;
return; }
if (this.#sharedSandbox && !this.#sharedSandbox.isConnected) { await this.#sharedSandbox.connect(); }
const client = this.#sharedSandbox ? scClients.get(this.#sharedSandbox) : this.#Sc.createScClient(config);
if (!client) { throw new Error('Unkown ScProvider!'); }
scClients.set(this, client);
const hc = checkerFactory();
const onResponse = (res: string): void => { const hcRes = hc.responsePassThrough(res);
if (!hcRes) { return; }
const response = JSON.parse(hcRes) as JsonRpcResponse<string>; let decodedResponse: string | Error;
try { decodedResponse = this.#coder.decodeResponse(response); } catch (e) { decodedResponse = e as Error; }
// It's not a subscription message, but rather a standar RPC response if (response.params?.subscription === undefined || !response.method) { return this.#requests.get(; }
// We are dealing with a subscription message const subscriptionId = `${response.method}::${response.params.subscription}`;
const callback = this.#subscriptions.get(subscriptionId)?.[0];
callback?.(decodedResponse); };
const addChain = this.#wellKnownChains.has(this.#spec as ScType.WellKnownChain) ? client.addWellKnownChain : client.addChain;
this.#chain = addChain(this.#spec as ScType.WellKnownChain, onResponse).then((chain) => { hc.setSendJsonRpc(chain.sendJsonRpc);
this.#isChainReady = false;
const cleanup = () => { // If there are any callbacks left, we have to reject/error them. // Otherwise, that would cause a memory leak. const disconnectionError = new Error('Disconnected');
this.#requests.forEach((cb) => cb(disconnectionError)); this.#subscriptions.forEach(([cb]) => cb(disconnectionError)); this.#subscriptions.clear(); };
const staleSubscriptions: { unsubscribeMethod: string id: number | string }[] = [];
const killStaleSubscriptions = () => { if (staleSubscriptions.length === 0) { return; }
const stale = staleSubscriptions.pop();
if (!stale) { throw new Error('Unable to get stale subscription'); }
const { id, unsubscribeMethod } = stale;
Promise .race([ this.send(unsubscribeMethod, [id]).catch(() => undefined), new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) ]) .then(killStaleSubscriptions) .catch(() => undefined); };
hc.start((health) => { const isReady = !health.isSyncing && (health.peers > 0 || !health.shouldHavePeers);
// if it's the same as before, then nothing has changed and we are done if (this.#isChainReady === isReady) { return; }
this.#isChainReady = isReady;
if (!isReady) { // If we've reached this point, that means that the chain used to be "ready" // and now we are about to emit `disconnected`. // // This will cause the PolkadotJs API think that the connection is // actually dead. In reality the smoldot chain is not dead, of course. // However, we have to cleanup all the existing callbacks because when // the smoldot chain stops syncing, then we will emit `connected` and // the PolkadotJs API will try to re-create the previous // subscriptions and requests. Although, now is not a good moment // to be sending unsubscription messages to the smoldot chain, we // should wait until is no longer syncing to send the unsubscription // messages from the stale subscriptions of the previous connection. // // That's why -before we perform the cleanup of `this.#subscriptions`- // we keep the necessary information that we will need later on to // kill the stale subscriptions. [...this.#subscriptions.values()].forEach((s) => { staleSubscriptions.push(s[1]); }); cleanup();
this.#eventemitter.emit('disconnected'); } else { killStaleSubscriptions();
if (this.#resubscribeMethods.size) { this.#resubscribe(); } } });
return objectSpread({}, chain, { remove: () => { hc.stop(); chain.remove(); cleanup(); }, sendJsonRpc: hc.sendJsonRpc.bind(hc) }); });
try { await this.#chain; } catch (e) { this.#chain = null; this.#eventemitter.emit('error', e); throw e; } }
#resubscribe = (): void => { const promises: any[] = [];
this.#resubscribeMethods.forEach((subDetails: ActiveSubs): void => { // only re-create subscriptions which are not in author (only area where // transactions are created, i.e. submissions such as 'author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic' // are not included (and will not be re-broadcast) if (subDetails.type.startsWith('author_')) { return; }
try { const promise: Promise<void> = new Promise((resolve) => { this.subscribe(subDetails.type, subDetails.method, subDetails.params, subDetails.callback).catch((error) => console.log(error)); resolve(); });
promises.push(promise); } catch (error) { l.error(error); } });
Promise.all(promises).catch((err) => l.log(err)); };
async disconnect (): Promise<void> { if (!this.#chain) { return; }
const chain = await this.#chain;
this.#chain = null; this.#isChainReady = false;
try { chain.remove(); } catch (_) {}
this.#eventemitter.emit('disconnected'); }
public on (type: ProviderInterfaceEmitted, sub: ProviderInterfaceEmitCb): () => void { // It's possible. Although, quite unlikely, that by the time that polkadot // subscribes to the `connected` event, the Provider is already connected. // In that case, we must emit to let the consumer know that we are connected. if (type === 'connected' && this.isConnected) { sub(); }
this.#eventemitter.on(type, sub);
return (): void => { this.#eventemitter.removeListener(type, sub); }; }
public async send<T = any> (method: string, params: unknown[]): Promise<T> { if (!this.isConnected || !this.#chain) { throw new Error('Provider is not connected'); }
const chain = await this.#chain; const [id, json] = this.#coder.encodeJson(method, params);
const result = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject): void => { this.#requests.set(id, (response) => { (isError(response) ? reject : resolve)(response as unknown as T); });
try { chain.sendJsonRpc(json); } catch (e) { this.#chain = null;
try { chain.remove(); } catch (_) {}
this.#eventemitter.emit('error', e); } });
try { return await result; } finally { // let's ensure that once the Promise is resolved/rejected, then we remove // remove its entry from the internal #requests this.#requests.delete(id); } }
public async subscribe (type: string, method: string, params: any[], callback: ProviderInterfaceCallback): Promise<number | string> { if (!subscriptionUnsubscriptionMethods.has(method)) { throw new Error(`Unsupported subscribe method: ${method}`); }
const id = await this.send<number | string>(method, params); const subscriptionId = `${type}::${id}`;
const cb = (response: Error | string) => { if (response instanceof Error) { callback(response, undefined); } else { callback(null, response); } };
const unsubscribeMethod = subscriptionUnsubscriptionMethods.get(method);
if (!unsubscribeMethod) { throw new Error('Invalid unsubscribe method found'); }
this.#resubscribeMethods.set(subscriptionId, { callback, method, params, type });
this.#subscriptions.set(subscriptionId, [cb, { id, unsubscribeMethod }]);
return id; }
public unsubscribe (type: string, method: string, id: number | string): Promise<boolean> { if (!this.isConnected) { throw new Error('Provider is not connected'); }
const subscriptionId = `${type}::${id}`;
if (!this.#subscriptions.has(subscriptionId)) { return Promise.reject( new Error(`Unable to find active subscription=${subscriptionId}`) ); }
this.#resubscribeMethods.delete(subscriptionId); this.#subscriptions.delete(subscriptionId);
return this.send(method, [id]); }}