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import type { NumberOptions, ToBn } from '../types.ts';import type { BN } from './bn.ts';
import { bnToBn } from './toBn.ts';
const DEFAULT_OPTS: NumberOptions = { bitLength: -1, isLe: true, isNegative: false };
/** * @name bnToU8a * @summary Creates a Uint8Array object from a BN. * @description * `null`/`undefined`/`NaN` inputs returns an empty `Uint8Array` result. `BN` input values return the actual bytes value converted to a `Uint8Array`. Optionally convert using little-endian format if `isLE` is set. * @example * <BR> * * ```javascript * import { bnToU8a } from ''; * * bnToU8a(new BN(0x1234)); // => [0x12, 0x34] * ``` */export function bnToU8a <ExtToBn extends ToBn> (value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | number | null, { bitLength = -1, isLe = true, isNegative = false } = DEFAULT_OPTS): Uint8Array { const valueBn = bnToBn(value); const byteLength = bitLength === -1 ? Math.ceil(valueBn.bitLength() / 8) : Math.ceil((bitLength || 0) / 8);
if (!value) { return bitLength === -1 ? new Uint8Array(1) : new Uint8Array(byteLength); }
const output = new Uint8Array(byteLength); const bn = isNegative ? valueBn.toTwos(byteLength * 8) : valueBn;
output.set(bn.toArray(isLe ? 'le' : 'be', byteLength), 0);
return output;}