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// Copyright 2017-2022 @polkadot/types-known authors & contributors// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import type { ExtDef } from '';import type { Hash } from '';import type { ChainUpgradeVersion, CodecHasher, DefinitionRpc, DefinitionRpcSub, DefinitionsCall, OverrideModuleType, OverrideVersionedType, Registry, RegistryTypes } from '';import type { Text } from '';import type { BN } from '';
import { bnToBn, objectSpread } from '';
import typesChain from './chain/index.ts';import typesSpec from './spec/index.ts';import upgrades from './upgrades/index.ts';
function withNames <T> (chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string, fn: (c: string, s: string) => T): T { return fn(chainName.toString(), specName.toString());}
// flatten a VersionedType[] into a Record<string, string>/** @internal */function filterVersions (versions: OverrideVersionedType[] = [], specVersion: number): RegistryTypes { return versions .filter(({ minmax: [min, max] }) => (min === undefined || min === null || specVersion >= min) && (max === undefined || max === null || specVersion <= max) ) .reduce((result: RegistryTypes, { types }): RegistryTypes => objectSpread(result, types), {} );}
/** * @description Based on the chain and runtimeVersion, get the applicable signed extensions (ready for registration) */export function getSpecExtensions ({ knownTypes }: Registry, chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string): ExtDef { return withNames(chainName, specName, (c, s) => objectSpread({}, knownTypes.typesBundle?.spec?.[s]?.signedExtensions, knownTypes.typesBundle?.chain?.[c]?.signedExtensions ) );}
/** * @description Based on the chain and runtimeVersion, get the applicable types (ready for registration) */export function getSpecTypes ({ knownTypes }: Registry, chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string, specVersion: bigint | BN | number): RegistryTypes { const _specVersion = bnToBn(specVersion).toNumber();
return withNames(chainName, specName, (c, s) => // The order here is always, based on - // - spec then chain // - typesBundle takes higher precedence // - types is the final catch-all override objectSpread({}, filterVersions(typesSpec[s], _specVersion), filterVersions(typesChain[c], _specVersion), filterVersions(knownTypes.typesBundle?.spec?.[s]?.types, _specVersion), filterVersions(knownTypes.typesBundle?.chain?.[c]?.types, _specVersion), knownTypes.typesSpec?.[s], knownTypes.typesChain?.[c], knownTypes.types ) );}
export function getSpecHasher ({ knownTypes }: Registry, chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string): CodecHasher | null { return withNames(chainName, specName, (c, s) => knownTypes.hasher || knownTypes.typesBundle?.chain?.[c]?.hasher || knownTypes.typesBundle?.spec?.[s]?.hasher || null );}
/** * @description Based on the chain and runtimeVersion, get the applicable rpc definitions (ready for registration) */export function getSpecRpc ({ knownTypes }: Registry, chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string): Record<string, Record<string, DefinitionRpc | DefinitionRpcSub>> { return withNames(chainName, specName, (c, s) => objectSpread({}, knownTypes.typesBundle?.spec?.[s]?.rpc, knownTypes.typesBundle?.chain?.[c]?.rpc ) );}
/** * @description Based on the chain and runtimeVersion, get the applicable runtime definitions (ready for registration) */export function getSpecRuntime ({ knownTypes }: Registry, chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string): DefinitionsCall { return withNames(chainName, specName, (c, s) => objectSpread({}, knownTypes.typesBundle?.spec?.[s]?.runtime, knownTypes.typesBundle?.chain?.[c]?.runtime ) );}
/** * @description Based on the chain and runtimeVersion, get the applicable alias definitions (ready for registration) */export function getSpecAlias ({ knownTypes }: Registry, chainName: Text | string, specName: Text | string): Record<string, OverrideModuleType> { return withNames(chainName, specName, (c, s) => // as per versions, first spec, then chain then finally non-versioned objectSpread({}, knownTypes.typesBundle?.spec?.[s]?.alias, knownTypes.typesBundle?.chain?.[c]?.alias, knownTypes.typesAlias ) );}
/** * @description Returns a version record for known chains where upgrades are being tracked */export function getUpgradeVersion (genesisHash: Hash, blockNumber: BN): [ChainUpgradeVersion | undefined, ChainUpgradeVersion | undefined] { const known = upgrades.find((u) => genesisHash.eq(u.genesisHash));
return known ? [ known.versions.reduce<ChainUpgradeVersion | undefined>((last, version) => { return ? version : last; }, undefined), known.versions.find((version) => blockNumber.lte(version.blockNumber)) ] : [undefined, undefined];}