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Simple ORM for PostGRES
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class vessels
extends Model
import { vessels } from "";


tableName: string

Static Properties

_id: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
cargo_capacity: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
consumables: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
cost_in_credits: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
crew: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
length: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
manufacturer: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
max_atmosphering_speed: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
model: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
name: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
passengers: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
vessel_class: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
vessel_type: { data_type: string; is_nullable: string; }
interface vessels
import { type vessels } from "";


consumables: string
vessel_type: string
cargo_capacity: string
crew: number
vessel_class: string
name: string
max_atmosphering_speed: string
cost_in_credits: number
model: string
passengers: number
manufacturer: string
_id: number
length: string