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import { assert, assertEquals, assertMatch, assertThrows, postcss,} from "./deps.js";import autoprefixer from "../mod.js";
let grider = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Edge 12", "IE 10"], cascade: false, grid: "autoplace",});
let cleaner = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: [],});let compiler = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Opera 12"],});let filterer = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Safari 9", "Firefox 39"],});let borderer = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Safari 4", "Firefox 3.6"],});let cascader = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome > 19", "Firefox 21", "IE 10"], cascade: true,});let keyframer = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome > 19", "Opera 12"],});let flexboxer = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome > 19", "Firefox 21", "IE 10"],});let without3d = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Opera 12", "IE > 0"],});let supporter = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Chrome 28", "IE > 0"],});let uncascader = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Firefox 15"],});let gradienter = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Opera 12", "Android 2.3"],});let grouping = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Firefox > 17", "IE 10", "Edge 12"], grid: "autoplace",});let ffgradienter = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Opera 12", "Firefox 6"],});let selectorer = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Firefox > 17", "IE 10", "Edge 12"],});let placeholderShowner = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["IE >= 10"],});let transitionSpec = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome > 19", "Firefox 14", "IE 10", "Opera 12"],});let intrinsicer = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 25", "Firefox 22", "Safari 10"],});let imagerender = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["iOS 8", "iOS 6.1", "FF 22", "IE 11", "Opera 12"],});let backgrounder = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Firefox 3.6", "Android 2.3"],});let resolutioner = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Safari 7", "Opera 12", "Firefox 15"],});let overscroller = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Edge 17"],});let clipper = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Safari 7", "Edge 14"],});let example = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["defaults"],});let autofiller = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome > 90", "Firefox >= 82"],});let content = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: [ "> 2%", "last 2 years", "ie 11", "not ie_mob > 0", "not dead", ],});
function prefixer(name) { if ( name === "grid" || name === "grid-gap" || name === "grid-area" || name === "grid-template" || name === "grid-template-areas" ) { return grider; } else if ( name === "filter" || name === "advanced-filter" || name === "element" ) { return filterer; } else if ( name === "vendor-hack" || name === "value-hack" || name === "mistakes" ) { return cleaner; } else if ( name === "flexbox" || name === "flex-rewrite" || name === "double" || name === "viewport" || name === "appearance" ) { return flexboxer; } else if ( name === "intrinsic" || name === "multicolumn" || name === "logical" || name === "text-decoration" || name === "at-rules" ) { return intrinsicer; } else if (name === "selectors" || name === "placeholder") { return selectorer; } else if (name === "selectors" || name === "file-selector-button") { return fileSelectorButtoner; } else if ( name === "selectors" || name === "autofill" || name === "print-color-adjust" ) { return autofiller; } else if (name === "placeholder-shown") { return placeholderShowner; } else if (name === "backdrop-filter" || name === "overscroll-behavior") { return overscroller; } else if (name === "background-clip" || name === "user-select") { return clipper; } else if (name === "image-rendering" || name === "writing-mode") { return imagerender; } else if (name === "keyframes") { return keyframer; } else if (name === "border-radius") { return borderer; } else if (name === "gradient") { return gradienter; } else if (name === "gradient-fix") { return ffgradienter; } else if (name === "grouping-rule") { return grouping; } else if (name === "cascade") { return cascader; } else if (name === "3d-transform") { return without3d; } else if (name === "background-size") { return backgrounder; } else if (name === "uncascade") { return uncascader; } else if (name === "example") { return example; } else if (name === "resolution") { return resolutioner; } else if (name === "supports") { return supporter; } else if (name === "transition-spec") { return transitionSpec; } else if (name === "content") { return content; } else { return compiler; }}
function read(name) { const file = new URL(`../test/cases/${name}.css`, import.meta.url).pathname; try { return Deno.readTextFileSync(file); } catch { console.error({ file }); }}
function universalizer(string) { return string.replace(/\r/g, "");}
function check(from, instance = prefixer(from)) { let input = read(from); let output = read(from + ".out"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assert(result.warnings().length === 0); assertEquals(universalizer(result.css), universalizer(output));}
const COMMONS = [ "transition", "values", "keyframes", "gradient", "flex-rewrite", "flexbox", "filter", "border-image", "border-radius", "notes", "selectors", "placeholder", "placeholder-shown", "fullscreen", "intrinsic", "mistakes", "custom-prefix", "cascade", "double", "multicolumn", "3d-transform", "background-size", "supports", "viewport", "resolution", "logical", "appearance", "advanced-filter", "element", "image-set", "image-rendering", "mask-border", "writing-mode", "cross-fade", "gradient-fix", "text-emphasis-position", "grid", "grid-area", "grid-template", "grid-template-areas", "grid-gap", "print-color-adjust",];
let options = { cascade: false, grid: false,};
let browsers = ["chrome 25", "opera 12"];
Deno.test("sets options via options object", () => { let allOptions = Object.assign(options, { overrideBrowserslist: browsers }); let instance = autoprefixer(allOptions); assertEquals(instance.options, allOptions); assertEquals(instance.browsers, browsers);});
Deno.test("sets options via array of browsers as first argument and object", () => { let instance = autoprefixer(browsers, options); assertEquals(instance.options, options); assertEquals(instance.browsers, browsers);});
Deno.test("sets options via browsers as arguments and options object", () => { let instance = autoprefixer(...browsers, options); assertEquals(instance.options, options); assertEquals(instance.browsers, browsers);});
Deno.test("has default browsers", () => { assert(autoprefixer.defaults.length > 0);});
Deno.test("add prefix for backface-visibility for Safari 9", () => { let input = "a{ " + "backface-visibility: hidden; " + "transform-style: preserve-3d }"; let ap = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Safari 9"], flexbox: false, }); assertEquals( postcss([ap]).process(input).css, "a{ " + "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; " + "backface-visibility: hidden; " + "transform-style: preserve-3d }", );});
Deno.test("prefixes values", () => { check("values");});Deno.test("prefixes @keyframes", () => { check("keyframes");});Deno.test("prefixes @viewport", () => { check("viewport");});Deno.test("prefixes selectors", () => { check("selectors");});Deno.test("prefixes resolution query", () => { check("resolution");});Deno.test("removes common mistakes", () => { check("mistakes");});Deno.test("reads notes for prefixes", () => { check("notes");});Deno.test("keeps vendor-specific hacks", () => { check("vendor-hack");});Deno.test("keeps values with vendor hacks", () => { check("value-hack");});Deno.test("works with comments", () => { check("comments");});Deno.test("uses visual cascade", () => { check("cascade");});Deno.test("works with properties near", () => { check("double");});Deno.test("checks prefixed in hacks", () => { check("check-down");});Deno.test("normalize cascade after remove", () => { check("uncascade");});Deno.test("prefix decls in @supports", () => { check("supports");});Deno.test("saves declaration style", () => { check("style");});Deno.test("uses ignore next control comments", () => { check("ignore-next");});Deno.test("uses block control comments", () => { check("disabled");});Deno.test("has actual example in docs", () => { check("example");});Deno.test("process grouping rules correctly", () => { check("grouping-rule");});Deno.test("transition on vendor specific rule", () => { check("transition-spec");});Deno.test("ignore prefix in vendor at rules", () => { check("at-rules");});
Deno.test("ignore content property", () => { let input = read("content"); let result = postcss([prefixer("scope")]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, input);});
Deno.test("uses control comments to whole scope", () => { let input = read("scope"); let output = read("scope.out"); let result = postcss([prefixer("scope")]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:5:3: Second Autoprefixer control comment " + "was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comment to whole block, " + "not to next rules.", ]);});
Deno.test("sets grid option via comment", () => { let input = read("grid-status"); let output = read("grid-status.out"); let ap = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["last 2 versions", "IE 11"] }); let result = postcss([ap]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:2:1: Second Autoprefixer grid control " + "comment was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comments " + "to the whole block, not to the next rules.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:20:3: Second Autoprefixer grid control " + "comment was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comments " + "to the whole block, not to the next rules.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:47:3: Second Autoprefixer grid control " + "comment was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comments " + "to the whole block, not to the next rules.", ]);});
Deno.test("prefixes transition", () => { let input = read("transition"); let output = read("transition.out"); let result = postcss([prefixer("transition")]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:23:3: Replace transition-property " + "to transition, because Autoprefixer could not support any cases " + "of transition-property and other transition-*", ]);});
Deno.test("does not raise unnecessary warnings when prefixing transition", () => { check("transition-no-warning");});
Deno.test("works with broken transition", () => { let input = "a{transition:,,}"; let output = "a{-webkit-transition:;-o-transition:;transition:}"; let result = postcss([prefixer("transition")]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, output);});
Deno.test("should ignore spaces inside values", () => { let css = read("trim"); assertEquals(postcss([flexboxer]).process(css).css, css);});
Deno.test("removes unnecessary prefixes", () => { let processor = postcss([cleaner]); for (let type of COMMONS) { if (type === "gradient-fix") continue; if (type === "cascade") continue; if (type === "mistakes") continue; if (type === "flex-rewrite") continue; if (type === "grid") continue; if (type === "grid-gap") continue; if (type === "grid-area") continue; if (type === "grid-template") continue; if (type === "grid-template-areas") continue; let input = read(type + ".out"); let output = read(type); assertEquals(processor.process(input).css, output); }});
Deno.test("media does not should nested", () => { let processor = postcss([grider]); let input = read("grid-media-rules"); let output = read("grid-media-rules.out"); assertEquals(processor.process(input).css, output);});
Deno.test("does not remove unnecessary prefixes on request", () => { for (let type of ["transition", "values", "fullscreen"]) { let keeper = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: [], remove: false }); let css = read(type + ".out"); assertEquals(postcss([keeper]).process(css).css, css); }});
Deno.test("does not add prefixes on request", () => { for (let type of ["transition", "values", "fullscreen"]) { let remover = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Opera 12"], add: false, }); let unprefixed = read(type); assertEquals(postcss([remover]).process(unprefixed).css, unprefixed); }});
Deno.test("prevents doubling prefixes", () => { for (let type of COMMONS) { let processor = postcss([prefixer(type)]); let input = read(type); let output = read(type + ".out"); let result = processor.process(processor.process(input)).css; assertEquals(universalizer(result), universalizer(output)); }});
const isContainerNode = (node) => { return "nodes" in node;};
Deno.test("does not broke AST", () => { function checkParent(node) { node.walk((child) => { assert(child.parent); if (isContainerNode(child)) checkParent(child); }); } for (let type of COMMONS) { let processor = postcss([prefixer(type)]); let input = read(type); checkParent(processor.process(input).root); }});
Deno.test("parses difficult files", () => { let input = read("syntax"); let result = postcss([cleaner]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, input);});
Deno.test("marks parsing errors", () => { assertThrows( () => { postcss([cleaner]).process("a {").css; }, Error, "<css input>:1:1: Unclosed block", );});
Deno.test("shows file name in parse error", () => { assertThrows( () => { postcss([cleaner]).process("a {", { from: "a.css" }).css; }, Error, "a.css:1:1: ", );});
// Deno.test('uses browserslist config', () => {// let from = new URL("../cases/config/test.css", import.meta.url).pathname;// let input = read('config/test')// let output = read('config/test.out')// let processor = postcss([autoprefixer])// assertEquals(processor.process(input, { from }).css, output)// })
// Deno.test('sets browserslist environment', () => {// let from = new URL("../cases/config/test.css", import.meta.url).pathname;// let input = read('config/test')// let output = read('config/test.production')// let processor = postcss([autoprefixer({ env: 'production' })])// assertEquals(processor.process(input, { from }).css, output)// })
Deno.test("takes values from other PostCSS plugins", () => { function plugin(root) { root.walkDecls((i) => { i.value = "calc(0)"; }); } let result = postcss([plugin, compiler]).process("a{width:0/**/0}"); assertEquals(result.css, "a{width:-webkit-calc(0);width:calc(0)}");});
Deno.test("has option to disable @supports support", () => { let css = "@supports (cursor: grab) {}"; let instance = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome 28"], supports: false, }); let result = postcss([instance]).process(css); assertEquals(result.css, css);});
Deno.test("has disabled grid options by default", () => { let ap = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Edge 12", "IE 10"] }); let input = read("grid"); let output = read("grid.disabled"); let result = postcss([ap]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, output);});
Deno.test("has different outputs for different grid options", () => { function ap(gridValue) { return autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Edge 12", "IE 10"], grid: gridValue, }); } let input = read("grid-options"); let outputAutoplace = read("grid-options.autoplace.out"); let outputNoAutoplace = read(""); let outputDisabled = read("grid-options.disabled.out");
let resultAutoplace = postcss([ap("autoplace")]).process(input).css; let resultNoAutoplace = postcss([ap("no-autoplace")]).process(input).css; let resultEnabled = postcss([ap(true)]).process(input).css; let resultDisabled = postcss([ap(false)]).process(input).css;
// output for grid: 'autoplace' assertEquals(resultAutoplace, outputAutoplace); // output for grid: 'no-autoplace' assertEquals(resultNoAutoplace, outputNoAutoplace); // output for grid: true is the same as for 'no-autoplace' assertEquals(resultEnabled, outputNoAutoplace); // output for grid: false assertEquals(resultDisabled, outputDisabled);});
// Deno.test('has different outputs for different grid environment variables', () => {// function ap(gridValue) {// Deno.env.set("AUTOPREFIXER_GRID", gridValue);// return autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ['Edge 12', 'IE 10'] })// }// let input = read('grid-options')// let outputAutoplace = read('grid-options.autoplace.out')// let outputNoAutoplace = read('')
// let resultAutoplace = postcss([ap('autoplace')]).process(input).css// assertEquals(resultAutoplace, outputAutoplace)
// let resultNoAutoplace = postcss([ap('no-autoplace')]).process(input).css// assertEquals(resultNoAutoplace, outputNoAutoplace)// })
Deno.test("has option to disable flexbox support", () => { let css = read("flexbox"); let instance = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["IE 10"], flexbox: false, }); let result = postcss([instance]).process(css); assertEquals(result.css, css);});
Deno.test("has option to disable 2009 flexbox support", () => { let ap = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Chrome > 19"], flexbox: "no-2009", }); let css = "a{flex:1;transition:flex}"; let result = postcss([ap]).process(css); assertEquals( result.css, "a{" + "-webkit-flex:1;flex:1;" + "-webkit-transition:-webkit-flex;transition:-webkit-flex;" + "transition:flex;transition:flex, -webkit-flex" + "}", );});
Deno.test("returns inspect string", () => { assertMatch( autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["chrome 25"] }).info(), /Browsers:\s+Chrome: 25/, );});
// Deno.test('uses browserslist config in inspect', () => {// let from = new URL("../cases/config", import.meta.url).pathname;// assertMatch(autoprefixer().info({ from }), /Browsers:\s+IE: 10/)// })
Deno.test("ignores unknown versions on request", () => { assertThrows( () => { autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["ie 100"] }).info(); }, Error, "Unknown version 100 of ie", );
autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["ie 100"], ignoreUnknownVersions: true, }).info();});
Deno.test("works with CSS Modules", () => { postcss([autoprefixer()]).process(":export { selectors: _1q6ho_2 }").css;});
/* Hacks */
Deno.test("ignores prefix IE filter", () => { check("filter");});Deno.test("supports webkit filters", () => { check("advanced-filter");});Deno.test("changes border image syntax", () => { check("border-image");});Deno.test("supports old Mozilla prefixes", () => { check("border-radius");});Deno.test("supports all flexbox syntaxes", () => { check("flexbox");});Deno.test("supports map flexbox props", () => { check("flex-rewrite");});Deno.test("supports all fullscreens", () => { check("fullscreen");});Deno.test("supports custom prefixes", () => { check("custom-prefix");});Deno.test("fixes break properties", () => { check("multicolumn");});Deno.test("ignores some 3D transforms", () => { check("3d-transform");});Deno.test("supports background-size", () => { check("background-size");});Deno.test("supports background-clip", () => { check("background-clip");});Deno.test("supports logical properties", () => { check("logical");});Deno.test("supports appearance", () => { check("appearance");});Deno.test("supports all placeholders", () => { check("placeholder");});Deno.test("supports placeholder-shown", () => { check("placeholder-shown");});Deno.test("supports image-rendering", () => { check("image-rendering");});Deno.test("supports border-box mask", () => { check("mask-border");});Deno.test("supports mask-composite", () => { check("mask-composite");});Deno.test("supports image-set()", () => { check("image-set");});Deno.test("supports writing-mode", () => { check("writing-mode");});Deno.test("supports cross-fade()", () => { check("cross-fade");});Deno.test("ignores modern direction", () => { check("animation");});Deno.test("supports overscroll-behavior", () => { check("overscroll-behavior");});Deno.test("supports print-color-adjust", () => { let input = read("print-color-adjust"); let output = read("print-color-adjust.out"); let result = postcss([prefixer("print-color-adjust")]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals( result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:2:3: Replace color-adjust " + "to print-color-adjust. The color-adjust shorthand " + "is currently deprecated.", ], );});Deno.test("supports backdrop-filter", () => { check("backdrop-filter");});Deno.test("supports user-select hack for IE", () => { check("user-select");});
Deno.test("supports appearance for IE", () => { let instance = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: "Edge 15" }); let result = postcss([instance]).process("a { appearance: none }"); assertEquals(result.css, "a { -webkit-appearance: none; appearance: none }");});
Deno.test("changes angle in gradient", () => { let input = read("gradient"); let output = read("gradient.out"); let result = postcss([prefixer("gradient")]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:18:3: Gradient has outdated direction " + "syntax. New syntax is like `closest-side at 0 0` instead of " + "`0 0, closest-side`.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:38:3: Gradient has outdated direction " + "syntax. New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:100:3: Gradient has outdated " + "direction syntax. Replace `cover` to `farthest-corner`.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:104:3: Gradient has outdated " + "direction syntax. Replace `contain` to `closest-side`.", ]);
Deno.test("warns on old flexbox display", () => { let result = postcss([flexboxer]).process("a{ display: box; }"); assertEquals(result.css, "a{ display: box; }"); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:1:4: You should write display: flex " + "by final spec instead of display: box", ]);});
Deno.test("warns on mixed support usage", () => { let css = "a { display: flex; align-content: start; justify-content: end; }"; let result = postcss([ autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["IE 11"], }), ]).process(css); assertEquals(result.css, css); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:1:20: start value has mixed support, " + "consider using flex-start instead", "autoprefixer: <css input>:1:42: end value has mixed support, " + "consider using flex-end instead", ]);});
Deno.test("supports intrinsic sizing", () => { let input = read("intrinsic"); let output = read("intrinsic.out"); let result = postcss([prefixer("intrinsic")]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:15:3: Replace fill to stretch, " + "because spec had been changed", "autoprefixer: <css input>:19:3: Replace fill-available " + "to stretch, because spec had been changed", ]);});
Deno.test("supports text-emphasis", () => { let input = read("text-emphasis-position"); let output = read("text-emphasis-position.out"); let instance = prefixer("text-emphasis-position"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:14:3: You should use 2 values " + "for text-emphasis-position For example, `under left` " + "instead of just `under`.", ]);});
Deno.test("supports grid layout", () => { let input = read("grid"); let output = read("grid.out"); let instance = prefixer("grid"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input);
assertEquals(result.css, output); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:3:3: Autoplacement does not work " + "without grid-template-rows property", "autoprefixer: <css input>:12:3: Autoplacement does not work " + "without grid-template-columns property", "autoprefixer: <css input>:36:3: Can not prefix grid-column-end " + "(grid-column-start is not found)", "autoprefixer: <css input>:37:3: IE does not support subgrid", "autoprefixer: <css input>:39:3: Can not implement grid-gap " + "without grid-template-columns", "autoprefixer: <css input>:39:3: Can not find grid areas: " + "head, nav, main, foot", "autoprefixer: <css input>:57:3: Can not implement grid-gap " + "without grid-template-columns", "autoprefixer: <css input>:57:3: Can not find grid areas: a", "autoprefixer: <css input>:65:3: Can not implement grid-gap " + "without grid-template-columns", "autoprefixer: <css input>:65:3: Can not find grid areas: b", "autoprefixer: <css input>:73:3: Can not find grid areas: c", "autoprefixer: <css input>:81:3: Can not find grid areas: d", "autoprefixer: <css input>:116:3: grid-column-span is not part " + "of final Grid Layout. Use grid-column.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:117:3: grid-row-span is not part " + "of final Grid Layout. Use grid-row.", "autoprefixer: <css input>:118:3: grid-auto-columns is not " + "supported by IE", "autoprefixer: <css input>:119:3: grid-auto-rows is not " + "supported by IE", "autoprefixer: <css input>:121:33: auto-fill value is not " + "supported by IE", "autoprefixer: <css input>:122:30: auto-fit value is not " + "supported by IE", "autoprefixer: <css input>:138:3: Please do not use " + "display: contents; if you have grid setting enabled", "autoprefixer: <css input>:142:3: IE does not support align-items " + "on grid containers. Try using align-self on child elements instead: " + ".warn_ie_align > * { align-self: center }", "autoprefixer: <css input>:147:3: IE does not support justify-items " + "on grid containers. Try using justify-self on child elements " + "instead: .warn_ie_justify > * { justify-self: center }", "autoprefixer: <css input>:152:3: IE does not support justify-content " + "on grid containers", "autoprefixer: <css input>:157:3: IE does not support place-items " + "on grid containers. Try using place-self on child elements " + "instead: .warn_place_items > * { place-self: start end }", "autoprefixer: <css input>:181:3: grid-auto-flow is not supported by IE", "autoprefixer: <css input>:203:26: Autoprefixer currently does not " + "support line names. Try using grid-template-areas instead.", ]);
let input2 = read("grid-template"); let output2 = read("grid-template.out"); let instance2 = prefixer("grid-template"); let result2 = postcss([instance2]).process(input2); assertEquals(result2.css, output2);});
Deno.test("supports grid autoplacement", () => { let input = read("grid-autoplacement"); let output = read("grid-autoplacement.out"); let instance = prefixer("grid"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, output);
assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:47:3: grid-auto-flow: dense " + "is not supported by IE", "autoprefixer: <css input>:48:3: Autoplacement does not work " + "without grid-template-rows property", "autoprefixer: <css input>:53:3: grid-auto-flow works only if grid-temp" + "late-rows and grid-template-columns are present in the same rule", "autoprefixer: <css input>:60:3: grid-gap only works if grid-temp" + "late(-areas) is being used", "autoprefixer: <css input>:64:3: Autoplacement does not work " + "without grid-template-rows property", "autoprefixer: <css input>:65:3: grid-gap only works if grid-temp" + "late(-areas) is being used or both rows and columns have been " + "declared and cells have not been " + "manually placed inside the explicit grid", ]);});
Deno.test("shows Grid warnings only for IE", () => { let input = "a { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, 1px) }"; let instance = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: "chrome 27", grid: true, }); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assertEquals(result.warnings(), []);});
Deno.test("warns if rule has both grid-area and grid-(row|column) decls", () => { let input = read("grid-area"); let instance = prefixer("grid-area"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:28:3: You already have a grid-area " + "declaration present in the rule. You should use either " + "grid-area or grid-row, not both", "autoprefixer: <css input>:29:3: You already have a grid-area " + "declaration present in the rule. You should use either " + "grid-area or grid-column, not both", "autoprefixer: <css input>:34:3: You already have a grid-area " + "declaration present in the rule. You should use either " + "grid-area or grid-column, not both", ]);});
Deno.test("warns if rule with grid-area has no parent with grid-template", () => { let input = read("grid-template-areas"); let instance = prefixer("grid-area"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input);
assertEquals( result .warnings() .map((i) => i.toString()) .filter((str) => str.includes("grid-template")), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:144:3: Autoprefixer cannot find " + "a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area " + '"child" with full selector matching: .uncle', "autoprefixer: <css input>:149:3: Autoprefixer cannot find " + "a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area " + '"child" with full selector matching: .uncle', "autoprefixer: <css input>:154:3: Autoprefixer cannot find " + "a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area " + '"child" with full selector matching: .grand-parent .uncle-second', "autoprefixer: <css input>:159:3: Autoprefixer cannot find " + "a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area " + '"child" with full selector matching: .grand-parent .uncle-second', "autoprefixer: <css input>:164:3: Autoprefixer cannot find " + "a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area " + '"child" with full selector matching: .grand-parent .father.uncle', "autoprefixer: <css input>:169:3: Autoprefixer cannot find " + "a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area " + '"child" with full selector matching: .grand-parent.uncle .father', ], );});
Deno.test("should preserve @media rules with grid-area", () => { let input = read("grid-area-media-sequence"); let output = read("grid-area-media-sequence.out"); let instance = prefixer("grid-area"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, output);});
Deno.test("should merge complex duplicate grid-area rules successfully", () => { let input = read("grid-areas-duplicate-complex"); let output = read("grid-areas-duplicate-complex.out"); let instance = prefixer("grid-area"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, output);});
Deno.test("ignores values for CSS3PIE props", () => { let css = read("pie"); assertEquals(postcss([compiler]).process(css).css, css);});
Deno.test("add prefix for backface-visibility for Safari 9", () => { let input = "a{ " + "backface-visibility: hidden; " + "transform-style: preserve-3d }"; let ap = autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["Safari 9"], flexbox: false, }); assertEquals( postcss([ap]).process(input).css, "a{ " + "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; " + "backface-visibility: hidden; " + "transform-style: preserve-3d }", );});
Deno.test("supports text-decoration", () => { let input = read("text-decoration"); let instance = prefixer("text-decoration"); let result = postcss([instance]).process(input); assertEquals(result.warnings().map((i) => i.toString()), [ "autoprefixer: <css input>:32:3: Replace text-decoration-skip: ink " + "to text-decoration-skip-ink: auto, because spec had been changed", ]);});
Deno.test("supports -webkit-line-clamp", () => { let input = read("webkit-line-clamp"); let result = postcss([cleaner]).process(input); assertEquals(result.css, input); assert(result.warnings().length === 0);});