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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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// Based of Copyright (c) Ben Drucker <> ( MIT License.
/** Incorrectly parsed data types default to null */type ArrayResult<T> = Array<T | null | ArrayResult<T>>;type Transformer<T> = (value: string) => T;
function defaultValue(value: string): string { return value;}
export function parseArray(source: string): ArrayResult<string>;export function parseArray<T>( source: string, transform: Transformer<T>,): ArrayResult<T>;export function parseArray(source: string, transform = defaultValue) { return new ArrayParser(source, transform).parse();}
class ArrayParser<T> { position = 0; entries: ArrayResult<T> = []; recorded: string[] = []; dimension = 0;
constructor( public source: string, public transform: Transformer<T>, ) {}
isEof(): boolean { return this.position >= this.source.length; }
nextCharacter() { const character = this.source[this.position++]; if (character === "\\") { return { value: this.source[this.position++], escaped: true, }; } return { value: character, escaped: false, }; }
record(character: string): void { this.recorded.push(character); }
newEntry(includeEmpty = false): void { let entry; if (this.recorded.length > 0 || includeEmpty) { entry = this.recorded.join(""); if (entry === "NULL" && !includeEmpty) { entry = null; } if (entry !== null) entry = this.transform(entry); this.entries.push(entry); this.recorded = []; } }
consumeDimensions(): void { if (this.source[0] === "[") { while (!this.isEof()) { const char = this.nextCharacter(); if (char.value === "=") break; } } }
/** * Arrays can contain items separated by semicolon (such as boxes) * and commas * * This checks if there is an instance of a semicolon on the top level * of the array. If it were to be found, the separator will be * a semicolon, otherwise it will default to a comma */ getSeparator() { if (/;(?![^(]*\))/.test(this.source.substr(1, this.source.length - 1))) { return ";"; } return ","; }
parse(nested = false): ArrayResult<T> { const separator = this.getSeparator(); let character, parser, quote; this.consumeDimensions(); while (!this.isEof()) { character = this.nextCharacter(); if (character.value === "{" && !quote) { this.dimension++; if (this.dimension > 1) { parser = new ArrayParser( this.source.substr(this.position - 1), this.transform, ); this.entries.push(parser.parse(true)); this.position += parser.position - 2; } } else if (character.value === "}" && !quote) { this.dimension--; if (!this.dimension) { this.newEntry(); if (nested) return this.entries; } } else if (character.value === '"' && !character.escaped) { if (quote) this.newEntry(true); quote = !quote; } else if (character.value === separator && !quote) { this.newEntry(); } else { this.record(character.value); } } if (this.dimension !== 0) { throw new Error("array dimension not balanced"); } return this.entries; }}