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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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import type { RowDescription } from "../connection/connection.ts";import { encode, EncodedArg } from "./encode.ts";import { decode } from "./decode.ts";import { WarningFields } from "../connection/warning.ts";
const commandTagRegexp = /^([A-Za-z]+)(?: (\d+))?(?: (\d+))?/;
type CommandType = ( | "INSERT" | "DELETE" | "UPDATE" | "SELECT" | "MOVE" | "FETCH" | "COPY");
export enum ResultType { ARRAY, OBJECT,}
/** * This function transforms template string arguments into a query * * ```ts * ["SELECT NAME FROM TABLE WHERE ID = ", " AND DATE < "] * // "SELECT NAME FROM TABLE WHERE ID = $1 AND DATE < $2" * ``` */export function templateStringToQuery<T extends ResultType>( template: TemplateStringsArray, args: QueryArguments, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase result_type: T,): Query<T> { const text = template.reduce((curr, next, index) => { return `${curr}$${index}${next}`; });
return new Query(text, result_type, ...args);}
export interface QueryConfig { args?: Array<unknown>; encoder?: (arg: unknown) => EncodedArg; name?: string; text: string;}
export interface QueryObjectConfig extends QueryConfig { /** * This parameter superseeds query column names * * When specified, this names will be asigned to the results * of the query in the order they were provided * * Fields must be unique (case is not taken into consideration) */ fields?: string[];}
// TODO// Limit the type of parameters that can be passed// to a query/** * * * This arguments will be appended to the prepared statement passed * as query * * They will take the position according to the order in which they were provided * * ```ts * await my_client.queryArray( * "SELECT ID, NAME FROM PEOPLE WHERE AGE > $1 AND AGE < $2", * 10, // $1 * 20, // $2 * ); * ``` * */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type QueryArguments = any[];
export class QueryResult { // TODO // This should be private for real public _done = false; public command!: CommandType; public rowCount?: number; public rowDescription?: RowDescription; public warnings: WarningFields[] = [];
constructor(public query: Query<ResultType>) {}
/** * This function is required to parse each column * of the results */ loadColumnDescriptions(description: RowDescription) { this.rowDescription = description; }
handleCommandComplete(commandTag: string): void { const match = commandTagRegexp.exec(commandTag); if (match) { this.command = match[1] as CommandType; if (match[3]) { // COMMAND OID ROWS this.rowCount = parseInt(match[3], 10); } else { // COMMAND ROWS this.rowCount = parseInt(match[2], 10); } } }
insertRow(_row: Uint8Array[]): void { throw new Error("No implementation for insertRow is defined"); }
done() { this._done = true; }}
export class QueryArrayResult<T extends Array<unknown> = Array<unknown>> extends QueryResult { public rows: T[] = [];
// deno-lint-ignore camelcase insertRow(row_data: Uint8Array[]) { if (this._done) { throw new Error( "Tried to add a new row to the result after the result is done reading", ); }
if (!this.rowDescription) { throw new Error( "The row descriptions required to parse the result data weren't initialized", ); }
// Row description won't be modified after initialization const row =, index) => { const column = this.rowDescription!.columns[index];
if (raw_value === null) { return null; } return decode(raw_value, column); }) as T;
this.rows.push(row); }}
export class QueryObjectResult< T = Record<string, unknown>,> extends QueryResult { public rows: T[] = [];
// deno-lint-ignore camelcase insertRow(row_data: Uint8Array[]) { if (this._done) { throw new Error( "Tried to add a new row to the result after the result is done reading", ); }
if (!this.rowDescription) { throw new Error( "The row descriptions required to parse the result data weren't initialized", ); }
if ( this.query.fields && this.rowDescription.columns.length !== this.query.fields.length ) { throw new RangeError( "The fields provided for the query don't match the ones returned as a result " + `(${this.rowDescription.columns.length} expected, ${this.query.fields.length} received)`, ); }
// Row description won't be modified after initialization const row = row_data.reduce((row, raw_value, index) => { const column = this.rowDescription!.columns[index];
// Find the field name provided by the user // default to database provided name const name = this.query.fields?.[index] ??;
if (raw_value === null) { row[name] = null; } else { row[name] = decode(raw_value, column); }
return row; }, {} as Record<string, unknown>) as T;
this.rows.push(row); }}
export class Query<T extends ResultType> { public args: EncodedArg[]; public fields?: string[]; public result_type: ResultType; public text: string;
//deno-lint-ignore camelcase constructor(_config: QueryObjectConfig, _result_type: T); //deno-lint-ignore camelcase constructor(_text: string, _result_type: T, ..._args: unknown[]); constructor( //deno-lint-ignore camelcase config_or_text: string | QueryObjectConfig, //deno-lint-ignore camelcase result_type: T, ...args: unknown[] ) { this.result_type = result_type;
let config: QueryConfig; if (typeof config_or_text === "string") { config = { text: config_or_text, args }; } else { const { fields, //deno-lint-ignore camelcase ...query_config } = config_or_text;
// Check that the fields passed are valid and can be used to map // the result of the query if (fields) { //deno-lint-ignore camelcase const clean_fields = => field.toString().toLowerCase() );
if ((new Set(clean_fields)).size !== clean_fields.length) { throw new TypeError( "The fields provided for the query must be unique", ); }
this.fields = clean_fields; }
config = query_config; } this.text = config.text; this.args = this._prepareArgs(config); }
private _prepareArgs(config: QueryConfig): EncodedArg[] { const encodingFn = config.encoder ? config.encoder : encode; return (config.args || []).map(encodingFn); }}