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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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import { base64, HmacSha256 } from "../deps.ts";
function assert(cond: unknown): asserts cond { if (!cond) { throw new Error("assertion failed"); }}
/** Reason of authentication failure. */export enum Reason { BadMessage = "server sent an ill-formed message", BadServerNonce = "server sent an invalid nonce", BadSalt = "server specified an invalid salt", BadIterationCount = "server specified an invalid iteration count", BadVerifier = "server sent a bad verifier", Rejected = "rejected by server",}
/** SCRAM authentication state. */enum State { Init, ClientChallenge, ServerChallenge, ClientResponse, ServerResponse, Failed,}
/** Number of random bytes used to generate a nonce. */const defaultNonceSize = 16;
/** * Client composes and verifies SCRAM authentication messages, keeping track * of authentication #state and parameters. * @see {@link} */export class Client { #authMessage: string; #clientNonce: string; #keys?: Keys; #password: string; #serverNonce?: string; #state: State; #username: string;
/** Constructor sets credentials and parameters used in an authentication. */ constructor(username: string, password: string, nonce?: string) { this.#username = username; this.#password = password; this.#clientNonce = nonce ?? generateNonce(defaultNonceSize); this.#authMessage = ""; this.#state = State.Init; }
/** Composes client-first-message. */ composeChallenge(): string { assert(this.#state === State.Init);
try { // "n" for no channel binding, then an empty authzid option follows. const header = "n,,";
const username = escape(normalize(this.#username)); const challenge = `n=${username},r=${this.#clientNonce}`; const message = header + challenge;
this.#authMessage += challenge; this.#state = State.ClientChallenge; return message; } catch (e) { this.#state = State.Failed; throw e; } }
/** Processes server-first-message. */ async receiveChallenge(challenge: string) { assert(this.#state === State.ClientChallenge);
try { const attrs = parseAttributes(challenge);
const nonce = attrs.r; if (!attrs.r || !attrs.r.startsWith(this.#clientNonce)) { throw new Error(Reason.BadServerNonce); } this.#serverNonce = nonce;
let salt: Uint8Array | undefined; if (!attrs.s) { throw new Error(Reason.BadSalt); } try { salt = base64.decode(attrs.s); } catch { throw new Error(Reason.BadSalt); }
const iterCount = parseInt(attrs.i) | 0; if (iterCount <= 0) { throw new Error(Reason.BadIterationCount); }
this.#keys = await deriveKeys(this.#password, salt, iterCount);
this.#authMessage += "," + challenge; this.#state = State.ServerChallenge; } catch (e) { this.#state = State.Failed; throw e; } }
/** Composes client-final-message. */ async composeResponse(): Promise<string> { assert(this.#state === State.ServerChallenge); assert(this.#keys); assert(this.#serverNonce);
try { // "biws" is the base-64 encoded form of the gs2-header "n,,". const responseWithoutProof = `c=biws,r=${this.#serverNonce}`;
this.#authMessage += "," + responseWithoutProof;
const proof = base64.encode( computeProof( await computeSignature(this.#authMessage, this.#keys.stored), this.#keys.client, ), ); const message = `${responseWithoutProof},p=${proof}`;
this.#state = State.ClientResponse; return message; } catch (e) { this.#state = State.Failed; throw e; } }
/** Processes server-final-message. */ async receiveResponse(response: string) { assert(this.#state === State.ClientResponse); assert(this.#keys);
try { const attrs = parseAttributes(response);
if (attrs.e) { throw new Error(attrs.e ?? Reason.Rejected); }
const verifier = base64.encode( await computeSignature(this.#authMessage, this.#keys.server), ); if (attrs.v !== verifier) { throw new Error(Reason.BadVerifier); }
this.#state = State.ServerResponse; } catch (e) { this.#state = State.Failed; throw e; } }}
/** Generates a random nonce string. */function generateNonce(size: number): string { return base64.encode(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(size)));}
/** Parses attributes out of a SCRAM message. */function parseAttributes(str: string): Record<string, string> { const attrs: Record<string, string> = {};
for (const entry of str.split(",")) { const pos = entry.indexOf("="); if (pos < 1) { throw new Error(Reason.BadMessage); }
const key = entry.substr(0, pos); const value = entry.substr(pos + 1); attrs[key] = value; }
return attrs;}
/** HMAC-derived binary key. */type Key = Uint8Array;
/** Binary digest. */type Digest = Uint8Array;
/** Collection of SCRAM authentication keys derived from a plaintext password. */interface Keys { server: Key; client: Key; stored: Key;}
/** Derives authentication keys from a plaintext password. */async function deriveKeys( password: string, salt: Uint8Array, iterCount: number,): Promise<Keys> { const ikm = bytes(normalize(password)); const key = await pbkdf2( (msg: Uint8Array) => sign(msg, ikm), salt, iterCount, 1, ); const server = await sign(bytes("Server Key"), key); const client = await sign(bytes("Client Key"), key); const stored = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", client)); return { server, client, stored };}
/** Computes SCRAM signature. */function computeSignature(message: string, key: Key): Promise<Digest> { return sign(bytes(message), key);}
/** Computes SCRAM proof. */function computeProof(signature: Digest, key: Key): Digest { const proof = new Uint8Array(signature.length); for (let i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) { proof[i] = signature[i] ^ key[i]; } return proof;}
/** Returns UTF-8 bytes encoding given string. */function bytes(str: string): Uint8Array { return new TextEncoder().encode(str);}
/** * Normalizes string per SASLprep. * @see {@link} * @see {@link} */function normalize(str: string): string { // TODO: Handle mapping and maybe unicode normalization. const unsafe = /[^\x21-\x7e]/; if (unsafe.test(str)) { throw new Error( "scram username/password is currently limited to safe ascii characters", ); } return str;}
/** Escapes "=" and "," in a string. */function escape(str: string): string { return str .replace(/=/g, "=3D") .replace(/,/g, "=2C");}
/** Computes HMAC of a message using given key. */// TODO// Migrate to crypto.subtle.sign on Deno 1.11// deno-lint-ignore require-awaitasync function sign(msg: Uint8Array, key: Key): Promise<Digest> { const hmac = new HmacSha256(key); hmac.update(msg); return new Uint8Array(hmac.arrayBuffer());}
/** * Computes a PBKDF2 key block. * @see {@link} */async function pbkdf2( prf: (_: Uint8Array) => Promise<Digest>, salt: Uint8Array, iterCount: number, index: number,): Promise<Key> { let block = new Uint8Array(salt.length + 4); block.set(salt); block[salt.length + 0] = (index >> 24) & 0xFF; block[salt.length + 1] = (index >> 16) & 0xFF; block[salt.length + 2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; block[salt.length + 3] = index & 0xFF; block = await prf(block);
const key = block; for (let r = 1; r < iterCount; r++) { block = await prf(block); for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { key[i] ^= block[i]; } } return key;}