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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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import { bold, yellow } from "../deps.ts";
export function readInt16BE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number { offset = offset >>> 0; const val = buffer[offset + 1] | (buffer[offset] << 8); return val & 0x8000 ? val | 0xffff0000 : val;}
export function readUInt16BE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number { offset = offset >>> 0; return buffer[offset] | (buffer[offset + 1] << 8);}
export function readInt32BE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number { offset = offset >>> 0;
return ( (buffer[offset] << 24) | (buffer[offset + 1] << 16) | (buffer[offset + 2] << 8) | buffer[offset + 3] );}
export function readUInt32BE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number { offset = offset >>> 0;
return ( buffer[offset] * 0x1000000 + ((buffer[offset + 1] << 16) | (buffer[offset + 2] << 8) | buffer[offset + 3]) );}
export interface DsnResult { driver: string; user: string; password: string; hostname: string; port: string; database: string; params: { [key: string]: string; };}
export function parseDsn(dsn: string): DsnResult { //URL object won't parse the URL if it doesn't recognize the protocol //This line replaces the protocol with http and then leaves it up to URL const [protocol, strippedUrl] = dsn.match(/(?:(?!:\/\/).)+/g) ?? ["", ""]; const url = new URL(`http:${strippedUrl}`);
let password = url.password; // Special characters in the password may be url-encoded by URL(), such as = try { password = decodeURIComponent(password); } catch (_e) { console.error( bold( yellow("Failed to decode URL password") + "\nDefaulting to raw password", ), ); }
return { password, driver: protocol, user: url.username, hostname: url.hostname, port: url.port, // remove leading slash from path database: url.pathname.slice(1), params: Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries()), };}
export function isTemplateString( template: unknown,): template is TemplateStringsArray { if (!Array.isArray(template)) { return false; } return true;}