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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "./test_deps.ts";import { parseConnectionUri, Uri } from "../utils/utils.ts";import { DeferredAccessStack } from "../utils/deferred.ts";
class LazilyInitializedObject { #initialized = false;
// Simulate async check get initialized() { return new Promise<boolean>((r) => r(this.#initialized)); }
async initialize(): Promise<void> { // Fake delay await new Promise<void>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, 10); });
this.#initialized = true; }}
const dns_examples: Partial<Uri>[] = [ { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", port: "5433" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", port: "5433", path: "mydb" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", path: "mydb" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", user: "user" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", password: "secret" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", user: "user", password: "secret" }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", user: "user", password: "secret", params: { "param_1": "a" }, }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "localhost", user: "user", password: "secret", path: "otherdb", params: { "param_1": "a" }, }, { driver: "postgresql", path: "otherdb", params: { "param_1": "a" }, }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "[2001:db8::1234]", }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "[2001:db8::1234]", port: "1500", }, { driver: "postgresql", host: "[2001:db8::1234]", port: "1500", params: { "param_1": "a" }, },];
Deno.test("Parses connection string into config", async function (context) { for ( const { driver, user = "", host = "", params = {}, password = "", path = "", port = "", } of dns_examples ) { const url_params = new URLSearchParams(); for (const key in params) { url_params.set(key, params[key]); }
const dirty_dns = `${driver}://${user}:${password}@${host}:${port}/${path}?${url_params.toString()}`;
await context.step(dirty_dns, () => { const parsed_dirty_dsn = parseConnectionUri(dirty_dns);
assertEquals(parsed_dirty_dsn.driver, driver); assertEquals(, host); assertEquals(parsed_dirty_dsn.params, params); assertEquals(parsed_dirty_dsn.password, password); assertEquals(parsed_dirty_dsn.path, path); assertEquals(parsed_dirty_dsn.port, port); assertEquals(parsed_dirty_dsn.user, user); });
// Build the URL without leaving placeholders let clean_dns_string = `${driver}://`; if (user || password) { clean_dns_string += `${user ?? ""}${password ? `:${password}` : ""}@`; } if (host || port) { clean_dns_string += `${host ?? ""}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`; } if (path) { clean_dns_string += `/${path}`; } if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) { clean_dns_string += `?${url_params.toString()}`; }
await context.step(clean_dns_string, () => { const parsed_clean_dsn = parseConnectionUri(clean_dns_string);
assertEquals(parsed_clean_dsn.driver, driver); assertEquals(, host); assertEquals(parsed_clean_dsn.params, params); assertEquals(parsed_clean_dsn.password, password); assertEquals(parsed_clean_dsn.path, path); assertEquals(parsed_clean_dsn.port, port); assertEquals(parsed_clean_dsn.user, user); }); }});
Deno.test("Throws on invalid parameters", () => { assertThrows( () => parseConnectionUri("postgres://some_host:invalid"), Error, `The provided port "invalid" is not a valid number`, );});
Deno.test("Parses connection string params into param object", function () { const params = { param_1: "asd", param_2: "xyz", param_3: "3541", };
const base_url = new URL("postgres://"); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { base_url.searchParams.set(key, value); }
const parsed_dsn = parseConnectionUri(base_url.toString());
assertEquals(parsed_dsn.params, params);});
const encoded_hosts = ["/var/user/postgres", "./some_other_route"];const encoded_passwords = ["Mtx=", "pássword!=?with_symbols"];
Deno.test("Decodes connection string values correctly", async (context) => { await context.step("Host", () => { for (const host of encoded_hosts) { assertEquals( parseConnectionUri( `postgres://${encodeURIComponent(host)}:9999/txdb`, ).host, host, ); } });
await context.step("Password", () => { for (const pwd of encoded_passwords) { assertEquals( parseConnectionUri( `postgres://root:${encodeURIComponent(pwd)}@localhost:9999/txdb`, ).password, pwd, ); } });});
const invalid_hosts = ["Mtx%3", "%E0%A4%A.socket"];const invalid_passwords = ["Mtx%3", "%E0%A4%A"];
Deno.test("Defaults to connection string literal if decoding fails", async (context) => { await context.step("Host", () => { for (const host of invalid_hosts) { assertEquals( parseConnectionUri( `postgres://${host}`, ).host, host, ); } });
await context.step("Password", () => { for (const pwd of invalid_passwords) { assertEquals( parseConnectionUri( `postgres://root:${pwd}@localhost:9999/txdb`, ).password, pwd, ); } });});
Deno.test("DeferredAccessStack", async () => { const stack_size = 10;
const stack = new DeferredAccessStack( Array.from({ length: stack_size }, () => new LazilyInitializedObject()), (e) => e.initialize(), (e) => e.initialized, );
assertEquals(stack.size, stack_size); assertEquals(stack.available, stack_size); assertEquals(await stack.initialized(), 0);
const a = await stack.pop(); assertEquals(await a.initialized, true); assertEquals(stack.size, stack_size); assertEquals(stack.available, stack_size - 1); assertEquals(await stack.initialized(), 0);
stack.push(a); assertEquals(stack.size, stack_size); assertEquals(stack.available, stack_size); assertEquals(await stack.initialized(), 1);});
Deno.test("An empty DeferredAccessStack awaits until an object is back in the stack", async () => { const stack_size = 1;
const stack = new DeferredAccessStack( Array.from({ length: stack_size }, () => new LazilyInitializedObject()), (e) => e.initialize(), (e) => e.initialized, );
const a = await stack.pop(); let fulfilled = false; const b = stack.pop() .then((e) => { fulfilled = true; return e; });
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100)); assertEquals(fulfilled, false);
stack.push(a); assertEquals(a, await b); assertEquals(fulfilled, true);});