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import { parseConnectionUri } from "../utils/utils.ts";import { ConnectionParamsError } from "../client/error.ts";import { fromFileUrl, isAbsolute } from "../deps.ts";import { OidType } from "../query/oid.ts";import { DebugControls } from "../debug.ts";import { ParseArrayFunction } from "../query/array_parser.ts";
/** * The connection string must match the following URI structure. All parameters but database and user are optional * * `postgres://user:password@hostname:port/database?sslmode=mode...` * * You can additionally provide the following url search parameters * * - application_name * - dbname * - host * - options * - password * - port * - sslmode * - user */export type ConnectionString = string;
/** * Retrieves the connection options from the environmental variables * as they are, without any extra parsing * * It will throw if no env permission was provided on startup */function getPgEnv(): ClientOptions { return { applicationName: Deno.env.get("PGAPPNAME"), database: Deno.env.get("PGDATABASE"), hostname: Deno.env.get("PGHOST"), options: Deno.env.get("PGOPTIONS"), password: Deno.env.get("PGPASSWORD"), port: Deno.env.get("PGPORT"), user: Deno.env.get("PGUSER"), };}
/** Additional granular database connection options */export interface ConnectionOptions { /** * By default, any client will only attempt to stablish * connection with your database once. Setting this parameter * will cause the client to attempt reconnection as many times * as requested before erroring * * default: `1` */ attempts: number; /** * The time to wait before attempting each reconnection (in milliseconds) * * You can provide a fixed number or a function to call each time the * connection is attempted. By default, the interval will be a function * with an exponential backoff increasing by 500 milliseconds */ interval: number | ((previous_interval: number) => number);}
/** */type TLSModes = "disable" | "prefer" | "require" | "verify-ca" | "verify-full";
/** The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol options to be used by the database connection */export interface TLSOptions { // TODO // Refactor enabled and enforce into one single option for 1.0 /** * If TLS support is enabled or not. If the server requires TLS, * the connection will fail. * * Default: `true` */ enabled: boolean; /** * Forces the connection to run over TLS * If the server doesn't support TLS, the connection will fail * * Default: `false` */ enforce: boolean; /** * A list of root certificates that will be used in addition to the default * root certificates to verify the server's certificate. * * Must be in PEM format. * * Default: `[]` */ caCertificates: string[];}
/** * The strategy to use when decoding results data */export type DecodeStrategy = "string" | "auto";/** * A dictionary of functions used to decode (parse) column field values from string to a custom type. These functions will * take precedence over the {@linkcode DecodeStrategy}. Each key in the dictionary is the column OID type number or Oid type name, * and the value is the decoder function. */export type Decoders = { [key in number | OidType]?: DecoderFunction;};
/** * A decoder function that takes a string value and returns a parsed value of some type. * * @param value The string value to parse * @param oid The OID of the column type the value is from * @param parseArray A helper function that parses SQL array-formatted strings and parses each array value using a transform function. */export type DecoderFunction = ( value: string, oid: number, parseArray: ParseArrayFunction,) => unknown;
/** * Control the behavior for the client instance */export type ClientControls = { /** * Debugging options */ debug?: DebugControls; /** * The strategy to use when decoding results data * * `string` : all values are returned as string, and the user has to take care of parsing * `auto` : deno-postgres parses the data into JS objects (as many as possible implemented, non-implemented parsers would still return strings) * * Default: `auto` * * Future strategies might include: * - `strict` : deno-postgres parses the data into JS objects, and if a parser is not implemented, it throws an error * - `raw` : the data is returned as Uint8Array */ decodeStrategy?: DecodeStrategy;
/** * A dictionary of functions used to decode (parse) column field values from string to a custom type. These functions will * take precedence over the {@linkcode ClientControls.decodeStrategy}. Each key in the dictionary is the column OID type number, and the value is * the decoder function. You can use the `Oid` object to set the decoder functions. * * @example * ```ts * import dayjs from ''; * import { Oid,Decoders } from '../mod.ts' * * { * const decoders: Decoders = { * // 16 = Oid.bool : convert all boolean values to numbers * '16': (value: string) => value === 't' ? 1 : 0, * // 1082 = : convert all dates to dayjs objects * 1082: (value: string) => dayjs(value), * // 23 = Oid.int4 : convert all integers to positive numbers * [Oid.int4]: (value: string) => Math.max(0, parseInt(value || '0', 10)), * } * } * ``` */ decoders?: Decoders;};
/** The Client database connection options */export type ClientOptions = { /** Name of the application connecing to the database */ applicationName?: string; /** Additional connection options */ connection?: Partial<ConnectionOptions>; /** Control the client behavior */ controls?: ClientControls; /** The database name */ database?: string; /** The name of the host */ hostname?: string; /** The type of host connection */ host_type?: "tcp" | "socket"; /** * Additional connection URI options * */ options?: string | Record<string, string>; /** The database user password */ password?: string; /** The database port used by the connection */ port?: string | number; /** */ tls?: Partial<TLSOptions>; /** The database user */ user?: string;};
/** The configuration options required to set up a Client instance */export type ClientConfiguration = & Required< Omit< ClientOptions, "password" | "port" | "tls" | "connection" | "options" | "controls" > > & { connection: ConnectionOptions; controls?: ClientControls; options: Record<string, string>; password?: string; port: number; tls: TLSOptions; };
function formatMissingParams(missingParams: string[]) { return `Missing connection parameters: ${missingParams.join(", ")}`;}
/** * Validates the options passed are defined and have a value other than null * or empty string, it throws a connection error otherwise * * @param has_env_access This parameter will change the error message if set to true, * telling the user to pass env permissions in order to read environmental variables */function assertRequiredOptions( options: Partial<ClientConfiguration>, requiredKeys: (keyof ClientOptions)[], has_env_access: boolean,): asserts options is ClientConfiguration { const missingParams: (keyof ClientOptions)[] = []; for (const key of requiredKeys) { if ( options[key] === "" || options[key] === null || options[key] === undefined ) { missingParams.push(key); } }
if (missingParams.length) { let missing_params_message = formatMissingParams(missingParams); if (!has_env_access) { missing_params_message += "\nConnection parameters can be read from environment variables only if Deno is run with env permission"; }
throw new ConnectionParamsError(missing_params_message); }}
// TODO// Support more options from the spec/** options from URI per */interface PostgresUri { application_name?: string; dbname?: string; driver: string; host?: string; options?: string; password?: string; port?: string; sslmode?: TLSModes; user?: string;}
function parseOptionsArgument(options: string): Record<string, string> { const args = options.split(" ");
const transformed_args = []; for (let x = 0; x < args.length; x++) { if (/^-\w/.test(args[x])) { if (args[x] === "-c") { if (args[x + 1] === undefined) { throw new Error( `No provided value for "${args[x]}" in options parameter`, ); }
// Skip next iteration transformed_args.push(args[x + 1]); x++; } else { throw new Error( `Argument "${args[x]}" is not supported in options parameter`, ); } } else if (/^--\w/.test(args[x])) { transformed_args.push(args[x].slice(2)); } else { throw new Error(`Value "${args[x]}" is not a valid options argument`); } }
return transformed_args.reduce((options, x) => { if (!/.+=.+/.test(x)) { throw new Error(`Value "${x}" is not a valid options argument`); }
const key = x.slice(0, x.indexOf("=")); const value = x.slice(x.indexOf("=") + 1);
options[key] = value;
return options; }, {} as Record<string, string>);}
function parseOptionsFromUri(connection_string: string): ClientOptions { let postgres_uri: PostgresUri; try { const uri = parseConnectionUri(connection_string); postgres_uri = { application_name: uri.params.application_name, dbname: uri.path || uri.params.dbname, driver: uri.driver, host: ||, options: uri.params.options, password: uri.password || uri.params.password, port: uri.port || uri.params.port, // Compatibility with JDBC, not standard // Treat as sslmode=require sslmode: uri.params.ssl === "true" ? "require" : (uri.params.sslmode as TLSModes), user: uri.user || uri.params.user, }; } catch (e) { throw new ConnectionParamsError("Could not parse the connection string", e); }
if (!["postgres", "postgresql"].includes(postgres_uri.driver)) { throw new ConnectionParamsError( `Supplied DSN has invalid driver: ${postgres_uri.driver}.`, ); }
// No host by default means socket connection const host_type = ? isAbsolute( ? "socket" : "tcp" : "socket";
const options = postgres_uri.options ? parseOptionsArgument(postgres_uri.options) : {};
let tls: TLSOptions | undefined; switch (postgres_uri.sslmode) { case undefined: { break; } case "disable": { tls = { enabled: false, enforce: false, caCertificates: [] }; break; } case "prefer": { tls = { enabled: true, enforce: false, caCertificates: [] }; break; } case "require": case "verify-ca": case "verify-full": { tls = { enabled: true, enforce: true, caCertificates: [] }; break; } default: { throw new ConnectionParamsError( `Supplied DSN has invalid sslmode '${postgres_uri.sslmode}'`, ); } }
return { applicationName: postgres_uri.application_name, database: postgres_uri.dbname, hostname:, host_type, options, password: postgres_uri.password, port: postgres_uri.port, tls, user: postgres_uri.user, };}
const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: & Omit< ClientConfiguration, "database" | "user" | "hostname" > & { host: string; socket: string } = { applicationName: "deno_postgres", connection: { attempts: 1, interval: (previous_interval) => previous_interval + 500, }, host: "", socket: "/tmp", host_type: "socket", options: {}, port: 5432, tls: { enabled: true, enforce: false, caCertificates: [], }, };
export function createParams( params: string | ClientOptions = {},): ClientConfiguration { if (typeof params === "string") { params = parseOptionsFromUri(params); }
let pgEnv: ClientOptions = {}; let has_env_access = true; try { pgEnv = getPgEnv(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { has_env_access = false; } else { throw e; } }
const provided_host = params.hostname ?? pgEnv.hostname;
// If a host is provided, the default connection type is TCP const host_type = params.host_type ?? (provided_host ? "tcp" : DEFAULT_OPTIONS.host_type); if (!["tcp", "socket"].includes(host_type)) { throw new ConnectionParamsError(`"${host_type}" is not a valid host type`); }
let host: string; if (host_type === "socket") { const socket = provided_host ?? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.socket; try { if (!isAbsolute(socket)) { const parsed_host = new URL(socket, Deno.mainModule);
// Resolve relative path if (parsed_host.protocol === "file:") { host = fromFileUrl(parsed_host); } else { throw new Error("The provided host is not a file path"); } } else { host = socket; } } catch (e) { throw new ConnectionParamsError(`Could not parse host "${socket}"`, e); } } else { host = provided_host ??; }
const provided_options = params.options ?? pgEnv.options;
let options: Record<string, string>; if (provided_options) { if (typeof provided_options === "string") { options = parseOptionsArgument(provided_options); } else { options = provided_options; } } else { options = {}; }
for (const key in options) { if (!/^\w+$/.test(key)) { throw new Error(`The "${key}" key in the options argument is invalid`); }
options[key] = options[key].replaceAll(" ", "\\ "); }
let port: number; if (params.port) { port = Number(params.port); } else if (pgEnv.port) { port = Number(pgEnv.port); } else { port = Number(DEFAULT_OPTIONS.port); } if (Number.isNaN(port) || port === 0) { throw new ConnectionParamsError( `"${params.port ?? pgEnv.port}" is not a valid port number`, ); }
if (host_type === "socket" && params?.tls) { throw new ConnectionParamsError( 'No TLS options are allowed when host type is set to "socket"', ); } const tls_enabled = !!(params?.tls?.enabled ?? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.tls.enabled); const tls_enforced = !!(params?.tls?.enforce ?? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.tls.enforce);
if (!tls_enabled && tls_enforced) { throw new ConnectionParamsError( "Can't enforce TLS when client has TLS encryption is disabled", ); }
// TODO // Perhaps username should be taken from the PC user as a default? const connection_options = { applicationName: params.applicationName ?? pgEnv.applicationName ?? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.applicationName, connection: { attempts: params?.connection?.attempts ?? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.connection.attempts, interval: params?.connection?.interval ?? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.connection.interval, }, database: params.database ?? pgEnv.database, hostname: host, host_type, options, password: params.password ?? pgEnv.password, port, tls: { enabled: tls_enabled, enforce: tls_enforced, caCertificates: params?.tls?.caCertificates ?? [], }, user: params.user ?? pgEnv.user, controls: params.controls, };
assertRequiredOptions( connection_options, ["applicationName", "database", "hostname", "host_type", "port", "user"], has_env_access, );
return connection_options;}