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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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import { Client } from "../mod.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../test_deps.ts";import { DEFAULT_SETUP, TEST_CONNECTION_PARAMS } from "./constants.ts";import { getTestClient } from "./helpers.ts";
const testClient = getTestClient(CLIENT, DEFAULT_SETUP);
testClient(async function simpleQuery() { const result = await CLIENT.query("SELECT * FROM ids;"); assertEquals(result.rows.length, 2);});
testClient(async function parametrizedQuery() { const result = await CLIENT.query("SELECT * FROM ids WHERE id < $1;", 2); assertEquals(result.rows.length, 1);
const objectRows = result.rowsOfObjects(); const row = objectRows[0];
assertEquals(, 1); assertEquals(typeof, "number");});
testClient(async function nativeType() { const result = await CLIENT.query("SELECT * FROM timestamps;"); const row = result.rows[0];
const expectedDate = Date.UTC(2019, 1, 10, 6, 0, 40, 5);
assertEquals(row[0].toUTCString(), new Date(expectedDate).toUTCString());
await CLIENT.query("INSERT INTO timestamps(dt) values($1);", new Date());});
testClient(async function binaryType() { const result = await CLIENT.query("SELECT * from bytes;"); const row = result.rows[0];
const expectedBytes = new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111, 0, 128, 92, 255]);
assertEquals(row[0], expectedBytes);
await CLIENT.query( "INSERT INTO bytes VALUES($1);", { args: expectedBytes }, );});
// MultiQueries
testClient(async function multiQueryWithOne() { const result = await CLIENT.multiQuery([{ text: "SELECT * from bytes;" }]); const row = result[0].rows[0];
const expectedBytes = new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111, 0, 128, 92, 255]);
assertEquals(row[0], expectedBytes);
await CLIENT.multiQuery([{ text: "INSERT INTO bytes VALUES($1);", args: [expectedBytes], }]);});
testClient(async function multiQueryWithManyString() { const result = await CLIENT.multiQuery([ { text: "SELECT * from bytes;" }, { text: "SELECT * FROM timestamps;" }, { text: "SELECT * FROM ids;" }, ]); assertEquals(result.length, 3);
const expectedBytes = new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111, 0, 128, 92, 255]);
assertEquals(result[0].rows[0][0], expectedBytes);
const expectedDate = Date.UTC(2019, 1, 10, 6, 0, 40, 5);
assertEquals( result[1].rows[0][0].toUTCString(), new Date(expectedDate).toUTCString(), );
assertEquals(result[2].rows.length, 2);
await CLIENT.multiQuery([{ text: "INSERT INTO bytes VALUES($1);", args: [expectedBytes], }]);});
testClient(async function multiQueryWithManyStringArray() { const result = await CLIENT.multiQuery([ { text: "SELECT * from bytes;" }, { text: "SELECT * FROM timestamps;" }, { text: "SELECT * FROM ids;" }, ]);
assertEquals(result.length, 3);
const expectedBytes = new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111, 0, 128, 92, 255]);
assertEquals(result[0].rows[0][0], expectedBytes);
const expectedDate = Date.UTC(2019, 1, 10, 6, 0, 40, 5);
assertEquals( result[1].rows[0][0].toUTCString(), new Date(expectedDate).toUTCString(), );
assertEquals(result[2].rows.length, 2);});
testClient(async function multiQueryWithManyQueryTypeArray() { const result = await CLIENT.multiQuery([ { text: "SELECT * from bytes;" }, { text: "SELECT * FROM timestamps;" }, { text: "SELECT * FROM ids;" }, ]);
assertEquals(result.length, 3);
const expectedBytes = new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111, 0, 128, 92, 255]);
assertEquals(result[0].rows[0][0], expectedBytes);
const expectedDate = Date.UTC(2019, 1, 10, 6, 0, 40, 5);
assertEquals( result[1].rows[0][0].toUTCString(), new Date(expectedDate).toUTCString(), );
assertEquals(result[2].rows.length, 2);});