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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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/*! * Substantial parts adapted from * which is licensed as follows: * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2019 Brian Carlson * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */
import { BufReader, BufWriter, Hash } from "./deps.ts";import { PacketWriter } from "./packet_writer.ts";import { hashMd5Password, readUInt32BE } from "./utils.ts";import { PacketReader } from "./packet_reader.ts";import { QueryConfig, QueryResult, Query } from "./query.ts";import { parseError } from "./error.ts";import { ConnectionParams } from "./connection_params.ts";
export enum Format { TEXT = 0, BINARY = 1}
enum TransactionStatus { Idle = "I", IdleInTransaction = "T", InFailedTransaction = "E"}
export class Message { public reader: PacketReader;
constructor( public type: string, public byteCount: number, public body: Uint8Array ) { this.reader = new PacketReader(body); }}
export class Column { constructor( public name: string, public tableOid: number, public index: number, public typeOid: number, public columnLength: number, public typeModifier: number, public format: Format ) {}}
export class RowDescription { constructor(public columnCount: number, public columns: Column[]) {}}
export class Connection { private conn!: Deno.Conn;
private bufReader!: BufReader; private bufWriter!: BufWriter; private packetWriter!: PacketWriter; private decoder: TextDecoder = new TextDecoder(); private encoder: TextEncoder = new TextEncoder();
private _transactionStatus?: TransactionStatus; private _pid?: number; private _secretKey?: number; private _parameters: { [key: string]: string } = {};
constructor(private connParams: ConnectionParams) {}
/** Read single message sent by backend */ async readMessage(): Promise<Message> { // TODO: reuse buffer instead of allocating new ones each for each read const header = new Uint8Array(5); await this.bufReader.readFull(header); const msgType = this.decoder.decode(header.slice(0, 1)); const msgLength = readUInt32BE(header, 1) - 4; const msgBody = new Uint8Array(msgLength); await this.bufReader.readFull(msgBody);
return new Message(msgType, msgLength, msgBody); }
private async _sendStartupMessage() { const writer = this.packetWriter; writer.clear(); // protocol version - 3.0, written as writer.addInt16(3).addInt16(0); const connParams = this.connParams; // TODO: recognize other parameters (["user", "database", "application_name"] as Array< keyof ConnectionParams >).forEach(function(key) { const val = connParams[key]; writer.addCString(key).addCString(val); });
// eplicitly set utf-8 encoding writer.addCString("client_encoding").addCString("'utf-8'"); // terminator after all parameters were writter writer.addCString("");
const bodyBuffer = writer.flush(); const bodyLength = bodyBuffer.length + 4;
const finalBuffer = writer .addInt32(bodyLength) .add(bodyBuffer) .join();
await this.bufWriter.write(finalBuffer); }
async startup() { const { host, port } = this.connParams; this.conn = await Deno.connect({ port: parseInt(port, 10), hostname: host });
this.bufReader = new BufReader(this.conn); this.bufWriter = new BufWriter(this.conn); this.packetWriter = new PacketWriter();
await this._sendStartupMessage(); await this.bufWriter.flush();
let msg: Message;
msg = await this.readMessage(); await this.handleAuth(msg);
while (true) { msg = await this.readMessage(); switch (msg.type) { // backend key data case "K": this._processBackendKeyData(msg); break; // parameter status case "S": this._processParameterStatus(msg); break; // ready for query case "Z": this._processReadyForQuery(msg); return; default: throw new Error(`Unknown response for startup: ${msg.type}`); } } }
async handleAuth(msg: Message) { const code = msg.reader.readInt32(); switch (code) { case 0: // pass break; case 3: // cleartext password await this._authCleartext(); await this._readAuthResponse(); break; case 5: // md5 password const salt = msg.reader.readBytes(4); await this._authMd5(salt); await this._readAuthResponse(); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown auth message code ${code}`); } }
private async _readAuthResponse() { const msg = await this.readMessage();
if (msg.type === "E") { throw parseError(msg); } else if (msg.type !== "R") { throw new Error(`Unexpected auth response: ${msg.type}.`); }
const responseCode = msg.reader.readInt32(); if (responseCode !== 0) { throw new Error(`Unexpected auth response code: ${responseCode}.`); } }
private async _authCleartext() { this.packetWriter.clear(); const password = this.connParams.password || ""; const buffer = this.packetWriter.addCString(password).flush(0x70);
await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); await this.bufWriter.flush(); }
private async _authMd5(salt: Uint8Array) { this.packetWriter.clear();
if (!this.connParams.password) { throw new Error("Auth Error: attempting MD5 auth with password unset"); }
const password = hashMd5Password( this.connParams.password, this.connParams.user, salt ); const buffer = this.packetWriter.addCString(password).flush(0x70);
await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); await this.bufWriter.flush(); }
private _processBackendKeyData(msg: Message) { this._pid = msg.reader.readInt32(); this._secretKey = msg.reader.readInt32(); }
private _processParameterStatus(msg: Message) { // TODO: should we save all parameters? const key = msg.reader.readCString(); const value = msg.reader.readCString(); this._parameters[key] = value; }
private _processReadyForQuery(msg: Message) { const txStatus = msg.reader.readByte(); this._transactionStatus = String.fromCharCode( txStatus ) as TransactionStatus; }
private async _readReadyForQuery() { const msg = await this.readMessage();
if (msg.type !== "Z") { throw new Error( `Unexpected message type: ${msg.type}, expected "Z" (ReadyForQuery)` ); }
this._processReadyForQuery(msg); }
private async _simpleQuery(query: Query): Promise<QueryResult> { this.packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.packetWriter.addCString(query.text).flush(0x51);
await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); await this.bufWriter.flush();
const result = query.result;
let msg: Message;
msg = await this.readMessage();
switch (msg.type) { // row description case "T": result.handleRowDescription(this._processRowDescription(msg)); break; // no data case "n": break; // error response case "E": await this._processError(msg); break; // notice response case "N": // TODO: console.log("TODO: handle notice"); break; // command complete // TODO: this is duplicated in next loop case "C": result.done(); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected frame: ${msg.type}`); }
while (true) { msg = await this.readMessage(); switch (msg.type) { // data row case "D": // this is actually packet read const foo = this._readDataRow(msg); result.handleDataRow(foo); break; // command complete case "C": result.done(); break; // ready for query case "Z": this._processReadyForQuery(msg); return result; // error response case "E": await this._processError(msg); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected frame: ${msg.type}`); } } }
async _sendPrepareMessage(query: Query) { this.packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.packetWriter .addCString("") // TODO: handle named queries ( .addCString(query.text) .addInt16(0) .flush(0x50); await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async _sendBindMessage(query: Query) { this.packetWriter.clear();
const hasBinaryArgs = query.args.reduce((prev, curr) => { return prev || curr instanceof Uint8Array; }, false);
// bind statement this.packetWriter.clear(); this.packetWriter .addCString("") // TODO: unnamed portal .addCString(""); // TODO: unnamed prepared statement
if (hasBinaryArgs) { this.packetWriter.addInt16(query.args.length);
query.args.forEach(arg => { this.packetWriter.addInt16(arg instanceof Uint8Array ? 1 : 0); }); } else { this.packetWriter.addInt16(0); }
query.args.forEach(arg => { if (arg === null || typeof arg === "undefined") { this.packetWriter.addInt32(-1); } else if (arg instanceof Uint8Array) { this.packetWriter.addInt32(arg.length); this.packetWriter.add(arg); } else { const byteLength = this.encoder.encode(arg).length; this.packetWriter.addInt32(byteLength); this.packetWriter.addString(arg); } });
this.packetWriter.addInt16(0); const buffer = this.packetWriter.flush(0x42); await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async _sendDescribeMessage() { this.packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.packetWriter.addCString("P").flush(0x44); await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async _sendExecuteMessage() { this.packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.packetWriter .addCString("") // unnamed portal .addInt32(0) .flush(0x45); await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async _sendFlushMessage() { this.packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.packetWriter.flush(0x48); await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async _sendSyncMessage() { this.packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.packetWriter.flush(0x53); await this.bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async _processError(msg: Message) { const error = parseError(msg); await this._readReadyForQuery(); throw error; }
private async _readParseComplete() { const msg = await this.readMessage();
switch (msg.type) { // parse completed case "1": // TODO: add to already parsed queries if // query has name, so it's not parsed again break; // error response case "E": await this._processError(msg); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected frame: ${msg.type}`); } }
private async _readBindComplete() { const msg = await this.readMessage();
switch (msg.type) { // bind completed case "2": // no-op break; // error response case "E": await this._processError(msg); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected frame: ${msg.type}`); } }
// TODO: I believe error handling here is not correct, shouldn't 'sync' message be // sent after error response is received in prepared statements? async _preparedQuery(query: Query): Promise<QueryResult> { await this._sendPrepareMessage(query); await this._sendBindMessage(query); await this._sendDescribeMessage(); await this._sendExecuteMessage(); await this._sendSyncMessage(); // send all messages to backend await this.bufWriter.flush();
await this._readParseComplete(); await this._readBindComplete();
const result = query.result; let msg: Message; msg = await this.readMessage();
switch (msg.type) { // row description case "T": const rowDescription = this._processRowDescription(msg); result.handleRowDescription(rowDescription); break; // no data case "n": break; // error case "E": await this._processError(msg); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected frame: ${msg.type}`); }
outerLoop: while (true) { msg = await this.readMessage(); switch (msg.type) { // data row case "D": // this is actually packet read const rawDataRow = this._readDataRow(msg); result.handleDataRow(rawDataRow); break; // command complete case "C": result.done(); break outerLoop; // error response case "E": await this._processError(msg); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected frame: ${msg.type}`); } }
await this._readReadyForQuery();
return result; }
async query(query: Query): Promise<QueryResult> { if (query.args.length === 0) { return await this._simpleQuery(query); } return await this._preparedQuery(query); }
private _processRowDescription(msg: Message): RowDescription { const columnCount = msg.reader.readInt16(); const columns = [];
for (let i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { // TODO: if one of columns has 'format' == 'binary', // all of them will be in same format? const column = new Column( msg.reader.readCString(), // name msg.reader.readInt32(), // tableOid msg.reader.readInt16(), // index msg.reader.readInt32(), // dataTypeOid msg.reader.readInt16(), // column msg.reader.readInt32(), // typeModifier msg.reader.readInt16() // format ); columns.push(column); }
return new RowDescription(columnCount, columns); }
_readDataRow(msg: Message): any[] { const fieldCount = msg.reader.readInt16(); const row = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { const colLength = msg.reader.readInt32();
if (colLength == -1) { row.push(null); continue; }
// reading raw bytes here, they will be properly parsed later row.push(msg.reader.readBytes(colLength)); }
return row; }
async initSQL(): Promise<void> { const config: QueryConfig = { text: "select 1;", args: [] }; const query = new Query(config); await this.query(query); }
async end(): Promise<void> { const terminationMessage = new Uint8Array([0x58, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04]); await this.bufWriter.write(terminationMessage); await this.bufWriter.flush(); this.conn.close(); delete this.conn; delete this.bufReader; delete this.bufWriter; delete this.packetWriter; }}