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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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const { test } = Deno;import { assert, assertStrContains } from "../test_deps.ts";import { Client, PostgresError } from "../mod.ts";import { TEST_CONNECTION_PARAMS } from "./constants.ts";
test(async function badAuthData() { // TODO(bartlomieju): this fails on Travis because it trusts all connections to postgres // figure out how to make it work return;
const badConnectionData = { ...TEST_CONNECTION_PARAMS }; badConnectionData.password += "foobar"; const client = new Client(badConnectionData);
let thrown = false;
try { await client.connect(); } catch (e) { thrown = true; assert(e instanceof PostgresError); assertStrContains(e.message, "password authentication failed for user"); } finally { await client.end(); } assert(thrown);});