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Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
Very Popular
import process from ''import os from ''import fs from ''
import { mergeUserTypes, inferType, Parameter, Identifier, Builder, toPascal, pascal, toCamel, camel, toKebab, kebab, fromPascal, fromCamel, fromKebab} from './types.js'
import Connection from './connection.js'import { Query, CLOSE } from './query.js'import Queue from './queue.js'import { Errors, PostgresError } from './errors.js'import Subscribe from './subscribe.js'import largeObject from './large.js'
Object.assign(Postgres, { PostgresError, toPascal, pascal, toCamel, camel, toKebab, kebab, fromPascal, fromCamel, fromKebab, BigInt: { to: 20, from: [20], parse: x => BigInt(x), // eslint-disable-line serialize: x => x.toString() }})
export default Postgres
function Postgres(a, b) { const options = parseOptions(a, b) , subscribe = options.no_subscribe || Subscribe(Postgres, { ...options })
let ending = false
const queries = Queue() , connecting = Queue() , reserved = Queue() , closed = Queue() , ended = Queue() , open = Queue() , busy = Queue() , full = Queue() , queues = { connecting, reserved, closed, ended, open, busy, full }
const connections = [...Array(options.max)].map(() => Connection(options, queues, { onopen, onend, onclose }))
const sql = Sql(handler)
Object.assign(sql, { get parameters() { return options.parameters }, largeObject: largeObject.bind(null, sql), subscribe, CLOSE, END: CLOSE, PostgresError, options, reserve, listen, begin, close, end })
return sql
function Sql(handler) { handler.debug = options.debug
Object.entries(options.types).reduce((acc, [name, type]) => { acc[name] = (x) => new Parameter(x, return acc }, typed)
Object.assign(sql, { types: typed, typed, unsafe, notify, array, json, file })
return sql
function typed(value, type) { return new Parameter(value, type) }
function sql(strings, ...args) { const query = strings && Array.isArray(strings.raw) ? new Query(strings, args, handler, cancel) : typeof strings === 'string' && !args.length ? new Identifier( ? : strings) : new Builder(strings, args) return query }
function unsafe(string, args = [], options = {}) { arguments.length === 2 && !Array.isArray(args) && (options = args, args = []) const query = new Query([string], args, handler, cancel, { prepare: false, ...options, simple: 'simple' in options ? options.simple : args.length === 0 }) return query }
function file(path, args = [], options = {}) { arguments.length === 2 && !Array.isArray(args) && (options = args, args = []) const query = new Query([], args, (query) => { fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, string) => { if (err) return query.reject(err)
query.strings = [string] handler(query) }) }, cancel, { ...options, simple: 'simple' in options ? options.simple : args.length === 0 }) return query } }
async function listen(name, fn, onlisten) { const listener = { fn, onlisten }
const sql = listen.sql || (listen.sql = Postgres({ ...options, max: 1, idle_timeout: null, max_lifetime: null, fetch_types: false, onclose() { Object.entries(listen.channels).forEach(([name, { listeners }]) => { delete listen.channels[name] Promise.all( => listen(name, l.fn, l.onlisten).catch(() => { /* noop */ }))) }) }, onnotify(c, x) { c in listen.channels && listen.channels[c].listeners.forEach(l => l.fn(x)) } }))
const channels = listen.channels || (listen.channels = {}) , exists = name in channels
if (exists) { channels[name].listeners.push(listener) const result = await channels[name].result listener.onlisten && listener.onlisten() return { state: result.state, unlisten } }
channels[name] = { result: sql`listen ${ sql.unsafe('"' + name.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"') }`, listeners: [listener] } const result = await channels[name].result listener.onlisten && listener.onlisten() return { state: result.state, unlisten }
async function unlisten() { if (name in channels === false) return
channels[name].listeners = channels[name].listeners.filter(x => x !== listener) if (channels[name].listeners.length) return
delete channels[name] return sql`unlisten ${ sql.unsafe('"' + name.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"') }` } }
async function notify(channel, payload) { return await sql`select pg_notify(${ channel }, ${ '' + payload })` }
async function reserve() { const queue = Queue() const c = open.length ? open.shift() : await new Promise(r => { queries.push({ reserve: r }) closed.length && connect(closed.shift()) })
move(c, reserved) c.reserved = () => queue.length ? c.execute(queue.shift()) : move(c, reserved) c.reserved.release = true
const sql = Sql(handler) sql.release = () => { c.reserved = null onopen(c) }
return sql
function handler(q) { c.queue === full ? queue.push(q) : c.execute(q) || move(c, full) } }
async function begin(options, fn) { !fn && (fn = options, options = '') const queries = Queue() let savepoints = 0 , connection , prepare = null
try { await sql.unsafe('begin ' + options.replace(/[^a-z ]/ig, ''), [], { onexecute }).execute() return await Promise.race([ scope(connection, fn), new Promise((_, reject) => connection.onclose = reject) ]) } catch (error) { throw error }
async function scope(c, fn, name) { const sql = Sql(handler) sql.savepoint = savepoint sql.prepare = x => prepare = x.replace(/[^a-z0-9$-_. ]/gi) let uncaughtError , result
name && await sql`savepoint ${ sql(name) }` try { result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const x = fn(sql) Promise.resolve(Array.isArray(x) ? Promise.all(x) : x).then(resolve, reject) })
if (uncaughtError) throw uncaughtError } catch (e) { await (name ? sql`rollback to ${ sql(name) }` : sql`rollback` ) throw e instanceof PostgresError && e.code === '25P02' && uncaughtError || e }
if (!name) { prepare ? await sql`prepare transaction '${ sql.unsafe(prepare) }'` : await sql`commit` }
return result
function savepoint(name, fn) { if (name && Array.isArray(name.raw)) return savepoint(sql => sql.apply(sql, arguments))
arguments.length === 1 && (fn = name, name = null) return scope(c, fn, 's' + savepoints++ + (name ? '_' + name : '')) }
function handler(q) { q.catch(e => uncaughtError || (uncaughtError = e)) c.queue === full ? queries.push(q) : c.execute(q) || move(c, full) } }
function onexecute(c) { connection = c move(c, reserved) c.reserved = () => queries.length ? c.execute(queries.shift()) : move(c, reserved) } }
function move(c, queue) { c.queue.remove(c) queue.push(c) c.queue = queue queue === open ? c.idleTimer.start() : c.idleTimer.cancel() return c }
function json(x) { return new Parameter(x, 3802) }
function array(x, type) { if (!Array.isArray(x)) return array(Array.from(arguments))
return new Parameter(x, type || (x.length ? inferType(x) || 25 : 0), options.shared.typeArrayMap) }
function handler(query) { if (ending) return query.reject(Errors.connection('CONNECTION_ENDED', options, options))
if (open.length) return go(open.shift(), query)
if (closed.length) return connect(closed.shift(), query)
busy.length ? go(busy.shift(), query) : queries.push(query) }
function go(c, query) { return c.execute(query) ? move(c, busy) : move(c, full) }
function cancel(query) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { query.state ? ? Connection(options).cancel(query.state, resolve, reject) : query.cancelled = { resolve, reject } : ( queries.remove(query), query.cancelled = true, query.reject(Errors.generic('57014', 'canceling statement due to user request')), resolve() ) }) }
async function end({ timeout = null } = {}) { if (ending) return ending
await 1 let timer return ending = Promise.race([ new Promise(r => timeout !== null && (timer = setTimeout(destroy, timeout * 1000, r))), Promise.all( => c.end()).concat( listen.sql ? listen.sql.end({ timeout: 0 }) : [], subscribe.sql ? subscribe.sql.end({ timeout: 0 }) : [] )) ]).then(() => clearTimeout(timer)) }
async function close() { await Promise.all( => c.end())) }
async function destroy(resolve) { await Promise.all( => c.terminate())) while (queries.length) queries.shift().reject(Errors.connection('CONNECTION_DESTROYED', options)) resolve() }
function connect(c, query) { move(c, connecting) c.connect(query) return c }
function onend(c) { move(c, ended) }
function onopen(c) { if (queries.length === 0) return move(c, open)
let max = Math.ceil(queries.length / (connecting.length + 1)) , ready = true
while (ready && queries.length && max-- > 0) { const query = queries.shift() if (query.reserve) return query.reserve(c)
ready = c.execute(query) }
ready ? move(c, busy) : move(c, full) }
function onclose(c, e) { move(c, closed) c.reserved = null c.onclose && (c.onclose(e), c.onclose = null) options.onclose && options.onclose( queries.length && connect(c, queries.shift()) }}
function parseOptions(a, b) { if (a && a.shared) return a
const env = process.env // eslint-disable-line , o = (!a || typeof a === 'string' ? b : a) || {} , { url, multihost } = parseUrl(a) , query = [...url.searchParams].reduce((a, [b, c]) => (a[b] = c, a), {}) , host = o.hostname || || multihost || url.hostname || env.PGHOST || 'localhost' , port = o.port || url.port || env.PGPORT || 5432 , user = o.user || o.username || url.username || env.PGUSERNAME || env.PGUSER || osUsername()
o.no_prepare && (o.prepare = false) query.sslmode && (query.ssl = query.sslmode, delete query.sslmode) 'timeout' in o && (console.log('The timeout option is deprecated, use idle_timeout instead'), o.idle_timeout = o.timeout) // eslint-disable-line query.sslrootcert === 'system' && (query.ssl = 'verify-full')
const ints = ['idle_timeout', 'connect_timeout', 'max_lifetime', 'max_pipeline', 'backoff', 'keep_alive'] const defaults = { max : 10, ssl : false, idle_timeout : null, connect_timeout : 30, max_lifetime : max_lifetime, max_pipeline : 100, backoff : backoff, keep_alive : 60, prepare : true, debug : false, fetch_types : true, publications : 'alltables', target_session_attrs: null }
return { host : Array.isArray(host) ? host : host.split(',').map(x => x.split(':')[0]), port : Array.isArray(port) ? port : host.split(',').map(x => parseInt(x.split(':')[1] || port)), path : o.path || host.indexOf('/') > -1 && host + '/.s.PGSQL.' + port, database : o.database || o.db || (url.pathname || '').slice(1) || env.PGDATABASE || user, user : user, pass : o.pass || o.password || url.password || env.PGPASSWORD || '', ...Object.entries(defaults).reduce( (acc, [k, d]) => { const value = k in o ? o[k] : k in query ? (query[k] === 'disable' || query[k] === 'false' ? false : query[k]) : env['PG' + k.toUpperCase()] || d acc[k] = typeof value === 'string' && ints.includes(k) ? +value : value return acc }, {} ), connection : { application_name: 'postgres.js', ...o.connection, ...Object.entries(query).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => (k in defaults || (acc[k] = v), acc), {}) }, types : o.types || {}, target_session_attrs: tsa(o, url, env), onnotice : o.onnotice, onnotify : o.onnotify, onclose : o.onclose, onparameter : o.onparameter, socket : o.socket, transform : parseTransform(o.transform || { undefined: undefined }), parameters : {}, shared : { retries: 0, typeArrayMap: {} }, ...mergeUserTypes(o.types) }}
function tsa(o, url, env) { const x = o.target_session_attrs || url.searchParams.get('target_session_attrs') || env.PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS if (!x || ['read-write', 'read-only', 'primary', 'standby', 'prefer-standby'].includes(x)) return x
throw new Error('target_session_attrs ' + x + ' is not supported')}
function backoff(retries) { return (0.5 + Math.random() / 2) * Math.min(3 ** retries / 100, 20)}
function max_lifetime() { return 60 * (30 + Math.random() * 30)}
function parseTransform(x) { return { undefined: x.undefined, column: { from: typeof x.column === 'function' ? x.column : x.column && x.column.from, to: x.column && }, value: { from: typeof x.value === 'function' ? x.value : x.value && x.value.from, to: x.value && }, row: { from: typeof x.row === 'function' ? x.row : x.row && x.row.from, to: x.row && } }}
function parseUrl(url) { if (!url || typeof url !== 'string') return { url: { searchParams: new Map() } }
let host = url host = host.slice(host.indexOf('://') + 3).split(/[?/]/)[0] host = decodeURIComponent(host.slice(host.indexOf('@') + 1))
const urlObj = new URL(url.replace(host, host.split(',')[0]))
return { url: { username: decodeURIComponent(urlObj.username), password: decodeURIComponent(urlObj.password), host:, hostname: urlObj.hostname, port: urlObj.port, pathname: urlObj.pathname, searchParams: urlObj.searchParams }, multihost: host.indexOf(',') > -1 && host }}
function osUsername() { try { return os.userInfo().username // eslint-disable-line } catch (_) { return process.env.USERNAME || process.env.USER || process.env.LOGNAME // eslint-disable-line }}