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Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
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import Stream from ''
export default function largeObject(sql, oid, mode = 0x00020000 | 0x00040000) { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { await sql.begin(async sql => { let finish !oid && ([{ oid }] = await sql`select lo_creat(-1) as oid`) const [{ fd }] = await sql`select lo_open(${ oid }, ${ mode }) as fd`
const lo = { writable, readable, close : () => sql`select lo_close(${ fd })`.then(finish), tell : () => sql`select lo_tell64(${ fd })`, read : (x) => sql`select loread(${ fd }, ${ x }) as data`, write : (x) => sql`select lowrite(${ fd }, ${ x })`, truncate : (x) => sql`select lo_truncate64(${ fd }, ${ x })`, seek : (x, whence = 0) => sql`select lo_lseek64(${ fd }, ${ x }, ${ whence })`, size : () => sql` select lo_lseek64(${ fd }, location, 0) as position, seek.size from ( select lo_lseek64($1, 0, 2) as size, tell.location from (select lo_tell64($1) as location) tell ) seek ` }
return new Promise(async r => finish = r)
async function readable({ highWaterMark = 2048 * 8, start = 0, end = Infinity } = {}) { let max = end - start start && await return new Stream.Readable({ highWaterMark, async read(size) { const l = size > max ? size - max : size max -= size const [{ data }] = await this.push(data) if (data.length < size) this.push(null) } }) }
async function writable({ highWaterMark = 2048 * 8, start = 0 } = {}) { start && await return new Stream.Writable({ highWaterMark, write(chunk, encoding, callback) { lo.write(chunk).then(() => callback(), callback) } }) } }).catch(reject) })}