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Pothos GraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript using a strongly typed code first approach
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type alias PothosFieldKindToConfig
import { type PothosFieldKindToConfig } from "";

Type Parameters

Types extends SchemaTypes
Kind extends FieldKind
definition: [K in FieldKind]: Merge<Omit<GraphQLFieldConfig<unknown, object>, "args" | "type"> & { kind: K; graphqlKind: PothosSchemaTypes.PothosKindToGraphQLType[K]; parentType: string; name: string; type: PothosOutputFieldType<Types>; args: Record<string, PothosInputFieldConfig<Types>>; argMappers: ((
args: Record<string, unknown>,
context: Types["Context"],
) => Record<string, unknown>)[]; pothosOptions: FieldOptionsFromKind<Types, unknown, TypeParam<Types>, FieldNullability<[unknown]>, InputFieldMap, K, unknown, unknown> & MergeUnion<[K in keyof PothosSchemaTypes.InferredFieldOptions<SchemaTypes>]: PothosSchemaTypes.InferredFieldOptions<SchemaTypes>[K][keyof PothosSchemaTypes.InferredFieldOptions<SchemaTypes>]>; }>[Kind]