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/// <reference lib="dom" />
// Note: The <style> should come before the <slot> in the template, so that it// can be overridden TODO: Test that claim...const shadowRootTemplate = document.createElement("template");shadowRootTemplate.innerHTML = ` <style>:host { display: block; }</style> <slot></slot>`;
/** * The `<shadow-root>` custom element simply slots its content into a * `ShadowRoot`, making it easy to define scoped styles for a component * alongside its template html. Additionally, `display: block;` is applied to * the `:host{}`, overriding the default of `display: inline;` applied to all * custom elements. (Thanks, * [Apple]( * * ```html * <shadow-root type="app"> * <!-- The type="app" has no effect, it's only for easy identification --> * * <h1>App</h1> * * <!-- Scoped styles. These only affect the contents of this component --> * <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> * <style> * h1 { * font-family: "Inter var", sans-serif; * font-weight: 900; * } * </style> * </shadow-root> * ``` * * NOTE: This is not part of the standard Preact API */export class ShadowRootElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); shadow.append(shadowRootTemplate.content.cloneNode(true)); }}
if (self.customElements) { customElements.define("shadow-root", ShadowRootElement);}
// TODO:
/** * Filters non-string values from the provided arguments and joins the remaining * strings with a space separator. Useful for declaratively toggling CSS * classes. * * ```jsx * import { cx } from ""; * * function App() { * const [ego, setEgo] = useState(0); * * return ( * <button * class={cx( * "button", * ego <= 5 && "font-xs", * ego > 5 && ego <= 10 && "font-sm", * ego > 10 && ego <= 15 && "font-md", * ego > 15 && ego <= 20 && "font-lg", * ego > 20 && "font-xl", * )} * onClick={() => setEgo(ego + 1)} * > * {ego <= 20 && `Inflate my ego: ${ego}`} * {ego > 20 && "I am God."} * </button> * ); * } * ``` * * NOTE: This is not part of the standard Preact API */export function cx(...classes: unknown[]): string { return classes.filter(c => !!c && typeof c === "string").join(" ");}