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A Fresh plugin for prefetching pages
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import { Plugin } from "$fresh/server.ts";
export interface Options { prefetch?: 'all' | 'by-attribute'};
const prefetch = ({ prefetch = 'all' }: Options): Plugin => { const main = `data:application/javascript,export default function (state) { if (window.requestIdleCallback) { // prefetched links set const prefetched = new Set();
// only prefetch relative links const isRelativeUrl = (href) => typeof href === "string" && !/^http(s)?:\/\/|#/.test(href);
const createPrefetchLink = (href) => { console.log('Prefetchig', href); const linkTag = document.createElement('link'); linkTag.rel = 'prefetch'; linkTag.href = href; = 'document'; document.head.appendChild(linkTag); }; window.requestIdleCallback(() => { document.querySelectorAll("${prefetch === 'all' ? "a" : "a[prefetch]"}").forEach((element) => { const href = element.getAttribute("href"); if (isRelativeUrl(href) && prefetched.has(href) === false) { prefetched.add(href); createPrefetchLink(href); } }) }); } }`
return { name: 'prefetch', entrypoints: { main }, render: (ctx) => { ctx.render()
return { scripts: [{ entrypoint: 'main', state: {} }] } } }}
export default prefetch