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A standard module for functional programming in JavaScript.


A minimalist collection of functions to support functional programming.

For example, it includes the following:

  • Methods of built-in data types as functions.

    If you wanted to apply trim to all elements of a string[], you would do something like this:

    const runtime = [" deno ", " node.js"].map((v) => v.trim());

    Use string#trim.

    import { trim } from "$VERSION/string.ts";
    const runtime = [" deno ", " node.js"].map(trim);

Method as function

Methods are provided as functions from built-in data types.

The independence of methods as functions is convenient for functional programming.


Endpoints are provided with the following rules.

import * as methods from "$VERSION/<data_type>.ts";

where <data_type> denotes the data type.

For example:

  • string
  • number
  • object

You can import any module you like via namespace import or named import.

import * as String from "$VERSION/string.ts";
import { trim } from "$VERSION/string.ts";
String.trim(" hello ");
trim(" world ");


import * as String from "$VERSION/string.ts";
  • at
  • charAt
  • charCodeAt
  • codePointAt
  • concat
  • indexOf
  • lastIndexOf
  • localeCompare
  • match
  • search
  • slice
  • split
  • substring
  • toLowerCase
  • toLocaleLowerCase
  • toUpperCase
  • toLocaleUpperCase
  • trim
  • valueOf
  • trimStart
  • trimEnd
  • length


import * as Number from "$VERSION/number.ts";
  • toFixed
  • toExponential
  • toPrecision
  • valueOf


import * as Bigint from "$VERSION/bigint.ts";
  • toString
  • toLocaleString
  • valueOf


import * as Object from "$VERSION/object.ts";
  • constructor
  • toString
  • toLocaleString
  • valueOf


Copyright © 2022-present TomokiMiyauci.

Released under the MIT license