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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import { colors } from "./deps.ts";import { padStartVisible } from "./utils.ts";import type { BenchIndicator, Thresholds } from "./types.ts";import type { BenchmarkResult, BenchmarkRunResult } from "./deps.ts";
const { green, yellow, red, white } = colors;
export function getTimeColor( name: string, time: number, nocolor?: boolean, thresholds?: Thresholds,) { // if nocolor is set, than return a the same string without coloring if (nocolor) { return (str: string) => str; }
const inRange = getInThresholdRange(name, time, thresholds);
return [yellow, green, yellow, red][inRange || 0];}
export function getInThresholdRange( name: string, time: number, thresholds?: Thresholds,): null | 1 | 2 | 3 { const th = thresholds && thresholds[name];
if (th) { if (time <= return 1; if (time <= th.yellow) return 2; if (th.yellow < time) return 3; } return null;}
/** Gets the correct indicator for the named bench */export function getIndicator( name: string, indicators?: BenchIndicator[],) { if (indicators && indicators.length > 0) { const indChar = "▒▒"; const indicator = indicators.find(({ benches }) => benches.test(name)); if (indicator) { if (typeof indicator.modFn == "function") { const modded = indicator.modFn(indChar); return modded; // str or object } else { return false; // has indicator but no modFn } } }
return undefined;}
/** Handles the padding of indicators to specific lengths */export function getPaddedIndicator( name: string, toLength: number, indicators?: BenchIndicator[], noIndicator: string = " ".repeat(toLength),) { const indicator = getIndicator(name, indicators); if (indicator) { let newIndicator = "";
if ( typeof indicator === "object" && indicator.indicator && !isNaN(indicator.visibleLength) ) { newIndicator = padStartVisible( `${indicator.indicator}`, toLength + (stripColor(indicator.indicator).length - indicator.visibleLength), ); } else { //simple string newIndicator = padStartVisible(`${indicator}`, toLength); }
return newIndicator; }
return noIndicator;}
/** strips terminal color */export function stripColor(str: string) { // deno-lint-ignore no-control-regex return str.replace(/\x1b\[[0-9\;]*m/g, "");}
export function substrColored(str: string, length: number) { let visibleLength = 0; let cutStr = ""; const sa = [...str];
for (let i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { const cs = sa[i]; if (cs === "\x1b") { const colorMod = str.slice(i, sa.indexOf("m", i) + 1); cutStr += colorMod;
i = sa.indexOf("m", i); } else { if (visibleLength < length) { cutStr += cs; visibleLength++; } } }
return cutStr;}
export function intersect(a: unknown[], b: unknown[]) { return a.filter((value) => -1 !== b.indexOf(value));}
export function disjunct(base: unknown[], dis: unknown[]) { return base.filter((value) => -1 === dis.indexOf(value));}
/** Calculates the `min`, `max`, `mean` (as (`max`+`min`)/2) and `median` from the `measuredRunsMs` array. */export function calculateExtraMetrics(result: BenchmarkResult) { const max = Math.max(...result.measuredRunsMs); const min = Math.min(...result.measuredRunsMs); const mean = (max + min) / 2; // not as avg
const sorted = [...result.measuredRunsMs].sort(); const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2); const median = sorted.length == 0 ? 0 : (sorted.length % 2 !== 0 ? sorted[middle] : (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2);
return { max, min, mean, median, };}
/** Calculates the `standard deviation` from the `measuredRunsMs` array. */export function calculateStdDeviation(result: BenchmarkResult) { const sorted = [...result.measuredRunsMs].sort(); const stdDeviation = Math.sqrt( => Math.pow(x - result.measuredRunsAvgMs, 2)).reduce(( a, b, ) => a + b) / sorted.length, );
return stdDeviation;}
/** Returns the range into which the benchmarks with had a threshold set fell. */export function getThresholdResultsFrom( runResult: BenchmarkRunResult, thresholds: Thresholds,) { const thResults: { [key: string]: "red" | "yellow" | "green" } = {}; runResult.results.forEach((r) => { const t = thresholds[]; if (t) { thResults[] = r.measuredRunsAvgMs > ? (r.measuredRunsAvgMs > t.yellow ? "red" : "yellow") : "green"; } });
return thResults;}