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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import { BenchIndicator, prettyBenchmarkHistory, prettyBenchmarkProgress, prettyBenchmarkResult,} from "";
import { bench, runBenchmarks,} from "";
import * as colors from "";import { deltaProgressRowExtra, deltaResultInfoCell,} from "./history_extensions.ts";
bench({ name: "Sorting arrays", runs: 4000, func(b): void { b.start(); new Array(10000).fill(Math.random()).sort(); b.stop(); },});
bench({ name: "Rotating arrays", runs: 1000, func(b): void { b.start(); let a = new Array(500); for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) { a.pop(); a = a.reverse(); } b.stop(); },});
bench({ name: "Proving NP==P", runs: 1, func(b): void { b.start(); for (let i = 0; i < 1e9 / 5; i++) { const NPeP = Math.random() === Math.random(); } b.stop(); },});
bench({ name: "Counting stars_long", runs: 1000, func(b): void { b.start(); const a = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1e12; i++) { a.push(i); } b.stop(); },});
bench({ name: "Standing out", runs: 1000, func(b): void { b.start(); new Array(10000).fill(Math.random()).sort(); b.stop(); },});
const historicData = '{"history":[{"date":"2020-09-18T10:43:57.695Z","benchmarks":{"Sorting arrays":{"measuredRunsAvgMs":0.4617750250000041,"runsCount":4000,"totalMs":1847.1001000000165},"Rotating arrays":{"measuredRunsAvgMs":2.2363983999999726,"runsCount":1000,"totalMs":2236.3983999999728},"Proving NP==P":{"measuredRunsAvgMs":5763.3927,"runsCount":1,"totalMs":5763.3927}}}]}';const history = new prettyBenchmarkHistory(JSON.parse(historicData));
const thresholds = { "Rotating arrays": { green: 2.5, yellow: 3.4 }, "Proving NP==P": { green: 4600, yellow: 5500 },};
const indicators: BenchIndicator[] = [ { benches: /Rotating arrays/, modFn: () => "🚀", }, { benches: /NP/, modFn: colors.yellow, color: }, { benches: /Standing/, modFn: () => colors.bgRed("%"), color: colors.magenta, },];
runBenchmarks( { silent: true, skip: /_long/ }, prettyBenchmarkProgress( { indicators, thresholds, rowExtras: deltaProgressRowExtra(history), }, ),).then( prettyBenchmarkResult( { thresholds, indicators, infoCell: deltaResultInfoCell(history), parts: { extraMetrics: true, threshold: true, graph: true, graphBars: 5, }, }, ),);