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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import type { BenchmarkResult, BenchmarkRunResult } from "./deps.ts";import type { Threshold, Thresholds } from "./types.ts";
/** Defines the rules on what and how the history should contain. * * @template T The type that is calculated with `benchExtras` function and stored in each benchmarks' `extras`. * @template K The type that is calculated with `runExtras` function and stored in each runs' `runExtras`. */export interface prettyBenchmarkHistoryOptions<T = unknown, K = unknown> { /** Allow storing low precision measurements */ easeOnlyHrTime?: boolean; /** Turns on strict mode. Setting it to boolean `true` gives the same result as setting each rule to `true` in the rules `object`. */ strict?: boolean | strictHistoryRules; /** Throw an error, when **any** benchmark has lower runsCount than the set value. */ minRequiredRuns?: number; /** Saves the `measuredRunsMs` array for each benchmark. * * **WARNING** this could result in a very big history file overtime. * * Consider calculating necessary values before save instead with `benchExtras` or `runExtras`.*/ saveIndividualRuns?: boolean; /** Saves the returned `object` for each benchmark into it's `extras` property. */ benchExtras?: (result: BenchmarkResult) => T; /** Saves the returned `object` for each run into it's `runExtras` property. */ runExtras?: (runResult: BenchmarkRunResult) => K;}
/** Defines which strict rules to use. */export type strictHistoryRules = { /** Throw an error, when previously saved benchmark is missing from the current set when calling `addResults`. Ignored on the very first set of benchmarks. */ noRemoval?: boolean; /** Throw an error, when previously not saved benchmark is added to the current set when calling `addResults`. Ignored on the very first set of benchmarks. */ noAddition?: boolean; /** Throw an error, when the `runsCount` changes for a benchmark from the previous run's `runsCount`. Ignored on new benchmarks. */ noRunsCountChange?: boolean;};
/** Represents the stored historic benchmark data * * @template T The type that is calculated with `benchExtras` function and stored in each benchmarks' `extras`. * @template K The type that is calculated with `runExtras` function and stored in each runs' `runExtras`.*/export interface BenchmarkHistory<T = unknown, K = unknown> { /** The individual runs' values */ history: BenchmarkHistoryItem<T, K>[];}
/** Represents the results of one `runBenchmarks` run. * * @template T The type that is calculated with `benchExtras` function and stored in each benchmarks' `extras`. * @template K The type that is calculated with `runExtras` function and stored in each runs' `runExtras`.*/export interface BenchmarkHistoryItem<T = unknown, K = unknown> { /** The date of the measurement */ date: string; /** User provided identifier for the run */ id?: string; /** The object calculated by `runExtras` function if provided in the options */ runExtras?: K;
/** The individual benchmarks' results for the specific run. */ benchmarks: { [key: string]: BenchmarkHistoryRunItem<T>; };}
/** Represents the results of one benchmark's single run. * * @template T The type that is calculated with `benchExtras` function and stored in each benchmarks' `extras`. */export interface BenchmarkHistoryRunItem<T = unknown> { /** The total time it took to run a given bechmark */ totalMs: number; /** Times the benchmark was run in succession. */ runsCount: number; /** The average time of running the benchmark in milliseconds. */ measuredRunsAvgMs: number; /** The individual measurements in milliseconds it took to run the benchmark. * * Gets saved only, when `saveIndividualRuns` is set in the options. */ measuredRunsMs?: number[]; /** The object calculated by `benchExtras` function if provided in the options. */ extras?: T;}
/** Represent the change in a variable's value. */export interface Delta { /** The change in percents. */ percent: number; /** The actual change */ amount: number;}
export type DeltaKey<T = unknown> = (keyof T | "measuredRunsAvgMs" | "totalMs");
/** Handles and enforces the set rules on the historic benchmarking data. * * Typical usage: * ```ts * // add benches, then * * let historicData; * try { * historicData = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync("./benchmarks/history.json")); * } catch { * // Decide whether you want to proceed with no history * console.warn("⚠ cant read history file"); * } * * const history = new prettyBenchmarkHistory(historicData, { * //options * }); * * runBenchmarks().then((results: BenchmarkRunResult) => { * history.addResults(results); * Deno.writeTextFileSync("./benchmarks/history.json", history.getDataString()); * }); * ``` * * **Note** * * The saving and loading of the generated data is the user's responsibility, this class is not doing any file handling. See examples for more info. */export class prettyBenchmarkHistory<T = unknown, K = unknown> { private data!: BenchmarkHistory<T, K>; private options?: prettyBenchmarkHistoryOptions<T, K>;
constructor( /** The previously saved historic data. */ previousData?: BenchmarkHistory<T, K>, options?: prettyBenchmarkHistoryOptions< T, K >, ) { this.options = options;
if (previousData) { this.load(previousData); } else { this.init(); } }
private init() { = { history: [] }; }
private load(previousData: BenchmarkHistory<T, K>) { = previousData; }
/** Stores the run's result into the historic data, enforces all set rules on the results. */ addResults(runResults: BenchmarkRunResult, options?: { /** Helps to identify the specific run, besides the date.*/ id?: string; /** Overrides the current date */ date?: Date | string; }) { const date: string = options?.date ? (typeof === "string" ? : : new Date().toISOString();
const duplicateNames = runResults.results.filter((r) => runResults.results.filter((rc) => === > 1 ); if (duplicateNames.length !== 0) { throw new Error( `Names must be unique to be able to store them. Colliding names: [${ [ Set( =>].join(", ") }].`, ); }
if (this.options?.minRequiredRuns) { const notEnoughRuns = runResults.results.filter((r) => r.runsCount < this.options?.minRequiredRuns! || r.measuredRunsMs.length < this.options?.minRequiredRuns! ); if (notEnoughRuns.length !== 0) { throw new Error( `Minimum required runs (${this.options ?.minRequiredRuns}) was not fullfilled by benchmarks: [${ => `"${}" (${r.runsCount})`).join(", ") }]. The minimum required runs can be set with 'minRequiredRuns' option.`, ); } }
if (!this.options?.easeOnlyHrTime) { const isHrTime = (ms: number) => ms % 1 !== 0; if (runResults.results.some((r) => !isHrTime(r.totalMs))) { // TODO consider: check on a subset of measurements too. throw new Error( `Seems like you are trying to add results, that were measured without the --allow-hrtime flag. You can bypass this check with the 'easeOnlyHrTime' option.`, ); } }
if (this.options?.strict) { const strictIsBooleanTrue = typeof this.options?.strict === "boolean" && this.options?.strict;
const hasDataAlready = Object.keys( !== 0; if (hasDataAlready) { // strict has no effect on first set of results. const errors = [];
const prevBenchmarks = this.getBenchmarkNames();
prevBenchmarks.forEach((pb) => { const benchInResults = runResults.results.find((r) => === pb); if ( strictIsBooleanTrue || (this.options?.strict as strictHistoryRules).noRemoval ) { if (!benchInResults) { errors.push( `Missing benchmark named "${pb}" in current results. Set 'strict' or 'strict.noRemoval' option to false to bypass this check.`, ); } }
if ( strictIsBooleanTrue || (this.options?.strict as strictHistoryRules).noRunsCountChange ) { const prevRuns = => h.benchmarks[pb]); if (benchInResults && prevRuns.length > 0) { const lastRun = prevRuns.reverse()[0].benchmarks[pb]; if (lastRun.runsCount !== benchInResults.runsCount) { errors.push( `Runs count of benchmark "${pb}" (${benchInResults.runsCount}) doesnt match the previous runs count (${lastRun.runsCount}). Set 'strict' or 'strict.noRunsCountChange' option to false to bypass this check.`, ); } } } });
if ( strictIsBooleanTrue || (this.options?.strict as strictHistoryRules).noAddition ) { const newBenches = runResults.results.filter((r) => prevBenchmarks.indexOf( === -1 ); if (newBenches.length !== 0) { errors.push( `Adding new benches is not allowed after the initial set of benchmarks. New benches: [${ => }]. Set 'strict' or 'strict.noAddition' option to false to bypass this check.`, ); } }
// TODO consider: checking changes in extras
if (errors.length !== 0) { throw new Error( `Errors while trying to add new results to history: \n${ errors.join("\n") }`, ); } } }
const benchmarks: { [key: string]: BenchmarkHistoryRunItem<T> } = {}; runResults.results.forEach((r) => { benchmarks[] = { measuredRunsAvgMs: r.measuredRunsAvgMs, runsCount: r.runsCount, totalMs: r.totalMs, measuredRunsMs: this.options?.saveIndividualRuns ? r.measuredRunsMs : undefined, extras: this.options?.benchExtras && this.options.benchExtras(r), }; });{ date: date, id: options?.id, runExtras: this.options?.runExtras && this.options.runExtras(runResults), benchmarks: benchmarks, });
// TODO! cant initiate date if a different dateformat is used in the string =, b) => { return new Date( - new Date(; });
return this; }
/** Calculates `deltas` for each benchmark in the provided `BenchmarkRunResult` for each provided property key. * * Keys are either `measuredRunsAvgMs`, `totalMs` or point to `number` properties of the calculated `extras`. * Error is thrown, when a key points to a non number property. * No delta is calculated for key's which are not present in the `extras` * * Returns `false` for a given benchmark when there is no history for it. */ getDeltasFrom( results: BenchmarkRunResult, keys: DeltaKey<T>[] = ["measuredRunsAvgMs", "totalMs"], ): { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Delta } } { const deltas: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Delta } } = {};
results.results.forEach((r) => { const d = this.getDeltaForBenchmark(r, keys); if (d) { deltas[] = d; } });
return deltas; }
/** Calculates `deltas` for given `BenchmarkResult` for each provided property key. * * Keys are either `measuredRunsAvgMs`, `totalMs` or point to `number` properties of the calculated `extras`. * Error is thrown, when a key points to a non number property. * No delta is calculated for key's which are not present in the `extras` * * Returns `false` when there is no history for the given benchmark. */ getDeltaForBenchmark( result: BenchmarkResult, keys: DeltaKey<T>[] = ["measuredRunsAvgMs", "totalMs"], ) { const prevResults = => h.benchmarks[] ); const lastResult = prevResults.length > 0 ? prevResults[prevResults.length - 1].benchmarks[] : undefined;
if (!lastResult) { // no previous result for this benchmark return false; }
const currentResultExtras = this.options?.benchExtras && this.options.benchExtras(result);
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const calcDelta = (current: any, prev: any, key: any) => { if (typeof current[key] !== "number" || typeof prev[key] !== "number") { throw new Error( `Type of value selected by key "${key}" must be number`, ); }
const diff = current[key] - prev[key]; const percDiff = diff / prev[key];
return { percent: percDiff, amount: diff, }; };
const deltas: { [key: string]: Delta } = {};
keys.forEach((key) => { if (key === "measuredRunsAvgMs" || key === "totalMs") { deltas[key as string] = calcDelta(result, lastResult, key); } else { if ( !currentResultExtras || typeof currentResultExtras[key] === undefined ) { throw new Error( `No property named "${key}" in calculated extras for the currently measured benchmark named "${}".`, ); }
if (!lastResult.extras || !lastResult.extras[key]) { // TODO consider throwing return false; }
deltas[key as string] = calcDelta( currentResultExtras, lastResult.extras, key, ); } });
return deltas; }
/** Returns a copy of the historic data. */ getData(): BenchmarkHistory<T, K> { // no complex objects so should be enough return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; }
/** Returns the historic data in a pretty-printed JSON string */ getDataString() { return JSON.stringify(this.getData(), null, 2); }
/** Returns every benchmark's name that is in the historic data. */ getBenchmarkNames() { return [ Set( => Object.keys(h.benchmarks)).flat(), ), ]; }}
/** Calculates `Thresholds` from the historic data for each benchmark. * * **EXPERIMENTAL** The default way of calculating may change, if you relay on thresholds provide your calculation so it wont change unexpectedly * * The default way the thresholds are calculated: * * only calculate threshold for benchmark, which has at least `5` previous runs * * `green` is the (minimum of the measured `measuredRunsAvgMs`) * `1.1` * * `yellow` is the (maximum of the measured `measuredRunsAvgMs`) * `1.2` * * This can be overridden with the options.*/export function calculateThresholds<T, K>( history: prettyBenchmarkHistory<T, K>, options?: { minProceedingRuns?: number; calculate?: (runs: BenchmarkHistoryItem<T, K>[]) => Threshold; },): Thresholds { const benchmarkNames = history.getBenchmarkNames(); const data = history.getData(); const thresholds: Thresholds = {};
benchmarkNames.forEach((bn) => { const runs = data.history.filter((h) => h.benchmarks[bn]);
if (runs.length < (options?.minProceedingRuns ?? 5)) { return; }
if (typeof options?.calculate === "function") { thresholds[bn] = options.calculate(runs); } else { const green = Math.min( => r.benchmarks[bn].measuredRunsAvgMs )) * 1.1; const yellow = Math.max( => r.benchmarks[bn].measuredRunsAvgMs )) * 1.2;
thresholds[bn] = { green, yellow }; } });
return thresholds;}