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A high-level way to run child processes that is easy, flexible, powerful, and prevents resource leaks.
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import * as proc from "";


Transformer that conditionally adds buffering to a Uint8Array stream.

Convert JSON-encoded lines into objects.

Convert objects into JSON-encoded lines.

Transform text in "chunk" form into lines.

Convert an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> into an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array[]> (an array of lines chunked together based on buffer size) split on lf and also suppressing trailing cr. lf and trailing cr is removed from the returned lines.

Converts specific types to Uint8Array chunks.

Convert an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> into an AsyncIterable<string[]> of lines.

Convert an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> into an AsyncIterable<string> of lines.

Convert Uint8Array to text. The text is not split into lines, so it will contain lf and cr in arbitrary places. Conversion is done as data is received, so this is good for passing stderr and/or stdout data that shows progress (only cr or other positioning codes).

Convert a TransformStream into AsyncIterable. Errors occurring upstream are correctly propagated through the transformation.