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process module for Deno
const { build, run, readAll } = Deno;
export interface Process { command: string; // Command to run this process ppid: number; // The parent process ID of the process pid: number; // Process ID stat: string; // Process status children?: Process[];}
export interface KillOptions { force?: boolean; ignoreCase?: boolean; tree?: boolean;}
/** * Get the single process information. * Requires `--allow-run` flag * @param pid */export async function get(pid: number): Promise<Process | void> { return (await getAll()).find((v) => === pid);}
/** * Get process list * Requires `--allow-run` flag */export async function getAll(): Promise<Process[]> { const commands = build.os == "windows" ? ["wmic.exe", "PROCESS", "GET", "Name,ProcessId,ParentProcessId,Status"] : ["ps", "-A", "-o", "comm,ppid,pid,stat"];
const ps = run({ cmd: commands, stdout: "piped", });
const output = new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(ps.stdout!));
const { success, code } = await ps.status();
if (!success || code !== 0) { throw new Error("Fail to get process."); }
const lines = output.split("\n").filter((v: string): string => v.trim()); lines.shift();
const processList: Process[] = (line: string): Process => { const columns = line.trim().split(/\s+/); return { command: columns[0], ppid: +columns[1], pid: +columns[2], stat: columns[3], }; }, );
return processList;}
/** * Get process tree * Requires `--allow-run` flag */export async function getTree(): Promise<Process[]> { const items = await getAll(); const nest = (items: Process[], pid: number = 0): Process[] => { return items .filter((item) => item.ppid === pid) .map((item) => { const children = nest(items,; if (!children.length) { return item; } else { return { ...item, children }; } }) as Process[]; };
return nest(items);}
function getKillCommand( pidOrName: number | string, options: KillOptions = {},): string[] { const killByName = typeof pidOrName === "string"; if (build.os === "windows") { const commands = ["taskkill"];
if (options.force) { commands.push("/f"); }
if (options.tree) { commands.push("/t"); }
commands.push(killByName ? "/im" : "/pid", pidOrName + "");
return commands; } else if (build.os === "linux") { const commands = [killByName ? "killall" : "kill"];
if (options.force) { commands.push("-9"); }
if (killByName && options.ignoreCase) { commands.push("-I"); }
commands.push(pidOrName + "");
return commands; } else { const commands = [killByName ? "pkill" : "kill"];
if (options.force) { commands.push("-9"); }
if (killByName && options.ignoreCase) { commands.push("-i"); }
commands.push(pidOrName + "");
return commands; }}
/** * kill process * Requires `--allow-run` flag * @param pidOrName pid or process name * @param options */export async function kill( pidOrName: number | string, options: KillOptions = {},): Promise<void> { const commands = getKillCommand(pidOrName, options);
const ps = run({ cmd: commands, stderr: "piped", });
const { success, code } = await ps.status();
if (!success || code !== 0) { const msg = new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(ps.stderr!)); throw new Error(msg || "exit with code: " + code); }}