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ProgressBar in terminal for deno
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import { bgGreen, bgWhite,} from "";
const isTTY = Deno.isatty(Deno.stdout.rid);const isWindow = === "windows";
const enum Direction { left, right, all,}
interface constructorOptions { title?: string; total?: number; width?: number; complete?: string; preciseBar?: string[]; incomplete?: string; clear?: boolean; interval?: number; display?: string;}
interface renderOptions { title?: string; total?: number; complete?: string; preciseBar?: string[]; incomplete?: string;}
export default class ProgressBar { title: string; total?: number; width: number; complete: string; preciseBar: string[]; incomplete: string; clear: boolean; interval: number; display: string;
private isCompleted = false; private lastStr = ""; private start =; private time?: string; private lastRender = 0; private encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * Title, total, complete, incomplete, can also be set or changed in the render method * * @param title Progress bar title, default: '' * @param total total number of ticks to complete, * @param width the displayed width of the progress, default: 50 * @param complete completion character, default: colors.bgGreen(' '), can use any string * @param incomplete incomplete character, default: colors.bgWhite(' '), can use any string * @param clear clear the bar on completion, default: false * @param interval minimum time between updates in milliseconds, default: 16 * @param display What is displayed and display order, default: ':title :percent :bar :time :completed/:total' */ constructor( { title = "", total, width = 50, complete = bgGreen(" "), preciseBar = [], incomplete = bgWhite(" "), clear = false, interval, display, }: constructorOptions = {}, ) { this.title = title; = total; this.width = width; this.complete = complete; this.preciseBar = preciseBar.concat(complete); this.incomplete = incomplete; this.clear = clear; this.interval = interval ?? 16; this.display = display ?? ":title :percent :bar :time :completed/:total"; }
/** * "render" the progress bar * * - `completed` - Completed value * - `options` - Optional parameters * - `title` - Progress bar title * - `total` - total number of ticks to complete * - `complete` - completion character, If you want to change at a certain moment. For example, it turns red at 20% * - `incomplete` - incomplete character, If you want to change at a certain moment. For example, it turns red at 20% */ render(completed: number, options: renderOptions = {}): void { if (!isTTY) return;
completed = +completed; if (!Number.isInteger(completed)) { throw new Error(`completed must be 'number'`); } if (completed < 0) { throw new Error(`completed must greater than or equal to 0`); }
const total = ??; if (total === undefined) throw new Error(`total required`); if (!Number.isInteger(total)) throw new Error(`total must be 'number'`);
if (this.isCompleted) console.warn("Called after the end");
const now =; const ms = now - this.lastRender; if (ms < this.interval! && completed < total) return;
this.lastRender = now; this.time = ((now - this.start) / 1000).toFixed(1) + "s";
const percent = ((completed / total) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%";
// :title :percent :bar :time :completed/:total let str = this.display .replace(":title", options.title ?? this.title) .replace(":time", this.time) .replace(":percent", percent) .replace(":completed", completed + "") .replace(":total", total + "");
// compute the available space (non-zero) for the bar let availableSpace = Math.max( 0, this.ttyColumns - str.replace(":bar", "").length, ); if (availableSpace && isWindow) availableSpace -= 1;
const width = Math.min(this.width, availableSpace); const finished = completed >= total;
const preciseBar = options.preciseBar ?? this.preciseBar; const precision = preciseBar.length > 1;
// :bar const completeLength = width * completed / total; const roundedCompleteLength = Math.floor(completeLength);
let precise = ""; if (precision) { const preciseLength = completeLength - roundedCompleteLength; precise = finished ? "" : preciseBar[Math.floor(preciseBar.length * preciseLength)]; }
const complete = new Array(roundedCompleteLength).fill( options.complete ?? this.complete, ).join(""); const incomplete = new Array( Math.max(width - roundedCompleteLength - (precision ? 1 : 0), 0), ).fill(options.incomplete ?? this.incomplete).join("");
str = str.replace(":bar", complete + precise + incomplete);
if (str !== this.lastStr) { this.write(str); this.lastStr = str; }
if (finished) this.end(); }
/** * end: end a progress bar. * No need to call in most cases, unless you want to end before 100% */ end(): void { this.isCompleted = true; if (this.clear) { this.stdoutWrite("\r"); this.clearLine(); } else { this.breakLine(); } this.showCursor(); }
/** * interrupt the progress bar and write a message above it * * @param message The message to write */ console(message: string | number): void { this.clearLine(); this.write(`${message}`); this.breakLine(); this.write(this.lastStr); }
private write(msg: string): void { msg = `\r${msg}\x1b[?25l`; this.stdoutWrite(msg); }
private get ttyColumns(): number { return 100; }
private breakLine() { this.stdoutWrite("\r\n"); }
private stdoutWrite(msg: string) { Deno.writeAllSync(Deno.stdout, this.encoder.encode(msg)); }
private clearLine(direction: Direction = Direction.all): void { switch (direction) { case Direction.all: this.stdoutWrite("\x1b[2K"); break; case Direction.left: this.stdoutWrite("\x1b[1K"); break; case Direction.right: this.stdoutWrite("\x1b[0K"); break; } }
private showCursor(): void { this.stdoutWrite("\x1b[?25h"); }}